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What Is Autism Awareness Week?

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2 What Is Autism Awareness Week?
More than 1 in 100 people in the UK have some form of autism. Autism Awareness Week is a time to come together to share an understanding of what autism is and how people with autism see the world around them. It is a time for us to celebrate everyone’s talents and special skills, as well as similarities and differences.

3 What Is Autism? Autism is a lifelong condition that affects social and communication skills. Autism – has anyone heard of this word before? What do you know about autism?

4 What Is Autism? Knowledge about what autism is and how we can help people to cope with it has grown enormously in recent years. But there is still much that we do not understand. Here are some myths and facts: Autism Myth Stimming (repetitive behaviour like flapping or rocking) is bad and should be stopped. Autism Myth Every autistic person is good at maths, art and music. Autism Myth All autistic children go to special needs schools. Autism Myth Autistic people don’t feel emotions.

5 What Is Autism? Autism Fact
Repetitive behaviour like flapping or rocking can help some autistic people deal with stress and feel better. Autism Fact Many autistic people feel emotions intensely and can be overwhelmed by the emotions of others. Autism Fact Fascinations and routines can be important for people on the autistic spectrum. Autism Fact Most autistic children go to mainstream school, while others require support at special schools. Autism Fact Autistic people may learn a lot about a topic they like, which could be anything!

6 Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and among the most profound thinkers of the 20th century. After winning the Nobel prize in 1921, Einstein was clearly thought to be one of the most influential people ever. He isn't known only for his great mind or scientific accomplishments, but the man was also wise beyond his years, even in older age, and was insightful, philosophical, and witty at the same time. Einstein was autistic “The important thing is not to stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing."

7 Real-Life Superheroes
These people have all been diagnosed with autism or Asperger Syndrome. They have all had great careers and enjoy success in their work. Susan Boyle, Singer Dan Aykroyd, Actor Satoshi Tajiri, Creator of Pokemon Temple Grandin, Professor and Author These famous, successful people have all been diagnosed with autism or Asperger syndrome.


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