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Team : “Fishness” Tsipourlianos Andreas Vasilakis Christos

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1 Identification of high lethality bacteria in aquaculture, genetic monitoring and consulting
Team : “Fishness” Tsipourlianos Andreas Vasilakis Christos Vasilakis Manos Giannoulis Themistoklis

2 Comorbidity – Lethality – Economic impact
Simultaneous infections Affecting a proportion of the livestock Resistance/susceptibility due to genetic factors Leading to financial loss Genetic consulting to improve the genetic pool  less prone to diseases

3 Parental genotyping (broodstock)
Identification of high-lethality bacterial combinations Correlation of infection with resistant genotypes Individuals that are not infected Individuals with resistance to the disease (good prognosis) immediate actions for aquaculture (“discard” bad genotypes) Cost assessment Genetic consulting and selective breeding

4 Species of interest : Sea bream (Sparus aurata)
Dataset provided : Aqua alert Dataset to be produced : Genotypes of GOI Two types of analysis : Genetic factors contributing to susceptibility (if available) Parentage analysis using microsatellite data

5 Data analysis Identify the unique combinations of comorbidity
49 combinations out of 790 incidents Mean mortality per combination (49.6%)

6 Data analysis Calculate an approximate loss using :
Sample size fish 4euros/kg 20% profit ~350g marketable size Mortality Median : fish/cage Max : fish/cage Estimation of genotyping cost

7 Economic impact Mean losses : ~8000 euros/cage/incident
Estimation of cost of genotyping : for 1000 broodstock Once in a lifetime Association with other characteristics

8 Thank you for your attention
The fishness team

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