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Cases --Poisoned Patients

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1 Cases --Poisoned Patients
Donna Seger MD Medical Director TN Poison Center Asst. Prof of Medicine and Emerg Medicine VUMC

2 2 year old female Wine Sleepy, arousable Normal vital signs

3 ETOH in children Þ hypoglycemia

4 Treatment? Serum glucose 60 ng/dL Ipecac? Gastric lavage?
Single dose activated charcoal?

5 GI Decontamination Ipecac-No
Gastric Lavage- consider in an obtunded patient within one hour of ingestion Single-dose Activated Charcoal-consider if drug adsorbed to AC and within one hour of ingestion Whole Bowel Irrigation-within 5 hours-packets, SR prep, ions

6 70 year old manic-depressive female overdoses on her own Lithium sometime in the past 24 hours. She is asymptomatic Serum Lithium concentration is 4.5 meq/L

7 Serum level one hour later is 4.6 meq/L
Patient is becoming agitated Ativan is administered

8 Two hours later the patient has a respiratory arrest

9 Toxicity GI - n/v/d Neuro - ataxia, tremor, stupor
Cardiac - terminal manifestations

10 Well absorbed in GI 5 days to reach steady state 1/2 life = hours Elimination via kidney Abs with Na+ in PT

11 Lithium â Norepi in CNS Substitutes for Na+ in extracellular fluid. Not removed by Na+-K+ pump which prevents re-entry of K+ that diffused from cell during depolarization Toxicity-â Li clearance

12 Lorazepam (Ativan) BZDP
Less lipophilic than diazepam, but penetrates BBB more quickly Does not redistribute into fat stores as rapidly, so longer duration of action 1/2 life = 12 hours Respiratory depression

13 Button Batteries

14 40 year old female Antidepressant ingestion Unconscious BP 40

15 TCA Toxicity CNS CV Quinidine-sodium channel blocker Anticholinergic


17 12 year old male ingested unknown amount of Voltaren
O/A, unresponsive, BP 60/0


19 Management Principles

20 History Unreliable What When How much Accidental or self-inflicted
First time or recurrent PMH

21 Physical Exam Temp! Neuro-external signs of trauma Mental status
“Apparently unconscious”

22 Emergency Treatment A-airway B-breathing C-circulation
Consider glucagon and/or insulin/glucose for hemodynamic instability in the young previously healthy poisoned patient Supportive Care – highest priority Coma  D50, Narcan, monitor

23 Laboratory Analysis Time is of the essence in comatose patient or hemodynamically unstable patient ABG will help you determine urgency

24 AGA M ethanol U remia D KA P araldehyde I NH or idiopathic lactic acidosis E thylene Glycol S alicylates

25 Toxicology Screen Comma Fluctuating LOC Medical complications
New Onset psychosis

26 Axioms “Negative serum” Serum level – implications Lethal level
Treat patient, not lab values

27 Quantitation APAP CO Digoxin EtOH Ethylene Glycol Heavy Metals Iron
Lidocaine Lithium Methanol Methemoglobin Phenobarbital Phenytoin Salicylates Theophylline

28 Antidotes Beta Blocker – Glucagon Benzodiazepine-?Flumazenil
CO-O2-NBO v. HBO CN-CN Kit Digoxin – Digibind Ethylene glycol – EtOH; 4MP Methanol – EtOH; 4MP

29 Antidotes (cont) OP – Atropine; PAM Opiates – Naloxone
Anticholinergic – Physostigmine TCA – NaHCO3 Methgb – Methylene Blue Acetaminophen - NAC

30 Flumazenil Contraindications TCA Hx head trauma Hx seizures
Chronic BZDP use

31 Elimination of Absorbed Substances

32 Elimination of Absorbed Substance
Forced diuresis of no benefit Ion trapping via alkaline diuresis for specific toxins

33 Alkaline Diuresis Phenobarbital Aspirin

34 Indications for Hemodialysis/Hemoperfusion
Deterioration despite supportive care Depression of midbrain function Complications of coma Hepatic, cardiac, or renal insufficiency

35 Drug Characteristics Enterohepatic circulation Small VD
Little protein binding

36 Psychiatric Evaluation
Suicide Risk Factors Older solitary male Suicide plan Previous attempts Recent lost Chronic serious illness History of drug or alcohol abuse Psychosis Sense of helplessness, hopelessness

37 Legal Aspects No court has upheld a patient’s right to refuse medical treatment subsequent to be a drug overdose. A patient who has attempted suicide has lost the right to refuse treatment

38 23 y-o found unconscious by friends
Suicide note – “took pills To ED

39 Unconscious Unresponsive BP 102/80 HR 120 Treatment?

40 Airway B C

41 ETI Unconscious patients do not have protective airway reflexes

42 Airway Breathing C

43 Ventilate

44 Airway Breathing Circulation

45 Blood Pressure Pulse Hemodynamic instability ?????

46 Hemodynamic Instability in the poisoned patient
Fluid (2 liters) Glucagon Insulin/glucose

47 Antidote

48 Naloxone Glucose

49 Physical Exam

50 Temperature Trauma Illness Drug abuse

51 Laboratory Analysis

52 ABG Electrolytes Glucose CBC UDS

53 Gastrointestinal Decontamination ??????????????????????????????

54 Imaging Studies

55 Head CT CXR (C-spine)

56 Treatment?

57 Supportive Care

58 UDS Benzoylecgonine Marijuana Benzodiazepines

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