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Market Review of LEGO DUPLO

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Presentation on theme: "Market Review of LEGO DUPLO"— Presentation transcript:

1 Market Review of LEGO DUPLO
Date: Market: RU Review link: See links in ! Deadline for feedback: Send feedback to: Ksenia Barton INSTRUCTIONS: Please review each section of the site. If you see something that you have comments on or need changed, please make a screen dump and fill out the "Content" area using one cell per comment. Please add rows if needed. If the correction is a typo, please copy the wrong text into ‘Content’ and your changes in the next column, . Please add the date and your name. Please call or me with any questions. Thanks. Please note that the sooner we get your feedback the sooner we can publish this new content on your site

2 add a new product 10508 Большой поезд # Section Content
Comments/Changes Comments/Actions 2 Text Missing content Add product

3 Market Review of LEGO Juniors
Date: Market: RU Review link: See links in ! Deadline for feedback: Send feedback to: Ksenia Barton INSTRUCTIONS: Please review each section of the site. If you see something that you have comments on or need changed, please make a screen dump and fill out the "Content" area using one cell per comment. Please add rows if needed. If the correction is a typo, please copy the wrong text into ‘Content’ and your changes in the next column, . Please add the date and your name. Please call or me with any questions. Thanks. Please note that the sooner we get your feedback the sooner we can publish this new content on your site

4 Используй уникальные детали для быстрого начала игры instead используй уникальные детали для быстрого начала игры # Section Content Comments/Changes Comments/Actions 2 Change text everywhere on the website with correct translation Wrong text size

5 # Игра Мемори для детей instead игра Мемори для детей Section Content
Comments/Changes Comments/Actions 2 Change text everywhere on the website with correct translation Wrong text size

6 # Section Content Comments/Changes Comments/Actions
2 Name of coloring Lost names of coloring pages Add the names of the colorings

7 Market Review of LEGO Friends
Date: Market: RU Review link: See links in ! Deadline for feedback: Send feedback to: Ksenia Barton INSTRUCTIONS: Please review each section of the site. If you see something that you have comments on or need changed, please make a screen dump and fill out the "Content" area using one cell per comment. Please add rows if needed. If the correction is a typo, please copy the wrong text into ‘Content’ and your changes in the next column, . Please add the date and your name. Please call or me with any questions. Thanks. Please note that the sooner we get your feedback the sooner we can publish this new content on your site

8 # Section Content Comments/Changes Comments/Actions
2 Name of the page has an incorrect type Сhange name of the page on the website with correct translation

9 Market Review of LEGO Minifigures http://www. lego
Date: Market: RU Review link: See links in ! Deadline for feedback: Send feedback to: Ksenia Barton INSTRUCTIONS: Please review each section of the site. If you see something that you have comments on or need changed, please make a screen dump and fill out the "Content" area using one cell per comment. Please add rows if needed. If the correction is a typo, please copy the wrong text into ‘Content’ and your changes in the next column, . Please add the date and your name. Please call or me with any questions. Thanks. Please note that the sooner we get your feedback the sooner we can publish this new content on your site

10 # Гомер на свидании instead ГОМЕР НА СВИДАНИИ
Section Content Comments/Changes Comments/Actions 2 Change text everywhere on the website with correct translation Wrong text size

11 # Садовник Вилли instead САДОВНИК ВИЛЛИ Сельма instead СЕЛЬМА
Section Content Comments/Changes Comments/Actions 2 Change text everywhere on the website with correct translation Wrong text size

12 Market Review of LEGO Star Wars
Date: Market: RU Review link: See links in ! Deadline for feedback: Send feedback to: Ksenia Barton INSTRUCTIONS: Please review each section of the site. If you see something that you have comments on or need changed, please make a screen dump and fill out the "Content" area using one cell per comment. Please add rows if needed. If the correction is a typo, please copy the wrong text into ‘Content’ and your changes in the next column, . Please add the date and your name. Please call or me with any questions. Thanks. Please note that the sooner we get your feedback the sooner we can publish this new content on your site

13 # Section Content Comments/Changes Comments/Actions
2 Fonts Wrong fonts Change fonts with the correct layout on the carousel

14 Market Review of LEGO City
Date: Market: RU Review link: See links in ! Deadline for feedback: Send feedback to: Ksenia Barton INSTRUCTIONS: Please review each section of the site. If you see something that you have comments on or need changed, please make a screen dump and fill out the "Content" area using one cell per comment. Please add rows if needed. If the correction is a typo, please copy the wrong text into ‘Content’ and your changes in the next column, . Please add the date and your name. Please call or me with any questions. Thanks. Please note that the sooner we get your feedback the sooner we can publish this new content on your site

15 7895 Железнодорожные стрелки 7280 Прямая дорога и перекрёсток
add a new product 7499 Гибкие пути 7895 Железнодорожные стрелки 7280 Прямая дорога и перекрёсток 7281 Т-образный перекрёсток и поворот # Section Content Comments/Changes Comments/Actions Text Missing content Add description

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