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Starter for 5! Which key term means that life is sacred because it is God given? Which key term refers to the general well-being of a person in relation.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for 5! Which key term means that life is sacred because it is God given? Which key term refers to the general well-being of a person in relation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for 5! Which key term means that life is sacred because it is God given? Which key term refers to the general well-being of a person in relation to their health and happiness? What evidence is there for the theory of evolution? What does the Muslim term akhirha mean? Which key term means God taking on human flesh?

2 Starter for 5! Which key term means that life is sacred because it is God given? Sanctity of life Which key term refers to the general well-being of a person in relation to their health and happiness? Quality of Life What evidence is there for the theory of evolution? Fossils, finches, moths What does the Muslim term akhirha mean? The Afterlife Which key term means God taking on human flesh? Incarnation

3 Do humans have a right to die?
Tony Nicklinson Do humans have a right to die?

4 Euthanasia Learning Objective: To evaluate the question: Should euthanasia be legal in the United Kingdom? I can explore the arguments for and against euthanasia using real life case studies. I can evaluate our key question using Christian and Islamic teachings. I can define euthanasia and the different types.

5 What is the law on euthanasia? t
Euthanasia in the UK: Is it against the law in the UK (and most parts of the world). A doctor cannot deliberately take a person’s life to relieve suffering. A doctor can: give powerful painkillers to relieve pain which may also shorten someone’s life and withdraw medical treatment if the person will not recover, e.g. turn of someone’s life support machine. Keyword: Euthanasia Literally means ‘mercy killing’ or ‘easy/good death’. It is the painless killing of a person who is suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. Euthanasia in the Netherlands: It is allowed in the Netherlands. These are the guidelines: if it is a voluntary request, the request is well considered, the patient is in unacceptable suffering, the doctor has consulted a colleague. It is not a requirement that the person is dying or experiencing physical suffering. An injection is given to make the person unconscious, then a lethal injection is given. Students need a definition of euthanasia in their books. They also need to write down that it is not legal in the UK but don’t excessive notes on the law. What is the law on euthanasia? t

6 Different Types and Forms of Euthanasia
You are going to be given a card sort with the four different types of euthanasia and their definitions. You need to match them up correctly – how well can you do? Active Euthanasia Passive Euthanasia Voluntary Euthanasia Involuntary Euthanasia Non -voluntary Euthanasia Let students see if they can match them up correctly. Go through the correct answers. They don’t need to write down definitions in their books for this.

7 How did you do? Active Euthanasia Passive Euthanasia
Voluntary Euthanasia Involuntary Euthanasia Non-voluntary Euthanasia When active steps are taken to end someone’s life, e.g. giving them a lethal injection. When doctors stop providing treatment or do something to quicken the natural process of dying, e.g. turning off a life support machine. When a person asks a doctor to end their life as they do not wish to live anymore. This is their own choice. When a person is able to provide consent but does not, either because they don’t want to or because they are not asked. When the person is too ill to request to die, for example, they are in a coma, but the doctor will end their life for them.

8 Different Types of Euthanasia
Now you are going to play a game of pairs. Instructions: You will have eight cards face down. You will take it in turns to turn two cards over. If they are a matching keyword and definition you take the pair. The player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins. Use your keyword sheet from the beginning of the lesson to check you have a correct pair.

9 Euthanasia Learning Objective: To evaluate the question: Should euthanasia be legal in the United Kingdom? I can define euthanasia and the different types. I can explore the arguments for and against euthanasia using real life case studies. I can evaluate our key question using Christian and Islamic teachings.

10 Should euthanasia be legal in the United Kingdom?
What do you think? Should euthanasia be legal in the United Kingdom? Give students a post it note to place their name on the continuum line to indicate their opinion. Agree Disagree

11 Euthanasia Case Studies
You are going to explore 3 case studies and religious teachings relating to euthanasia. As you visit each one you need to fill in the relevant section of your worksheet. Give students 5 minutes per case study – timing is tight for this lesson so this is important. Tony Bland Tony Nicklinson Lillian Boyes Religious Teachings

12 Should euthanasia be legal in the United Kingdom?
What do you think? Should euthanasia be legal in the United Kingdom? Revisit their thoughts on our key question – has anything made them change their mind or further reinforce their original decision. Agree Disagree

13 Euthanasia Learning Objective: To evaluate the question: Should euthanasia be legal in the United Kingdom? I can define euthanasia and the different types. I can explore the arguments for and against euthanasia using real life case studies. I can evaluate our key question using Christian and Islamic teachings.

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