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Allenby Nursery Induction Meeting for Parents

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Presentation on theme: "Allenby Nursery Induction Meeting for Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Allenby Nursery Induction Meeting for Parents
6th June 2017

2 Aims of the Session Share the ethos of Allenby Primary School
Meet members of Nursery staff Find out arrangements for your child starting school Learn more about the curriculum your child will follow View the school environment

3 What we provide Our school is a small, caring community, where individuals are valued and achieve self-esteem through success. Children and adults are encouraged to belong to, learn and develop in an inclusive and positive learning environment. Our actions impact on others – ‘what we do matters’ – so in learning, attitudes, behaviour and aspirations we strive to make a difference for the better.  Our Ethos is built upon the Unicef Rights Respecting and our School Charter

4 Be Treated with Dignity
What is Rights Respecting Unicef works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. Our Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens. Our School Charter Children have the right to Be Heard Be Educated Be Healthy Be Treated with Dignity Be Safe Play

5 Our Strengths are The high quality education we provide to all children The happy, safe and secure learning environment Large outdoor space The positive relationships established between staff, governors, children and the school community as a whole.

6 First Aid and Medical Any illnesses or allergies must be given to staff and written on induction paperwork All classes have one first aider Mrs Howard is in charge of first aid for the school

7 Timings of Session AM sessions are 8:30/8:45-11:30am
PM Sessions are 12:30/12:45-3:30pm

8 Starting Nursery First Session at least with your child
Some children settle on the first day some take a little longer

9 Fruit, Milk and Nuts Fruit daily- part of every
Milk daily for all nursery children Allenby is a NUT FREE school, nuts should never be given to children

10 Holidays and Absence Holidays Contacting the school for illness
96% target for all children

11 WOW Books WOW books will be given once your child has settled in

12 Uniform Children need to wear suitable clothing for play both inside and out. Sensible shoes or trainers No fancy dress (unless advertised) School jumpers can be purchased if you would like but are not part of nursery uniform

13 Areas of Learning The New Foundation Stage Curriculum for 2012 consists of prime and specific Areas of Learning and Development. 3 PRIME AREAS Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development These are fundamental, work together and move through to support development in all other areas. They are crucial for developing children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. 4 SPECIFIC AREAS 4. Literacy; 5. Mathematics; 6. Understanding the world; 7. Expressive arts and design These include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society.

14 Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Become self-confident and self aware; Making and building relationships Know what their own needs are; Dress and undress independently; Become independent Manage feelings and behavior - tell the difference between right and wrong.

15 Communication and Language
Encourages children to develop conversational skills in a rich language environment and in a range of situations Will help children to develop listening and concentration skills. Enables children to express themselves and understand and act on instructions given to them.

16 Physical Development Supports children’s healthy development.
Provides opportunities for using a range of large and small equipment. Helps them to develop a sense of space around themselves and others. Encourages balance. Develops practical skills such as dressing, undressing etc. Handling equipment and tools effectively including pencils for writing.

17 Literacy Reading- Continue a rhyming string link sounds and letters
Segment sounds in words and blend them Read words and simple sentences Writing- Encourages children to develop pencil control and to begin to make marks on paper. Communicate meaning through clearly identifiable letters Write for a wide range of purpose- name, labels

18 Mathematical Development
Number Helps children to count up to ten and beyond. Supports children's understanding of numbers Shape, space and measure Encourages the use of mathematical words such as greater, smaller, heavier, lighter, more, less etc Develops skills in comparing and sorting objects. Supports children’s understanding of shape and size including 2D and 3D shapes..

19 Understanding the World
People and communities- Helps children to gain an understanding of their world Encourages them to look at changes over time (History) Encourages them to explore, observe and investigate their environment (Science) Helps to develop designing and making skills (DT) Will give your children the opportunity to understand and use information and communication technology and understand how it is used in homes and schools (ICT).

20 Expressive Arts and Design
Inspires children to explore colour and colour changes. Helps them to explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques Experiment with colour, design, and textures Develops an interest in music, singing, music-making and dancing. Develops confidence and imagination.

21 What can you do to prepare your child for nursery
Putting on their own coats and shoes Reading with your child everyday Taking your child to pre school and pre nursery classes Talking to your child Using the toilet by themselves Recognising their name Counting objects Nursery rhymes

22 Questions

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