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Towards an Active Oxfordshire Consultation day

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Presentation on theme: "Towards an Active Oxfordshire Consultation day"— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards an Active Oxfordshire Consultation day
23rd November 2016

2 1.00-1.20 - Welcome, background and context
AGENDA S  Welcome, background and context Draft Strategic Framework Table discussion and feedback  Break Collaboration going forward  Table discussion and feedback  Ideas generation and conclusion WP

3 Background S WP How do we respond?

4 Background- National Transition role CSPs
Broker and facilitator Local Intelligence and Insight Effective governance Leadership Delivery arrangements and efficiency NGB transition WP

5 Brokering- Leadership
Towards an Active Oxfordshire

6 Benefits of a strategic approach?
Nearly £11 million secured for Oxfordshire Successful in SE competitive funding

7 Outcomes Framework Why?
Demonstrates how sector contributes national and local priorities Easier collaborative working Enables us to make the case for continued investment


9 Overarching Outcomes O Ov W

10 Proposal- 5 Outcomes 5 overarching outcomes sport and physical activity can contribute to

11 Intermediate Outcomes

12 Service outcomes n W

13 Proposal- Logic model Shows how on the ground activities contribute to overarching outcomes

14 Any additions or changes?
Questions n Is the Framework clear? Any additions or changes? Are your Sport and Physical Activity priorities covered in the intermediate level? Any changes to the intermediate level? Is the Framework something that you could commit to? W

15 BREAK n W

16 Collaboration going forward

17 What’s going to be needed for success
Oxfordshire Sport and Physical Activity Board Oxon Needs analysis Good partnerships  W

18 Delivery structure needed for success

19 Strategic Physical Activity Group
n Local Authorities Age UK OCVA Public Health CCG Oxford Brookes University Board Member Task and Finish Groups Ageing Population Disability Women Collaborative plan Oxon W

20 Are these the right groups? How do we decide who sits on the groups?
Group questions n Are these the right groups? How do we decide who sits on the groups? Any barriers or concerns about the proposal? Could you commit to this way of working? What should the guiding principles be to inform the work? W

21 Pilot projects that could be scaled up Innovative ideas
Ideas generation Pilot projects that could be scaled up Innovative ideas Ideas that work and could be scaled up W

22 Online consultation next week 1 to 1 meetings started
Way Forward n Online consultation next week 1 to 1 meetings started Brokering and facilitation underway Collating ideas within Oxfordshire Framework confirmed by Christmas New Groups from now W

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