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Selection Switch 7-May-18, page 1.

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1 Selection Switch 7-May-18, page 1

2 Information: Defining a selection switch
Info sheet: Defining a selection switch The following sample shows you the parametrization of “Selection Switches“: With this object you can set or reset single or several bits within variables of the data types Byte, Word or DWord in the PLC at the same time. By pushing the button a variable can be set to a certain value or a bit can be shifted to the left or to the right. Set Bit mask: By touching the button on the MV4 the variable will be set to a predefined value. If „Special Bit mask“ is activated, the value can be entered in the fields named ON in binary format. If „Special Bit mask“ is deactivated, the settings at "Bit" determine, which Bit within the value will be set to "1". In this configuration only one bit within the value can be „1“, all others are "0". Set two Bit masks: On pushing the touch button the variable will be set according to the pattern in the fields ON, upon releasing the button the variable will be set according to the pattern in the fields OFF. The button will be displayed in the ON-state, if the corresponding bit Bit in STEPS is set, otherwise the button will be displayed in the OFF state. 7-May-18, page 2

3 Exercise: Selection Switch
Define a selection switch: Expand your project by the function of a “Selection switch“. Please define a “right turning“ knob, assigned to the marker byte %MB and which will then be displayed at the output byte of the LE4 attached to the PS4-201 (predefined in the PLC program). The bits will be shifted endlessly to the left. The necessary bitmaps can be found in the directory BMP with the file names “wahl0“ to „wahl7“. Insert the selection switch to the start page and test the functionality. 7-May-18, page 3

4 7-May-18, page 4

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