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Strategic Plan to Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan to Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan to Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation Société des musées de sciences et technologies du Canada

2 CSTMC Mandate To foster scientific and technological literacy throughout Canada by establishing, maintaining and developing a collection of scientific and technological objects, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, and by demonstrating the products and processes of science and technology and their economic, social and cultural relationships to society Vision To inspire all Canadians to engage with their scientific and technological past, present and future Mission As keepers of Canada’s scientific and technological collection, we help all generations to experience the past, explore the present and imagine the future by engaging them in the rich cultural connections between and amongst science, technology and society.

3 Corporate Values Excellence Leadership Pride CSTMC Teamwork Creativity

4 Value Propositions – What Makes Us Unique
Stewardship: We preserve and sustain Canada’s national collection of artifacts, literature and images in the areas of agriculture, aviation, communications, industrial design, physical sciences, medicine and transportation. Catalysts: We are catalysts for greater understanding and appreciation of science and technology in society. Inspiration: We inspire future generations to choose careers in science and technology. Engagement: We share the stories of achievements in science and technology. National: We provide a national forum to foster a culture that values and promotes scientific research. Connections: We explore the connections between science and technology and society. Exploration: We explore with all Canadians the past, present and future of science and technology. Showcase: We provide a platform to showcase Canadian achievements in science and technology

5 Strategic Plan - Direction
Big Picture Think bigger than what we are / need to stretch Link more to Government policies relating to science, technology, innovation and productivity Be Innovative Rethink the traditional role of “Museum” The country needs innovation – pursue innovation to inspire the future, rather than just show the past Link more to a variety of communities Sense of Urgency Giant leaps forward, not baby steps

6 Environmental Scan Environmental scan was conducted looking at :
Government Policies Economic Trends Cross Canada Consultation Analysis Visitor Trends – on-site & on-line Work Force Trends Capital Infrastucture Public Needs and Expectations Digital Trends

7 5 Key Result Areas (KRAs)
Share Knowledge through our Programs, Partnerships and Compelling Visitor Experiences Increase National Presence, Participation and Linkages Advance our Internationally Renowned Collections Ensure Corporate Sustainability Be a Top Employer

8 Swot Analysis Strengths Value for money Visitor satisfaction rating
Great membership/loyalty Noted authority on the subject Expertise Collection Niche (collection/expertise/museum/science center) Resourcefulness Dedicated workforce Great stories to tell Volunteers Weaknesses Facilities Location To much to do re: resources Image/perception problems / reputation to modify (regional museums vs. national museums) Perception that we are kids’ museums Being under Heritage Lack of engagement of the generation Age/diversity of volunteers Not enough appeal to minorities No strong focus Aging Workforce Number of sponsorship Limited types of audiences Opportunities Board members as ambassadors Right place at the right time It’s the right moment for change Change in demographics Appetite for innovation Social media New friends and allies Partnerships Millennial generation Consultation follow-up Aging population Threats Those who should be partners behaving like competitors Competition for resources Offerings of competitors – variety in the market place External people do not get our new vision OR are afraid of what we will become Not connecting with the younger generation Aging and burn out (workforce) Government deficit Risk to our collection due to substandard storage facilities

9 Risk Assessment - Risk Driver Quadrants
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Above average likelihood, but lower impact Both impact and likelihood above average - higher risk Appropriation MH (Government funding) Workload / salary / recognition tied with corporate objectives Work environment: Sponsorships, partnerships etc. facilities / tools / CLIENT PRODUCT access to info KNOWLEDGE DVLPMNT AND MGMNT Skill / corporate memory /recruitment / employee att Off - Site Web Product Accessibility Product CLIENT Accessibility DEVELOPMENT Overall corporate likelihood 2.60 Likelihood Likelihood On - Site 6 key corporate objectives were assessed against 16 drivers of corporate success Top drivers include: resources, external environment, management, products, clients No corporate objective carries excessively high or low risk The risk of the six corporate strategic objectives ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 Resources and Clients generate the most risk to the corporate mandate Funding which is a component of resources carries the greatest source of risk Funding comprises appropriation and sponsorship Overall risk associated with the corporate strategic mandate is 3.08 which represents medium-high risk. SOCIO - Product ECONOMIC M Accessibility preventing achievement of corporate objectives CLIMATE è EXTERNAL Overall corporate Impact 3.56 GOVERNANCE PRODUCTS 3.56 MANAGEMENT PROCESSES CORPORATE STRATEGY of drivers lacking impact Both impact and likelihood below average lower risk Overall corporate Above average impact, but lower likelihood MH H Impact of risk drivers on corporate objectives 8

10 Litmus Test All of the strategies proposed were assessed against the following guiding words: Litmus test

11 KRA 1.0 Share Knowledge Objective
Engage Canadians in the past, present and future of science, technology and society through rich and compelling experiences. Strategies Increase access to museum content through a variety of channels with focus on the Website Develop and implement major national programs that foster scientific and technological literacy across Canada Ensure relevant, engaging, distinctive, innovative and entertaining visitor experiences at the CSTMC museums. Complete the 2nd year of a three year website renewal project Review and recalibrate Corporate publishing Implement the Corporate Social Media strategy Launch of Energy exhibition and Year-1 of Energy Pan-Canadian Examine opportunities for youth and science national tv show Develop and Implement project for new visitor experience programs and products using new technological delivery platforms. (apps, wireless, ipod etc.) 1.3.2 Increase promotion of museum offerings

12 KRA 2.0 National Presence Objective #1
Enhance our profile and our impact in all provinces and territories with a variety of stakeholders involved in science, technology and culture. Strategies Strengthen National Network Expand National Outreach Increase National Awareness Take the lead for the programming of the National Science & Technology Week Manage and monitor the HUB 2.1.3 Monitor and conduct a cost benefit analysis of MOUs Develop Associate Program 2.1.5 Plan to host national and international forums, conferences and other related activities Manage the distance learning and videoconferencing programs. 2.2.2 Develop a National Education Strategy 2.3.1 Develop and implement a National Awareness Campaign using the Energy theme that includes components such as travelling exhibition; airport installations, kiosks at partner venues, distance learning program, web site & virtual exhibition, Pan-Canadian promotional activities and NCR programming and marketing.

13 2.0 National Presence Strategic Objective #2
Create nationally recognized destinations for all Canadians Strategies: Make progress on New CSTM Building Showcase new technologies with a focus on Energy CSTM focus = renew exhibitions CASM focus = enhance the concept of “Space” CAgM focus = create new public programming space to meet demand Complete visitor experience framework for a proposed new CSTM building Support National Awareness Campaign for the new CSTM. 2.5.1 ActivateEnergy programming Implement an incoming travelling exhibition program for CSTM 2.6.1 Develop new tools and Implement innovative process to engage industry and stakeholders to provide new technology content. 2.6.2 Showcase new technology, pertaining to the subject matter or in the creation of interactives in new exhibitions and demonstrations Update existing exhibitions showcasing new technology 2.7.1 Activate Energy programming 2.7.2 Continue the integration of the subject of Space at CASM. 2.7.3 Promote the new wing at CASM and roll out new programming and revenue generating activities 2.8.1 Activate Energy Programming 2.8.2 Begin renovation of building Finalize the functional program and exhibition program of new space. Deliver events to celebrate the 125th anniversary of CEF (2011).

14 3.0 Internationally Renowned Collection
Strategic Objective: Enrich the collection and increase its national and international reputation Strategies: Advance the Collection Development Strategy and preservation of the collection. Maintain corporate standards for the documentation of the 3-D and 2-D collections. Make the CSTMC 3-D and 2-D collections more accessible to Canadians. Create a new reserve collection facility Accelerate the HAs, CAs, etc. Replace library database system Study and select bar coding system for 3D collection Increase and enhance physical and virtual access to the collection (COL). Digitize trade literature and archival collection. Relocate small artifact collection from the spine at CASM to building 194 to make room for the new Space exhibition pavilion. Continue with the Collection Rationalization Project. Upgrade current storage and palletization of 3-D and 2-D collections in preparation of reserve collection move. Develop a reserve collection construction plan.

15 4.0 Corporate Sustainability
Strategic Objective: Demonstrate responsible management and governance of finances and resources. Strategies: Enhance and strengthen business partnerships Optimise processes to support efficiencies and increase revenue Complete capital projects currently planned or underway Monitor, evaluate and assess ROI for the allocation of human and fiscal resources 4.1.1 Analyze industry and market trends 4.1.2 Leverage partnership and MOUs to improve bottom line 4.1.3 Develop sponsorship framework Annual Review all revenue generating programs to ensure either increased revenue and/or increased attendance; refresh e-boutique and e-commerce site. Create a framework for customer information management system. 4.2.3 Review facilities operations in the eye of greening opportunities which could result in cost savings. 4.2.4 Review and update all CSTMC policies, directives and guidelines over a five year period Refer to capital plan for allocation for details Create framework to review targets and deliverable in planning and monitoring Support the functions of the CSMTC Foundation.

16 5.0 Top Employer Strategic Objective:
Attract, develop, support and retain a highly skilled, dynamic and diverse workforce. Strategies Provide the necessary tools and accommodations for a stimulating, collaborative and sustainable work environment Provide a variety of opportunities for career and professional development Promote leadership at every level and empower employees to share their knowledge, skills, expertise, internally and externally Qualify and apply to be named top employer by a recognized external organization Provide wireless in key locations at CSTM (2nd year of a three year project). Implement the Enterprise Content Management System (an important project for the Corporation). 5.1.3 Migrate our intranet(Echo) to Open Text Implement succession planning and training, and a framework as part of the HRSP. Nurture employees who show leadership potential and who are looking for career development opportunities. Address issues identified in the assessment of the corporation’s readiness to qualify for a Top Employer award (taking into account – in part – the employee survey). Acknowledge and recognize employee achievements/awards. Seek out opportunities for awards and recognition

17 Measuring Success KRA 1.0 Share Knowledge
# of onsite visitors, offsite visitors Statistics on reach through social media # of new interactives & new technologies on display KRA 2.0 National Presence # and location by province of offsite programs, workshops and demonstrations, artifacts on loan # of partnerships Identification of a site for the new CSTM KRA 3.0 Renowned Collections # of artifacts reviewed under the Rationalization Project Progress towards construction of a new collection storage facility % of collection appropriately housed KRA 4.0 Corporate Sustainability Revenue generated from earned income % of savings resulting from ”greening” efforts KRA 5.0 Top Employer Employee satisfaction % of “critical” positions that have an approved succession plan Succession Plans in place for all critical/at-risk positions Other performance indicators KRA 1 Share knowledge - Visitor satisfaction, # of website visits/no. of page views # of online educational offerings downloaded KRA 2 National Presence # of researchers using the collection # of media mentions/ # of locations by province # of staff members holding elected positions in affiliate organizations # of published works, # of presentations/# of locations by province and/or country Identification of champions to support a new facility for the CSTM KRA – 3 Renowned Collections % of Historical Assessments completed % of Collection Assessments completed % of three-dimensional collection documented % of artifacts with conservation reports % of collection appropriately housed KRA 4.0 Corporate Sustainability Revenue generated from earned income Revenue generated from contributed income % of policies, directives, guidelines updated % of savings resulting from ”greening” efforts KRA 5.0 Top Employer Employee satisfaction Statistics on staff learning and development # of employees with a learning and development plan % of the learning and development activities carried out according to plans

18 Critical Steps Board review of Strategic Direction – Sept. 2010
Finalize Performance Measures – Oct. 2010 Board approval of draft Corporate Plan – Nov. 2010 Canadian Heritage and TBS – PAO input – Dec. 2010 Presentation to Minister – March Distribution to Treasury Board Implementation - Fiscal year Operational Plans

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