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Hypothesize how imperialism could create conflict between countries.

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1 Hypothesize how imperialism could create conflict between countries.
Starter Question 10/? Hypothesize how imperialism could create conflict between countries.

2 Causes of WWI

3 Taft Pursues Dollar Diplomacy
When William Taft assumed the role of president, he focused his foreign policy on trade. Thus, he believed the way to interact and control another country was through the use of money, known as ‘dollar diplomacy’. Taft believed that dollars could be substituted for bullets. Taft aimed to increase American investment in businesses and banks in Central America/the Caribbean.

4 Wilson Pursues Moral Diplomacy
President Wilson’s foreign policy was even more different from Roosevelt’s than Taft’s. Instead of territorial conquest, Wilson believed in promoting human rights and integrity in these countries, known as ‘moral diplomacy’. However, Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson believed in involving the U.S.’ strong military when necessary. One of these instances was in Mexico in 1914 to help pro-American Venustiano Carranza maintain power. When Mexican rebels, led by Pancho Villa, crossed the border into New Mexico and killed 18, Wilson sent troops after him, led by John J. Pershing. Villa managed to evade Pershing for months, and eventually Wilson was forced to withdraw troops, with the onset of WWI.

5 Nationalism Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Causes of WWI- MAIN
Combined together, these four causes led to the outbreak of WWI.

6 Causes of WWI- Militarism
Militarism, or glorification of the military, was fueled by the spread of imperialism across the globe. Germany had soon amassed one of the largest collections of weapons in the world. This fear led to an arms race– a build-up of military technology within a country. It was only a matter of time before tensions boiled over. When they did, the ‘sides’ had already been drawn thanks to the alliance system. Under this, a country knew that if they were consumed by war, its fellow allies would jump in to back them up.

7 Causes of WWI- Alliance System
Europe had been divided into two powerful alliances: the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. The Triple Alliance originally consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. (Italy later left) The Triple Entente consisted of France, Russia and Great Britain.

8 Causes of WWI- Imperialism & Nationalism
Imperialism, the control of smaller countries by larger ones, intensified. After France had lost territory in the region of Alsace- Lorraine to the Germans, they saw this as a mark against their strength or ‘fit’-ness (social Darwinism). This also hurt France’s nationalistic pride. Nationalism is having pride in one’s country. While these three contributed to the outbreak of WWI, they were both relatively long-term causes (ones that had been building over the years). Something had to happen to start the fighting.

9 Fighting Begins The ‘spark’ that kicked off WWI was the assassination of archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary and his wife. The archduke and his wife were shot by a Serbian, Gavrilo Princip, who believed that Bosnia should still belong to Serbia and not Austria-Hungary.

10 The Fighting Begins When archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Germany pledged to support its ally, Austria- Hungary, and Russia pledged to support Serbia. When Germany invaded neutral Belgium and looked to attack France, Great Britain pledged to protect its ally. Which ‘cause’ of WWI does this demonstrate? The alliance system!

11 The Fighting Begins Although fighting during WWI took place in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Italy, the Western Front became the main stage for conflict. It was located along the border between France and Belgium. New military technologies were showcased during WWI for the first time, including: Machine guns; Tanks; Poison gas; Airplanes Submarines;

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