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Parents Information Meeting Wednesday 7th September

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1 Parents Information Meeting Wednesday 7th September
We believe that we are all God's work of art. We strive to respect and care for each other and to use our talents to do our best. By doing this, we are 'Learning in the Light of Christ'

2 Welcome to Year 6 Class Teacher: Miss Donatantonio
Working in Year 6 will be: Mrs McNamara Mrs Sowden Mrs McDonald Mrs Vieyra Mr Reid

3 Timetable What your child will need:
Everyday they should bring in their water bottle, reading book, reading record book and pack of tissues. Letters from parents to be given to the teacher at the beginning of the morning (during register time). Tuesday – PE kit Wednesday – swimming kit in a small bag and coat when the weather starts to get colder Children to bring in musical instruments on relevant days, where applicable (to be taken first thing to location of lesson).

4 Expectations Good attendance and punctuality.
Upholding good behaviour in class and around the school. Being good role models for the rest of the school. Taking on responsibilities. Representing the school outside in the community. Completing homework and handing it in on time. Returning diaries, reply slips etc. on time. Becoming more independent and involved in their learning. Taking pride in their work and presenting their work to the highest standard – they should be using a blue pen if they have received their pen licence.

5 Handouts The Year 6 curriculum overview given to you today is an outline of what we will be covering this year. RE Curriculum: ‘In the Beginning’ Suggested Book List


7 Homework Year 6 pupils have homework diaries
In Year 6 pupils are expected to spend at least hours a week on homework. At home they need: space, peace & quiet, time and encouragement. Spellings – these will be handed out on a Friday, there will be a test on the following Friday. Maths and English – every week there will be a Maths and English task sent home for your child to complete. Reading – minutes per day, parents to sign diary once per week. Guided reading in school – children read a set text together with an adult. A project will be set in the Autumn term for your child to complete over a set number of weeks.

8 Dates for your diary AUTUMN TERM 29th September - Year 4, 5, 6 trip to the Ballet ‘La Fille Mal Gardée’ 5th October - Parent Consultations 8th October - Pilgrimage to St Albans 12th October - Parent Consultations 14th October - Class Assembly 17th-21st October - One World Week

9 P.E. * The children will have a P.E. lesson on Monday and Tuesday. * Please leave P.E kits in school for half a term. We will send them home earlier if they get muddy!

10 Year 6 SATs Week beginning 8th May 2017

11 SATs Tests Grammar and Punctuation
Paper 1: Grammar Questions [45 mins] Paper 2: Spelling Reading One paper - 1 hour including reading time Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic Paper Paper 2: Reasoning Paper Paper 3: Reasoning Paper

12 Preparing Children in Year 6
Based on assessment information the children have already been streamed for more personalised learning in Maths and English. Teacher Assessment and SATs papers (every half-term).

13 School Journey 26th-30th June 2017 Kingswood - West Runton, Norfolk

14 Remember that if you have any concerns then please come and speak to me. I, like you, want the best for your child and therefore I should be your first port of call. Mrs Lennox will be happy to make an appointment for you, and I will be more than happy to meet with you – before or after school. Myself and Mrs McNamara look forward to working in partnership with yourselves and your child, and we hope it will be a happy and productive year.

15 Other websites we will be using include: www. topmarks. co
Other websites we will be using include: – that supports many curriculum topics in addition to English and Maths all subjects which is an online interactive programme

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