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AEGIS positron transfer line

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1 AEGIS positron transfer line
Daniel Krasnický AEGIS meeting March 30, 2009 AEGIS e+ transfer line

2 Overview We have used OPERA3D software from Vector Fields. For field calculations concerning only solenoids it uses Biot-Savart analytical solution for a given point. The software has a built in particle trajectory calculation routine. The trajectory calculation was done in a single particle regime. In the first phase we tested the possibility to inject positrons into the 5T magnet from the center (between the 5T and 1T magnets). Then we looked at the possibilities to inject from the AD side. The transfer line is curretnly in relatively detailed stage of preparation, the limiting factor is the unknown positron accumulator and AEGIS/AD interface. AEGIS e+ transfer line

3 The transfer line (TL) purpose
The purpose is to transport positrons from the positron accumulator (at max 0,2T) into the 5T magnet under these conditions: e+ injection at max radius r = 2cm after e+ cloud compression safe transport to 1T magnet homogeneity of the main magnets needs to be preserved In case of central injection – no rapid field change (B change max. 100Gauss/s) In case of AD side injection – degrader & AD/AEGIS fail-safe vacuum separation Minimum field during the transfer: 0,1T Space for pumps, diagnostics, baking cables… etc. AEGIS e+ transfer line

4 Central injection The e+ central injection was a first choice, but after a couple of tests we abandoned it. The guiding coil would have a field of the same order of magnitude as the local field → 1T and more → Superconducting Injection and transport were not within the requirements Central injection would also cause construction problems of the central cryostat section. Positives: same AD-AEGIS connection as in ATHENA AEGIS e+ transfer line

5 AD side injection The injection from the AD side avoids most of the problems of the central injection undisturbed 5T→1T transport simpler central cryostat – easier acces for diagnostics axially symmetric field in the central region A problem with the vacuum separation arises The experiments need to be disconnected from the AD vacuum (protection of AD in case of our catastrophic venting). The vacuum separation foil has to be able to hold instant increase to atmospheric pressure and be as thin as possible (and from a material with a long radiation length). Effect of this foil on the antiproton beam is under study by Andrea at Pavia. A movable degrader in the cryogenic region has to be developed to allow for positron and other particles injection. AEGIS e+ transfer line

6 AD side injection A thin vacuum safe separation foil is used at the exit from the AD (30cm from the cryostat). A movable degrader is located at the entrance to the catching trap. Positrons are injected on axis by the use of warm coils. AEGIS e+ transfer line

7 Transfer line, positron acc. & main coils
Side view: from left to right - The main AEGIS coils – the e+ transfer line – the positron accumulator AEGIS e+ transfer line 7

8 Transfer line, positron acc. & main coils
Side view: from left to right - The main AEGIS coils – the e+ transfer line – the positron accumulator AEGIS e+ transfer line 8

9 Transfer line, positron acc. & main coils
Side view: from left to right - The main AEGIS coils – the e+ transfer line – the positron accumulator AEGIS e+ transfer line 9

10 Transfer line, positron acc. & main coils
Side view: from left to right - The main AEGIS coils – the e+ transfer line – the positron accumulator AEGIS e+ transfer line 10

11 Transfer line, positron acc. & main coils
Side view: from left to right - The main AEGIS coils – the e+ transfer line – the positron accumulator AEGIS e+ transfer line 11

12 Transfer line, positron acc. & main coils
Side view: from left to right - The main AEGIS coils – the e+ transfer line – the positron accumulator AEGIS e+ transfer line 12

13 Transfer line with RT correction coils
Guiding coils are surrounded by correction coils (racetrack pairs) used for transverse path corrections AEGIS e+ transfer line 13

14 The current TL design The positron TL uses two types of coils:
Main guiding coils – solenoids – create axial 0.1T field at all places of the TL. Correction coils – racetrack, CP or solenoids – used for transverse particle path corrections. The correction coils are in Helmholtz-like pair geometry currents in the pair are oriented in the same direction dipole field particles bend in the direction of the correction coils field (not perpendicular - this is because of present strong axial field and the use of slow positrons) The correction coils in the current design are needed only for one direction path correction – assuming no fringing field other than AEGIS 5T magnet. Apart from the main guiding coils there are additional solenoids that help to overcome regions with lower than 0.1T field. AEGIS e+ transfer line 14

15 The current TL design - versions
The transfer line is currently proposed in two versions RT – correction coils are racetrack type coils CP – correction coils are constant perimeter end coils (OPERA naming) CP coils have these advantages: are bent around the main guiding coils and thus require lower current densities compared to racetrack coils Overall lower power requirement The CP negatives are high construction cost (estimate 7000 – CHF/coil) AEGIS e+ transfer line 15

16 Transfer line with RT correction coils
AEGIS e+ transfer line 16

17 Transfer line with RT correction coils
RT version with fieldmap: Lower threshold 0.1T (blue), upper threshold 0.2T (red) AEGIS e+ transfer line 17

18 Transfer line with RT correction coils
RT version with fieldmap – upper region: From right: PA, pumping section, UHV valve, 45°turn AEGIS e+ transfer line 18

19 Transfer line with RT correction coils
RT version with fieldmap – turn region: Turn_Guide coil and FC_1&2 coils (to overcome diagnostics region) AEGIS e+ transfer line 19

20 Transfer line with RT correction coils
RT version with fieldmap – middle region: 0.1T guiding solenoids and correction coils AEGIS e+ transfer line 20

21 RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region
Transfer line with RT correction coils RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region AEGIS e+ transfer line 21

22 RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region
Transfer line with RT correction coils RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region AEGIS e+ transfer line 22

23 RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region
Transfer line with RT correction coils RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region AEGIS e+ transfer line 23

24 RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region
Transfer line with RT correction coils RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region AEGIS e+ transfer line 24

25 RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region (close-up)
Transfer line with RT correction coils RT version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region (close-up) AEGIS e+ transfer line 25

26 Transfer line with RT correction coils
AEGIS e+ transfer line 26

27 Transfer line with RT correction coils
AEGIS e+ transfer line 27

28 Transfer line with CP correction coils
AEGIS e+ transfer line 28

29 Transfer line with CP correction coils
AEGIS e+ transfer line 29

30 Transfer line with CP correction coils
AEGIS e+ transfer line 30

31 CP version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region (close-up)
Transfer line with CP correction coils CP version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region (close-up) AEGIS e+ transfer line 31

32 CP version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region
Transfer line with CP correction coils CP version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region AEGIS e+ transfer line 32

33 CP version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region (close-up)
Transfer line with CP correction coils CP version with fieldmap – AEGIS-AD instrumentation region (close-up) AEGIS e+ transfer line 33

34 Transfer line with CP correction coils
AEGIS e+ transfer line 34

35 Transfer line with CP correction coils
AEGIS e+ transfer line 35

36 The current TL design TL uses warm coils & no water cooling
Coil plastic core/support of 5mm thickness Coils warm up at max. 25°C in 100s Total power is P = 6500W – 7000W (DC) 5T anticoil is at 60A/mm2 (current oriented same direction as 5T coils) Initial conditions: 100eV positrons, +/-5mm from the PA axis Positrons are injected into the 5T magnet at max 4mm from the axis Effective path corrections are realized by correction coils The transfer line is assumed to be turned on for approx s No fast pulses needed AEGIS e+ transfer line 36

37 The e+/- Transfer Line Transfer line can be used for:
e+ injection into AEGIS electron injection into AEGIS e+ ejection in transverse direction for other use Transfer line cannot be used for: heavy particles injection (p,Os, etc…) cyclotron radius is too large thus they do not gyrate closely around the field line For heavy particles injection a new channel is needed the (only) probable space is in the AEGIS-AD instrumentation region AEGIS e+ transfer line 37

38 The diagnostics There are three areas for destructive faraday cup measurement at PA pumping section after the 45° turn in the AEGIS-AD instrumentation region Additional external annihilation detectors could be used Magnetic field measurement in the zone will be done before the electron/positron runs. By measuring the transverse field components, we can adjust the right current for the correction coils (or make additional correction coils). AEGIS e+ transfer line 38

39 The vacuum The transfer line will be NEG coated
Space for bakeout cables (6-8mm) included Space for two valves is included VAT DN63 XHV all metal gate-valve: disconnecting AEGIS main cryogenic region from room temperature region. Mini UHV DN40 VAT valve: disconnecting PA and the TL Space for two DN100 pumps included if larger neck needed (at PA) higher power in the P_G_1 coil needed as well If we would be confident (& succesful) in the particle transport we can think of inserting gas flow restrictions into the TL pipe. AEGIS e+ transfer line 39

40 The problems of the current design
No information about the pbar focusing and AD beam line The current layout assumed DN63 pipes at the AD output and AEGIS input Also if there are space restrictions due to AD beam line the geometry might change dramatically. No information about the planned positron accumulator The magnet used in the simulation was created by guess especially dimensions and axial field are important Dimensions of the AEGIS main vacuum chamber? I assumed DN63 flange AEGIS e+ transfer line 40


42 AEGIS e+ transfer line 42

43 Thank you Any (more) questions?

44 Magnetic flux Bmod along main AEGIS axis
Apendix Magnetic flux Bmod along main AEGIS axis (starting 1m from the centre between the main coils directed towards the 5T AEGIS-AD instrumentation region) AEGIS e+ transfer line 44

45 Apendix Magnetic flux Bmod along slanted TL axis
(starting at AEGIS-AD instrumentation region ending at the 45° turn) AEGIS e+ transfer line 45

46 (starting at the 45° TL turn, ending at PA)
Apendix Magnetic flux Bmod in a +/-2cm band along the positron accumulator axis (starting at the 45° TL turn, ending at PA) AEGIS e+ transfer line 46

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