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It takes a global village to raise a solar revolution

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1 It takes a global village to raise a solar revolution
Page 10 of investor book. December 2016 1

2 Gigawatt Global GWG has the same founding partners as Arava power, which built the first utility-scale solar field in Israel, at Kibbutz Ketura (2011). GWG built the first ever utility scale solar field in East Africa with our 8.5MW Rwanda Field in 2014. GWG is a founding partner of the United States "Power Africa" initiative. 4. GWG is currently is developing projects throughout Africa, including the largest solar field in West Africa.

3 COP21 - Paris Climate Summit
“By 2035, the demand for energy investment will reach nearly $50 trillion – and much of that will be in clean energy.”- John Kerry

4 Population Without Access to Electricity
What is the Opportunity Africa: A Case Study for Solar Global Population Population Without Access to Electricity Africa is home to 53% of the world’s population without access to electricity

5 Mini-Grids

6 Main Points Off-Grid/Mini-Grids for economic development
“ABC” model: Anchors, Businesses, Consumers Anchors=Large consumers (telecom towers, wheat mills, farmers cooperatives). Businesses=food markets, tailors, barber shops. Consumers=HH’s, social institutions with small demand (schools, churches, etc.).

7 Challenges Very poor people Payment Collections
Operation & Maintenance in rural areas Competing with diesel and/or small solar systems Attracting investment

8 Solutions Incentivize purchasing electricity, i.e. sell electricity in a targeted way which increases development. Pre-paid scratch cards such as are used throughout East Africa Hire or build an experienced 0&M team Make the LCOE as low as possible. This is mainly done sizing generation to meet demand as precisely as possible. If you can prove business case, funds do exist (grants, impact investors, private finance).

9 Funding Sources USAID:DIV. Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) is an open competition supporting breakthrough solutions to the world's most intractable development challenges—interventions that could change millions of lives at a fraction of the usual cost. EEP (Austria and Finland): The overall objective of the EEP S&EA is to contribute to the reduction poverty by promoting inclusive and job- creating green economy and by improving energy security in the Southern and East Africa regions while mitigating global climate change.

10 Continued ElectriFi: (EU Commission) is, “designed to provide interim financing solutions to help projects overcome obstacles or otherwise reach a sufficiently mature stage where the private sector can take over.” The maximum amount of any financing solution provided by ElectriFI is EUR 5.0 million (over 7 years) ) funding will not exceed 50% of total amount of equity. Private: Trine, Crowd investing. Tax Exempt bond up to 5 mil, 50/50.

11 Continued GWG received funding from EEP for two pilot projects meant to be commercially sustainable and scale up. Solar Street Lighting and Mini-Grid. After pilots phase we need to start funding scaling-up. Public, Private, Mixture of the two?

12 Burundi Mini-Grid

13 Marketplace

14 Where we are now

15 Currently Completed feasibility study for both projects.
Legal process/financial model/contracts. Construction scheduled 6 months for SL project and 8 months for mini-grid. Building local team. Selection of EPC, payment systems providers, and other contractors about to begin. Thank you!

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