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Basic Geospatial Analysis Techniques

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1 Basic Geospatial Analysis Techniques

2 What is geospatial data analysis?
Application of operations to manipulate or calculate coordinates and/or related attribute data Applied to solve a problems such as… Bus routing Flood zones Suitable site determination Spatial data analysis uses spatial operations to manipulate or calculate ‘SDA’ will be used to refer to ‘spatial data analysis’ for the remainder of this lecture.

3 Analysis Flowchart for Delineating Watersheds

4 Input, Operations, and Output
SDA typically involves using data from 1 or more layers to create output One to One One to Many Many to One Many to Many Output may not always be spatial Statistics Reports

5 Seven Basic Geospatial Analysis Techniques will be Examined
Selection Buffering Dissolve Overlay Operations Classification Table Operations Geocoding

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