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EDS Demo SOIS WG Autumn 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "EDS Demo SOIS WG Autumn 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDS Demo SOIS WG Autumn 2016

2 SOIS EDS: Common Interchange Format
Devices Documentation IRDs, ICDs, Verification reports, etc. validate EDS Interchangeable Model of data interfaces System Design translate generate OBSW SOIS CDAS, … transform MCS/EGSE S/C database SVF/Simulators Data encoding, calibration

3 SOIS Data And Services: Context
Application Layer ACQ FILE TIME CMD PKT LIST Time Access Electronic Data Sheet File & Packet Store Device Enumeration Subnetwork Layer STAT SYNC PKT DEV MEM Synchronization Memory Access Packet Device Discovery Test Functions and Data Colour Coded: Data in Rectangles; Standardised Services indicated at Provider End by Circle, Device-Specific services by cloud

4 EDS Context

5 SEDS Reference Tooling
Tooling Status Authoring Datasheet Validation Document Generation SEDS Reference Tooling TASTE SEDS XML Schema OBSW Code Generation NASA CFE

6 Deploying Plug And Play Avionics: Scope

7 Recap Device <-> spacecraft interfaces are a key interoperability point, and major mission cost driver. SOIS EDS captures that interface in a form that allows it to be exchanged between tools across the mission lifecycle. SOIS EDS Reference Tooling exists to promote interoperability by providing a common reference for EDS tool developers to test against.

8 Reference Tooling Deliverables

9 Datasheet: example.xml

10 Run Commands: java -jar SedsTooling.jar docgen
Generate HTML Documentation for example datasheet java -jar SedsTooling.jar docgen test-data/xml/example.xml --output-dir example_html --level ALL Generate HTML Index and Component Diagram for example datasheet java -jar SedsTooling.jar docgen test-data/xml/example.xml --output-dir example_html --level INDEX

11 Component Diagram from example.xml

12 Device Access Interface from example.xml

13 Subnetwork Interface from example.xml

14 PDU Detail from example.xml

15 Behavioral Model Detail

16 Artificial test data: example.raw
#Telemetry2Type aa #TelemetryEventType #Illegal TelemetryEventType

17 Run Command: java -jar SedsTooling.jar validate
Statically validate the datasheet against schema and additional rules from 876x0. java -jar SedsTooling.jar validate test-classes/xml/example.xml Verify correctness of datasheet against sample data java -jar SedsTooling.jar verify test-classes/xml/example.xml --data-encoding HEX_BYTE test-data test-classes/test_logs/example.raw --output-dir example_html

18 Verification Report: Overview

19 Verification Report: Subnetwork Coverage

20 Verification Report: Low level packet log

21 Verification Report: Behavioral Model Coverage

22 Real World Example: Jena Star Tracker
No device-specific information ‘baked into’ the tool; everything is in the EDS. Datasheet is 7600 lines of xml, covering 80 TC and 32 TM. Test data (supplied by manufacturer) is 1Mb of raw binary milbus log. Corresponding low-level html packet log is ~40 Mb of html (split into 20 chunks for readability). Validation Summary identifies the one error in the file (reported to manufacturer)

23 Real World Example: Verification Report

24 Real World Example: Failed packet

25 Recap Validation and Verification of Device Interfaces is key to early, and hence cheap, problem detection and remediation. Capturing device interfaces formally allows tools to be used to support that activity. SOIS EDS Reference Tooling provides a Proof of Concept implementation of such a device testing tool. Adding EDS support into existing test tools (e.g. simulators, SVF, EGSE, etc.) would allow additional testing capabilities.

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