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3D Geospatial M&S Follow On Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "3D Geospatial M&S Follow On Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 3D Geospatial M&S Follow On Meeting
Hosted by ARA Orlando, FL 13 April 2017

2 Agenda Time Item POC Introductions Review Results of the Summit
9:00-9:30 Introductions M. Reichardt, D Maxwell 9:30-10:00 Review Results of the Summit M. Reichardt 10:00-10:30 Program Interoperability Update - SECORE W. Reese 10:30-11:00 Program Interoperability Update - CDB D. Graham 11:00-11:30 Update on OGC Interoperability Activities S. Simmons 11:30- 1:00 Lunch on your own 1:00-1:30 Update on Joint SDO Coordination 1:30-2:30 Open Discussion – Opportunities and Challenges All 2:30-3:30 Roadmap Development 3:30-4:00 GEOINT 2017 M&S Working Group Discussion D. Maxwell 4:00-4:15 Wrap Up Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium

3 3D Geospatial M&S Summit Follow On Meeting
Goals: Continue dialog on progressing higher order interoperability for the community Establish a persistent platform for stakeholders and SDOs to identify and better coordinate standards and best practice work going forward Some discussion topics for today: Common Vision Affirm stakeholders White Paper to inventory major efforts, document current interoperability state, articulate interoperability vision Road map of activities, milestones to bootstrap process Gain commitment to continue Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium

4 The Need for “Automated Interoperability” is growing
The Amount of Geospatial and Georeferenced data being collected is skyrocketing The pace of change is accelerating The Class of question is changing Activity Based Intelligence Human Geography Disaster & Catastrophe Response ……. Cost is skyrocketing To maintain the data To share the data To design for interoperability Operational Effectiveness Suffers Due to latency Lack of consistency among systems All of this implies a need to think differently about the data challenge Source: Dan Maxwell, USGIF M&S WG Sept D Geospatial M&S Summit

5 GEOINT M&S Demo Conceptual Diagram
Envitia Discovery Service CAE Web Services VTMak Web Service ExactEarth AIS NOAA Buoy Info Digital Earth Image Service Internet Envitia Discovery CSW WMS OWS Context CompuSult Discovery WMS/WFS Hawaii Simulation CompuSult Discovery Service Weather Service CSW WFS WMS OWS Context Mobile Mobile CAE Yemen Simulation


7 A Vision: M&S Standards-based Framework For Distributed Simulation
Improve Data Management Improve Efficiency Improve End-User Experience Spatial Data Framework WMS, WMTS, WFS, WPS, FPS, WCS, CityGML,Gazetteer etc. Web Services Application Services Data & Services Management Thick Client C2 or GIS Applications Web & 3rd Party Applications (OpenSource GeoServer) M&S Applications CSW Data Catalog & Metadata SECore JTDS Access to many Native Data Formats CADRG Source Data AFCD KML/GML NPSI NPSI – Navy portable source initiative AFCD – Air Force Common Data JTDS – Joint Training Data Services Standards Based Geospatial Registry CDB Virtual World Framework Discover Exploit Fuse/Manage Enabling integration of virtual and real-world spatial information management, for more effective training and simulation through open standards. Slide Source: Robin Parrish, Envitia

8 Future “GEOINT” Workflow
Data Correlation & Enhancement Process Consistent Data Foundation Source: Dan Maxwell, USGIF M&S WG Sept D Geospatial M&S Summit

9 2016 Summit Topics and Outcomes
Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium

10 3D Geospatial M&S Summit
Goals Understand current M&S programs and direction Engage community in discussion on the needs and approach for higher order interoperability for M&S Discuss “model of the world” vision Discuss possible next steps 100+ in attendance from across DOD - services, agencies; UK MOD, industry, SDOs Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium

11 General Outcomes A greater level of standards based interoperability is needed Cooperation between relevant SDOs and associations is critical Must support today’s capabilities and modernization now underway Desire to prototype and demonstrate new levels of interoperability to help drive change The vision of a single 3D Geospatial M&S model of the world has support by many, but not by all Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium

12 Actions Since Summit A draft MOU between SISO and OGC has been written and is in coordination for formalization Wiki established to house 3D Geospatial M&S Summit presentations, event summaries and related documentation Follow on meeting events to formalize a process Today Orlando June 6, USGIF M&S Working Group (San Antonio) Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium

13 Some Excerpts from the 2016 Summit

14 Synthetic Natural Environments (SNE)
- APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Synthetic Natural Environments (SNE) DISTANCE HALL Purpose: Research, tools and methods to improve the speed and fidelity of environment (data) information delivered to the trainee in support of Training Aid Devices (TAD). Products: High fidelity and dynamic SNE products (i.e. terrain) available where and when needed to conduct training, simulation and mission planning operations Data exploitation capabilities Terrain Generation / Runtime Terrain Storage and Generation SNE Tools and Algorithms SNE Integration Testbed Payoff: Advanced tools and methodologies to support future model development for run-time generation of dynamic environments. Innovative methods to support high-fidelity synthetic environment representation of the real battlefield Improved standards, interfaces and protocols to support rapid, common data transfer. Program Schedule Elements 18 19 20 21 22 Data Exploitation Terrain Generation / Runtime Terrain Storage and Distribution SNE Services and Algorithms 2 4 2 5 3 5 3 6 Source: Julio de la Cruz, ARL Sept D Geospatial M&S Summit APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

15 Map of the world? Ref:
- APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Map of the world? Map of the world must have containers representing all datum types to support All environmental domains..air, land and sea. Source: Julio de la Cruz, ARL Sept D Geospatial M&S Summit Ref: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

Feasible? Must preserve real world properties critical to producer and consumer per use case Data Must be realistic and be A best-approximation of specific or typical place and time Physically consistent: Rivers: flow downhill Roads: consistently model and attributed Terrain, atmosphere, ocean and space: content agree Structures: constantly model and attributed for underground and above ground data Support all environmental domains In compliance with data representation model(s) Correlation with other “runtime” application dataset formats produced from the same datasets Efficient interchange model must exist Sharing and re-use Tools and applications Open Standards, Software and API must exist. Source: Julio de la Cruz, ARL Sept D Geospatial M&S Summit APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

17 Achievable? ---Though Problem Community buy in and requirements ?
- APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Achievable? ---Though Problem Community buy in and requirements ? Set requirements from DoD The Services has spent >>$1B on generating terrain databases for various games, sims and training systems On average, it still takes 13 months to manually create the average terrain dataset for M&S (1km x 1km)- specific to the army The fidelity & correctness of the databases are nowhere close to rendering /simulation capabilities available today Set requirements/interest from Business Commercial processes and proprietary products Profit, market share and quick return in investment are the drivers Extensibility and customization from a business perspective Source: Julio de la Cruz, ARL Sept D Geospatial M&S Summit APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

18 What does the Joint Staff J7 need from the OGC moving forward?
Evolve and expand CDB to meet the future JS J7 needs while maintaining: Determinism (e.g. defined spatial reference frames, structure, schemas, etc.) Geospatial data breadth and depth (e.g. ability to support virtual, constructive, and gaming simulations) Simulation performances (e.g. 60 Hertz rendering, levels of details, tiling, etc.) Evolve CDB to: Modernize and alignment with other OGC standards (e.g. GML, GeoPackage, CityGML, etc.) Update to Best of Breed metadata and feature data dictionaries Expand CDB to: Include human geography, pattern of life, and weather & environmental effects Fully enable crowd sourcing for all data layers The JS J7 vision is to adopt OGC standards when possible, evolve OGC standards to meet the mission needs when necessary, and create new standards as a last resort US DoD Users can connect to TGS running within the Joint Staff J7 Joint Training Data Services (JTDS) in the 4th Quarter of 2016. Source: Sam Chanbers, J7 Sept D Geospatial M&S Summit

19 USSOCOM: CDB Future / Summary
Be careful what you ask for because you might just get it! We do not want to stagnate the growth of CDB We do not want to destroy the underpinnings of CDB We have concerns over losing our investment in CDB Summary Our mission is to support SOF with 3D scene visualization databases in support of their mission preparation. CDB helps us meet our mission requirements; if it changes too much we run the risk of migrating away to maintain our capability or losing our investment to stay current. Source: Earl Miller, USSOCOM Sept D Geospatial M&S Summit

20 Agenda Time Item POC Introductions Review Results of the Summit
9:00-9:30 Introductions M. Reichardt, D Maxwell 9:30-10:00 Review Results of the Summit M. Reichardt 10:00-10:30 Program Interoperability Update - SECORE W. Reese 10:30-11:00 Program Interoperability Update - CDB D. Graham 11:00-11:30 Update on OGC Interoperability Activities S. Simmons 11:30- 1:00 Lunch on your own 1:00-1:30 Update on Joint SDO Coordination 1:30-2:30 Open Discussion – Opportunities and Challenges All 2:30-3:30 Roadmap Development 3:30-4:00 GEOINT 2017 M&S Working Group Discussion D. Maxwell 4:00-4:15 Wrap Up Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium

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