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Domestic-Foreign politics interactions

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic-Foreign politics interactions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic-Foreign politics interactions
Alison Essence of Decision Rosenau-1966 Linkage Politics Putnam-1988 Two-Level Games Fearon-1995 Domestic Audience Costs Mesquita- 1995/2003 Logic of Survival

2 Domestic factors Type of a political regime a country has
Substate Actors and their preferences Internal balances Information flows Preferences of individual social and political groups

3 Two level games International negotiation has domestic components
Ratification procedures Democracies small win set, non democracies large win set Chief negotiator’s tendency to misrepresent win-set at home

4 Interest group liberalism-Andrew Moravcsik
Preferences of different social groups are also different Every social group has a different relative power Groups with more power will have their preferences reflected as foreign policy

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