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College & Career Readiness

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1 College & Career Readiness
September 24, 2015 Beth Bender, Ph.D., Associate Superintendent of College and Career Readiness

2 Agenda Context: Creating the College & Career Readiness Big Picture
Immediate Goals Role of High School Counselors and College Admission Advisors College Work CTE Utilizing & Developing Partnerships Long Term Goal

3 Transformation Plan 2.0 GOAL 3.3 By 2020, 90% of our students will be prepared for the college and/or career of their choice upon graduation from high school.

4 Immediate CCR Goals Goal Date Status Fully staffed /1/15 On point Fully staffed CCR/CTE in schools 10/1/15 In process ALL College Centers up, resourced & staffed 10/15/15 On point Meetings w/every HS related to CTE 10/30/15 In process Hurdles Meeting w St. Louis Community College 11/1/15 On point CCR Advisory Committee Mtg held & calendar set 11/1/15 In process CCR Long Term Organization Chart set 2/28/16 Dual Enrollment Development Plan 2/28/16 Advanced Placement Plan 2/28/16 ACT Development Plan 2/28/16 College Summit Status Recommendation 2/28/16

5 High School Counselors
Center piece of all the CCR work Targeted Professional Development based on Counselor needs assessment, Transformation Plan needs and equalizing services. Transferring our online College & Career tracker and support to Missouri Connections from Career Cruising based on Counselor preference, lack of use of Career Cruising and cost. Missouri Connections is free. Beginning to implement Post-Secondary Leadership Teams in all high schools. Counselors working with College Advisors in all buildings.

6 College EVERY HIGH SCHOOL will have a staffed College Center with resources by October This is an increase from 5 schools to 13 schools. We are pulling together all of the programs such as AP, Dual Enrollment, ACT prep, etc to look at which schools are being served and how. We will be designing plans in the next several months for increasing services across ALL schools. We are enhancing our tracking of data related to post-secondary success through Key Performance Indicators. Compass Testing is in the last year and the replacement instrument has not been designated but we are monitoring that and will plan supports. Increased study and communication related to which colleges/institutions serve our students best.

7 College Coordinated events such as Decision Days, FAFSA PIN Days at ALL High Schools. Opening Financial Aid Nights up to all SLPS students. Increased College Visits for students courtesy of the ENTERPRISE Grant. Increasing College awareness with Collegiate Fridays throughout the district. Counselors working with Athletic Directors related to NCAA Clearinghouse and college athletic participation. Planning to support “Summer Melt” issues and emergency funds via Greater St. Louis Community Foundation

8 Career & Technical Ed Hired two school level liaisons
Holding meetings with every school related to CTE offerings, sequencing, points and post-secondary options(Meeting includes Admin, CTE, Counselors and Data Processor) Hands on testing (NOCTI) is increasing Continuing and BUILDING stronger partnerships such as Ranken: 1 Fulltime senior year student this year; just held recruitment event for second semester part time seniors and looking to expand these opportunities for next year

9 Partnerships Confluence Ranken Technical College
St. Louis Community College St. Louis Public Schools Foundation Enterprise Holdings Inc. (NW & McK College Adm. Specialists; College Visits; Counselor PD and Memberships/Conferences; ACT CVPA/Cleveland; Academic Rigor and ACT ) Monsanto (CSMB College Adm. Specialist) Dana Brown Charitable Trust (MCAC Reimbursement for CVPA/Cleveland) Missouri College Advising Corps Washington University College Advising Corps Washington University (Gates Millennium)

10 In Summary 2015-16 Concentration – High Schools
Concentration-Middle Schools Concentration-Pre-K up Incorporate College & Career awareness, curricular connections and preparation to provide ALL of our students with viable opportunities upon graduation! This work could not be done without the support of the St. Louis Public Schools Foundation who have brought to the table $650,000 over the next several years.

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