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Rounding Extra practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Rounding Extra practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rounding Extra practice

2 Why do we round? What is the point?
When would we use rounding to help us in the real world?

3 Round 32 to the nearest ten
  Or 32

4 Round 78 to the nearest ten
  Or 78

5 Round 55 to the nearest ten
  Or 55

6 Round 129 to the nearest ten
  Or 129

7 Round 289 to the nearest ten
  Or 289

8 Rounding How do we know when are supposed to round to a different place value?

9 Round 445 to the nearest hundred
  Or 445

10 Round 398 to the nearest hundred
  Or 398

11 Round 555 to the nearest hundred
  Or 555

12 Round 629 to the nearest hundred
  Or 629

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