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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism

2 What is Imperialism? The domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region.

3 Key Terms Imperialism Mercantilism Colonies Protectorate
Spheres of influence Social Darwinism

4 What is imperialism? The takeover of a country, territory, or area by a stronger nation in order to dominate and control the government, resources, economy, and culture of the weaker nation.

5 Mercantilism Defined as the economic system practiced mainly during the 17th and 18th centuries by European nations. Based on the beliefs that there is a limited amount of wealth in the world, a nation should export more than it imports, and a nation’s economic power can be strengthened by taking over territory beyond its borders. This economic system was designed solely to benefit the “Mother country”. A conquered nation was made subservient to the economic goals of the colonizing country. For example, in North America Great Britain controlled the economy of the 13 colonies.

6 How mercantilism worked between Great Britain and the 13 colonies
Raw materials Finished products Colonies Mother country

7 Social Darwinism The philosophy was developed by Herbert Spencer in the 1860s. The theory of evolution and survival of the fittest were applied to society and politics. It claimed that the wealthy are strong and therefore have the right to rule the poor who are weak.

8 Imperialism is not new Europe rushed to claim new land and resources in America

9 What increased expansion after the Industrial Revolution?
Strong central governments Strong economies Strong militaries

10 European Imperialism in the 1800s
What was Europe's motives for Imperialism? Economic Industrial Revolution caused a need for access to natural resources. Needed more consumers for goods Needed more space for growing population

11 European Imperialism in the 1800s
What was Europe's motives for Imperialism? Political and military missions Steam powered merchant and Naval ships needed harbors Islands were seized Countries wanted the prestige or power to impress or influence because of success or wealth

12 European Imperialism in the 1800s
What was Europe's motives for Imperialism? Humanitarian and religious Felt a duty to spread western civilization, medicine, law and Christianity Social Darwinism-the superiority of the European race (white) to improve the human race

13 What is a weaker region called when taken over by a stronger power?

14 Forms of Imperial Rule France Britain
Direct Rule-sending officials and soldiers to administer their colonies Britain Indirect Rule-used sultans, chiefs, or other local rulers to govern. Rulers children are given a British education to help spread British civilization Called a protectorate-local rulers were expected to follow the advice of European advisors. More cost effective.

15 CHINA Forms of Imperial Rule
Sphere of Influence-an outside power claimed exclusive investment or trading privileges with a country. CHINA

16 Imperialism and Balance of Power

17 Impact of Imperialism

18 AFRICA in the Early 1800’s North Africa West Africa East Africa
Ruled by the Ottoman Empire (Muslims) West Africa Muslim Crusades set up Islamic rulers East Africa Still engaged in slave trade

19 AFRICA in the Early 1800’s cont.
South Africa Boers vs. Zulus Boers-Dutch Immigrants lived at Cape of Good Hope colony. British took over colony and Boers migrated north Ran into the Zulus, a strong African tribe led by Shaka Zulu Boers win (Created a republic called the Orange Free State and then annexed by Britain to become part of S. Africa)

20 AFRICA in the Early 1800’s cont.
End of slavery in Europe and America Freed slaves resettled in Africa Sierra Leone-British colony Liberia-US slaves created a republic in 1847

21 Scramble for Africa Africa was protected from outside influence by its geography and disease. Medical advances and steamships made it possible for Europeans to explore the interior . Missionaries went to win people to Christianity. Acted paternalistic (fatherly) to Africans Dr. David Livingstone-famous explorer Henry Stanley found him Expedition Africa — Stanley and Livingstone — Videos

22 Scramble for Africa King Leopold of Belgium hired Stanley to negotiate trade agreements with African leaders Other European countries rush to get a piece of Africa Berlin Conference held to avoid bloodshed and Africa is split up


24 Scramble for Africa Ethiopia managed to resist European colonization by industrializing under Menelik II Modernized Built roads and bridges Built schools Prepared an army

25 India Britain imperialized India to exploit their resources by the British East India Trading Company Set up indirect rule or a protectorate Good results-set up schools, built roads and gave more rights to women and dissolved the caste system Bad results- infringed on freedom, the Hindu religion and force them to be British soldiers, called Sepoys

26 India Sepoy Rebellion Made to do things against their Hindu belief
Required to serve overseas Use gun cartridges made with animal fat Widows allowed to remarry Britain slaughtered them

27 China Britain traded opium grown in India to China for tea.
Chinese became addicted and government outlawed it.

28 China Opium War- between Britain and China and China defeated
France, Russia and the US pressured China to open ports

29 China Weakened by war with Japan
China opened up equal trade to everyone on an equal basis called the Open Door Policy. Counties carved out a Sphere of Influence

30 Japan Tokugawa Shoganate didn’t want to play.
US Commodore Matthew Perry said open up your ports. Japan modernizes-Called Mejii Restoration Japan needs more resources for industrialization War with Russia over Manchuria resulted in getting Korea as a protectorate. (Japanese- Russo War)

31 SE Asia

32 SE Asia-American Style
Philippines Spain had control Spanish-American War-fighting over Cuba. US destroyed Spanish ships in the Philippines. US gained control Hawaii American planters wanted power and Queen Liliuokalani refused. US helped planters and annexed Hawaii before someone else did.

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