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Presentation on theme: "WE WANT EVERY LEARNER TO HAVE:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CREATING COMMUNITY PATHWAYS FOR LEARNING A contextual, integrated approach local curriculum design
WE WANT EVERY LEARNER TO HAVE: A personalised pathway that provides a foundation of education and opportunities to succeed in further education and the world of work so that every learner has the skills to participate and succeed in our economy and society This pathway needs to link across the learning journey Young people who will be confident, connected, actively, involved, lifelong learners 0 to 4 5 to 8 9 to 14 14 to 19 plus EARLY LEARNING Te Whāriki SCHOOLING The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa TERTIARY Destinations to further education, training or employment Creative Industries Service Industries THE ASPIRATIONS AND CONTEXT OF THE COMMUNITY THE VALUES, KEY COMPETENCIES AND LEARNING AREAS IN THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM Based on a community-developed learner profile linking: Primary Industries Social & Community Services Thinking Using language, symbols, and texts Managing self Relating to others Participating and contributing Manufacturing and Technology Which informs shared capability profiles at key transitions: All children transition to school as competent, confident learners All learners make expected year on year progress Establish relevant connections to the world of work Achieve foundation competencies incl. NCEA L2 or equivalent Successful transitions to further education, training and work Construction and Infrastructure The community understands learning progressions and how to support progress for every learner New ways of working to create personalised learning pathways so that all learners are supported to achieve the capabilities in each profile 1. A rich curriculum, that reflects local priorities and provides for project-based, integrated, contextualised, relevant learning 2. Enabling all students to study in quality Māori medium education settings throughout their education journey 3. Learning Support and individual plans to provide the right support, at the right time, to ensure every learner progresses Partnerships, underpinned by new pathway and curriculum tools HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS Communities of learning | Kāhui Ako  Contribution Collaborating with parents and whānau to design rich curriculum that reflect local priorities, identities, languages, and cultures. Providing a range of learning experiences across the Kāhui Ako, including outside the traditional classroom. Preparing students for tertiary learning, industry training or the world of work, and fostering key competencies and employability skills Transition portfolios provide a rich picture of a student’s strengths, interests and learning dispositions. Schools working together to widen and enrich curriculum choice. Community, tertiary and employer contribution Industry visits, work experiences, and related projects Using STAR and Gateway to support transition experiences Secondary-Tertiary partnerships Suitable work placements, tertiary and industry training courses Ministry of Education contribution Data and Evidence Tools and Supports Expertise and Advice Regional Economic Data to inform understanding of the regional context. PaCT and TWA – online tools that support teaching and learning progression frameworks to illustrate stages of learning Expert partners – academics and teaching practitioners to help make sense of evidence and choose a course. Individual progress and attainment data to identify ‘names, numbers, and needs’ The Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako Local Curriculum Smart Tool to help communities build a shared local curriculum PLD –  Centrally funded professional learning and development The FindMyPath website  with information about education pathways, qualification to job information, and careers in six areas aligned to the Vocational Pathways Vocational Pathways to  provide students and whānau with clear links to future employment, study or training opportunities Making use of existing resources: Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) and Resource Teachers Māori (RTM). Te Rāngai Kāhui Ako ā-Iwi to identify and share best practice in Māori medium education. Working with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and tertiary providers o learn from the lessons of ARoNA

2 CREATING COMMUNITY PATHWAYS FOR LEARNING A contextual, integrated approach local curriculum design
OUR PLAN FOR NORTHLAND A plan to test an integrated approach across Northland Kāhui Ako First 30 days 3 months 12 Months Consider current maturity state and identify areas of relative strength and weakness, areas for development, and the ways in which the Ministry and community can best contribute to Kāhui Ako development Identify resources which can be used to effect change and lead the co-design and development process. Implement the Local Curriculum(s), applying the agreed values, contexts and opportunities identified Implement a framework for working across Northland Kāhui Ako to ensure the ongoing alignment of educational outcomes and delivery through shared curriculum(s). Establishing to Developing Identify learning objectives aligned with the pilot’s objectives and Kāhui Ako needs Begin the process of having schools and kura work together meaningfully in considering learner pathways Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako Developing to Embedding Consider role within Northland educational community and opportunities for growth and development Increase the sophistication of interactions between members of the Kāhui Ako in driving shared learner pathways and outcomes; measure progress to date Embedding to Fully Developed Identify opportunities to lead development of shared profiles and pathways across the pilot Help to be a community champion in guiding conversations / enthusiasm, and lifting the achievement and maturity of other Kāhui Ako For Each Kāhui Ako, and across Northland Kāhui Ako leaders, open discussions and hui about what the community’s learning goals and objectives are; what values are most important to them; and how they can be involved in Kāhui Ako’s local curriculum. Consider existing partnerships with schools, kura and Kāhui Ako and think about what contributions key stakeholders are willing to make going forward Review of existing programmes and partnership work: what works, what doesn’t, what opportunities can we develop throughout this programme Engage with Kāhui Ako in formal and informal consultation to consider and co-design the future role of the community and community stakeholders in local curriculum and learner experiences and outcomes Northland community; industry; tertiary and other stakeholders Ministry of Education contribution Identify dedicated local resource who are trained and supported to undertake: Network building Relationship management Change management Active research Inquiry-driven development with participating Kāhui Ako Identify Expert Partners, supported by STL, Senior Advisors, RTLB, and/or RTM as appropriate Identify existing resources to support the process: planning templates, action plans, self-assessment tools, maturity models, capability rubrics etc Work with Kāhui Ako to identify existing maturity and the extent of Kāhui Ako capability, and existing relationships with other stakeholders (industry, tertiary providers etc) Consider interplay with other key initiatives – particularly introducing the desired future state for the careers service. WORK WITH KĀHUI AKO DEPENDING ON THEIR RELATIVE MATURITY Objective: Bring all Kāhui Ako together around shared goals and values, ensuring that all Kāhui Ako have the maturity and the support to work together towards effective learner outcomes within their local Kāhui Ako curriculum, and across a shared Northland vision. Establishing to Developing Work with Kāhui Ako to address immediate needs – e.g., ensuring a plan to improve teaching and learning capability is in place; putting in place structures of individual support for students at risk. Build understanding of the Kāhui Ako Curriculum Tool, PaCT/TWA, Expert Partners, PLD, the Vocational Pathways and other tools, in order of priority for local needs. Help Kāhui Ako to use destination data to understand the path students take after they leave . Work with Kāhui Ako to establish priority relationships (e.g., with employers) FUTURE STATE: All Northland Kāhui Ako have shared local curricula, a shared sense of values, local environment and opportunities for student growth, and collaborate to build personalised pathways and appropriate learner profiles Continue to provide appropriate support to Kāhui Ako to deliver relevant, context-driven learning experiences which align with learners’ personal pathways and the learner profiles (includes system-level stewardship; ongoing management of related initiatives such as changes to careers services; and programmes like ARoNA and the Communities of Learning | Kahui Ako Local Curriculum Tool) Students leave with a foundation of education and opportunities to succeed in further education and the world of work so that every learner has the skills to participate and succeed in Northland’s economy and society Developing to Embedding Support Kāhui Ako to develop structures, processes and ways of working that integrate the priority tools into day to day business as usual – e.g., growing maturity in the use of PaCT/TWA. Work with Kāhui Ako and Expert Partners to ensure that evidence and data informs planning and decisions about next steps. Support Kāhui Ako to establish effective systems of collaborative enquiry to drive continuous improvement. Identify opportunities across existing local initiatives to connect the Kāhui Ako local curriculum to other opportunities. Embedding to Fully Developed Ministry to work with Kāhui Ako to identify opportunities to lead development of shared profiles, learning experiences, systems, and pathways across Northland Kāhui Ako Identify and support community champion in guiding conversations/enthusiasm, and lifting the achievement and maturity of other Kāhui Ako, capturing their stories and successes in case studies.


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