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Why did many Germans hate the Treaty of Versailles?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did many Germans hate the Treaty of Versailles?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did many Germans hate the Treaty of Versailles?
How to revise a topic Why did many Germans hate the Treaty of Versailles?

2 Why did many Germans hate the Treaty of Versailles?
Land Armaments Blame Money LAMB

3 Why did many Germans hate the Treaty of Versailles?
Army reduced to 100,000 men. No tanks and heavy weapons. No subs. No planes. No troops in Rhineland. Many Germans forced to becomes refugees. Loss of farming land and coal. Alsace-Lorraine given to France. Polish Corridor given to Poland. Saar coalfields given to France. Germany left defenceless. Increase in unemployment. Ex-soldiers angry. Armaments Land Blame Money Germany had to pay £6.6 Billion Reparations to France. Article 231 War Guilt Clause blamed Germany for starting WW1. LAMB Many Germans believed Russia and Serbia had triggered WW1. Increase in poverty.

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