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ESSENTIAL CALCULUS Parametric equations and polar coordinates

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Presentation on theme: "ESSENTIAL CALCULUS Parametric equations and polar coordinates"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSENTIAL CALCULUS Parametric equations and polar coordinates

2 In this Chapter: 9.1 Parametric Curves
9.2 Calculus with Parametric Curves 9.3 Polar Coordinates 9.4 Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates 9.5 Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates Review

3 parameter) by the equations x=f (t) y=g (t)
Suppose that x and y are both given as functions of a third variable t (called a parameter) by the equations x=f (t) y=g (t) (called parametric equations). Each value of t determines a point (x.y), which we can plot in a coordinate plane. As t varies, the point (x,y)=(f(t) . g(t)), varies and traces out a curve C, which we call a parametric curve. Chapter 9, 9.1, P484

4 if Chapter 9, 9.2, P491

5 Chapter 9, 9.2, P491

6 Note that Chapter 9, 9.2, P491

7 5. THEOREM If a curve C is described by the parametric equations x=f(t), y=g(t),α≤ t ≤β , where f’ and g’ are continuous on [α,β] and C is traversed exactly once as t increases from αtoβ , then the length of C is Chapter 9, 9.2, P494

8 Polar coordinates system
The point P is represented by the ordered pair (r,Θ) and r, Θ are called polar coordinates of P. Chapter 9, 9.3, P498

9 Chapter 9, 9.3, P498

10 Chapter 9, 9.3, P499

11 If the point P has Cartesian coordinates (x,y) and polar coordinates (r,Θ), then, from the figure, we have and so 1. 2. Chapter 9, 9.3, P499

12 The graph of a polar equation r=f(Θ) , or more generally F (r,Θ)=0, consists of all points P that have at least one polar representation (r,Θ) whose coordinates satisfy the equation Chapter 9, 9.3, P500

13 The area A of the polar region R is 3. Formula 3 is often written as
4. with the understanding that r=f(Θ). Chapter 9, 9.4, P507

14 The length of a curve with polar equation r=f(Θ) , a≤Θ≤b , is
Chapter 9, 9.4, P509

15 A parabola is the set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point F (called the focus) and a fixed line (called the directrix). This definition is illustrated by Figure 1. Notice that the point halfway between the focus and the directrix lies on the parabola; it is called the vertex. The line through the focus perpendicular to the directrix is called the axis of the parabola. Chapter 9, 9.5, P511

16 Chapter 9, 9.5, P511

17 Chapter 9, 9.5, P511

18 Chapter 9, 9.5, P511

19 Chapter 9, 9.5, P511

20 An ellipse is the set of points in a plane the sum of whose distances from two fixed
points F1 and F2 is a constant. These two fixed points are called the foci (plural of focus.) Chapter 9, 9.5, P512

21 Chapter 9, 9.5, P512

22 Chapter 9, 9.5, P512

23 Chapter 9, 9.5, P512

24 has foci(± c,0), where c2=a2-b2 ,and vertices (± a,0),
The ellipse has foci(± c,0), where c2=a2-b2 ,and vertices (± a,0), Chapter 9, 9.5, P512

25 A hyperbola is the set of all points in a plane the difference of whose distances from two fixed points F1 and F2 (the foci) is a constant. Chapter 9, 9.5, P512

26 2. The hyperbola has foci(± c,0), where c2=a2+b2, vertices (± a,0), and asymptotes y=±(b/a)x. Chapter 9, 9.5, P512

27 (C) a hyperbola if e>1
3.THEOREM Let F be a fixed point (called the focus) and I be a fixed line (called the directrix) in a plane. Let e be a fixed positive number (called the eccentricity). The set of all points P in the plane such that (that is, the ratio of the distance from F to the distance from I is the constant e) is a conic section. The conic is (a) an ellipse if e<1 (b) a parabola if e=1 (C) a hyperbola if e>1 Chapter 9, 9.5, P513

28 Chapter 9, 9.5, P514

29 Chapter 9, 9.5, P514

30 Chapter 9, 9.5, P514

31 Chapter 9, 9.5, P514

32 8. THEOREM A polar equation of the form or
represents a conic section with eccentricity e. The conic is an ellipse if e<1, a parabola if e=1, or a hyperbola if e>1. Chapter 9, 9.5, P514

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