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Desertification in AFRICA

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1 Desertification in AFRICA

2 Desertification Desertification is the process of fertile, arable land turning into dry, useless land. Understand that much of Africa that is not already a desert is in danger of becoming a desert. Agriculture (farming) can only exist on arable land. Arable land is fertile and good for growing crops. Areas of greatest danger are the Sahel and Madagascar.

3 Desertification

4 Desertification Causes – factors contributing to desertification:
Drought: prolonged period without rain. Overgrazing: animals eat all vegetation. Deforestation: cutting down trees. Erosion (wind and water): washes away the topsoil

5 Desertification Effects
Famine: long period of time without food. Usually leads to high rate of disease or death. Human and animal migration; cities are overpopulated leading to urbanization. Urbanization is the movement of people from rural communities to urban communities. Urbanization leads to over-crowding, unemployment, crime, and a lack of housing.

6 Desertification Possible solutions include: Restricted grazing
planting trees agricultural education such as crop rotation.

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