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Making Your Workforce Smarter and Faster With Social Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Making Your Workforce Smarter and Faster With Social Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Your Workforce Smarter and Faster With Social Learning
Chris Nekvinda, PhD Director of Global Learning, Cannon Financial Institute

2 Learning With Friends Chris Nekvinda, PhD
Director of Global Learning, Cannon Financial Institute

3 Agenda Source- Simon Sinek, Start With Why

4 Why Drivers of Change New Paradigm- Connectivism
One to Many; Many to One

5 Drivers of Change Shift to Free Focus on Skill Development
& Open Content Focus on Skill Development Technology Advancements Need for Innovation Productivity Measurement Changing Workforce Demographics

6 Social Learning IS NOT Social Media

7 Why Social? “People learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling.” “Social learning is the bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation.” “Connectivism is a learning theory for the digital age. The theories of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism provide an effect view of learning in many environments. They fall short, however, when learning moves into informal, networked, technology-enabled arena.” Source- Bandura , Social Learning Theory; Siemens,- Connectivism: Learning as Network Creation Downes- An Introduction to Connective Knowledge

8 Connectivism Learning has an end goal - namely the increased ability to "do something well" Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources Knowledge, expertise, wisdom may reside in non- human appliances Knowing where to find information is more important than knowing information Nurturing and maintaining is critical Connectivism requires a diversity of opinions Different approaches and personal skills are needed to learn and perform effectively Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning Highlight that people (advisors in Financial Services) need to provide more than data, knowledge and information...but wisdom. It’s more important to know where information is than to have it rote. How often do rules, regs, processes change?? Knowledge and expertise exist outside of human appliance. Source- Adapted from : Siemens,- Connectivism: Learning as Network Creation Downes- An introduction to Connective Knowledge

9 How Do We Harness This Power?

10 4 Requirements for Social Learning
Observation Retention Reproduction Motivation Frame coaching and adoption around these four requirements for a social interaction: Observation Retention Reproduction Motivation Source- Bandura , Social Learning Theory

11 Delivering On Each Requirement
Observation What Great Looks Like What Not-So-Great Looks Like Retention On-demand, embedded access (Intrinsic IS BACK) Intuitive search Be intentional with tagging and key words Replication Video modeling with expert and peer feedback Motivation Leader-board- Combine results and behavior Know your audience Encourage senior leaders/sponsors to use informal video

12 Benefits More flexible and cost effective than traditional modalities
Better control of the message Greater engagement and participation Improved collaboration Sharing of institutional best practices

13 The “Social” Bridge

14 Five Ways Social Is Being Used
Conversational Skills Client Interaction Skills Process and Task Execution Coaching On-Demand Performance Support

15 What - Best Practices For Deployment
Live Platform Demo after this slide

16 Integrating in Your Environment
Formal Informal

17 Design Best Practices Formalize the informal Stand-alone Blended
Pre\post activities Senior leader group participation Create shared experiences through cohorts Context matter Communities and groups Define cohort groupings based on performance or learner characteristics Use video for skill development and coaching Measure- production and engagement Drive and encourage participation Respond in the community instead of Use featured content to control the message of change

18 Formalize The Informal

19 Integrating in Your Environment
Formal Informal

20 Social As Performance Support
One size does not fit all Performance-Centered Design not Instructional Systems Design Embed within existing tools Help your colleagues where they are- not where you are Sales Enablement Position the support initiative on job skills, not just process

21 Embedded Performance Support
Live Demo of Salesforce integration and Sales Enablement

22 Peer Learning and Support
Source: IBM

23 The herd will correct incorrect information

24 Best Practice …Use Community Learning instead of Social Learning…

25 Measure engagement and activity in the platform frequently

26 Participation Metrics

1st Quartile Best Practice Super Star Producing Star 2nd Quartile Business Results Under Review Movable Middle 3rd Quartile 4th Quartile 0% 50% 100% Community Engagement

28 Lessons for Monday Morning
If “Social” is a bad word, use “Community Learning” Start with the end in mind and the business results you need to achieve, then the job skills required to deliver those results Design social experiences that facilitate authentic, just-in-time support and promote collaboration; no moderation Be fearless in your measurement and accountability

29 Questions?

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