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Why We Have Seasons on Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Why We Have Seasons on Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why We Have Seasons on Earth

2 Lesson Objectives At the end of this lesson you will recognize that it takes the Earth one year to revolve around the Sun. You will also understand that the Earth’s tilt and its movement around the Sun cause the Earth’s seasons.

3 Important Vocabulary Revolve Revolution Orbit Equator Hemisphere
Equinox Solstice Axis Tilt

4 Reason for the Seasons Research
What are your theories for why we have seasons?

5 Click on the picture below to watch the Earth in Motion: Seasons video.
When you are at the site, click on VIEW to watch. Be sure to answer as many questions as possible.

6 Use these sites to answer the questions and check your work.
Click the globe to see an animation of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun. Use this to answer the second to last question. Click on the encyclopedia to access World Book On-line. Click on the picture to the left to reach the Enchanted Learning site. Click on the Sun to reach the Windows of the Universe site.

7 If your work is done, play the Cosmic Map game.

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