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Proving Statements about Segments

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1 Proving Statements about Segments
Textbook 2.5

2 Properties of Segment Congruence
Reflexive: For any segment AB, AB = AB. Symmetric: If AB = CD, then CD = AB. Transitive: If AB = CD, and CD = EF, then AB = EF. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

3 Proof ~ ~ ~ Given UV = XY, VW = WX, WX = YZ Prove UW = XZ ~ STATEMENTS
REASONS ~ ~ ~ 1. UV = XY, VW = WX, WX = YZ Given 2. VW = YZ ~ Transitive Property of Segment Congruence 3. UV = XY, VW = YZ Definition of Congruent Segments 4. UV + VW = XY + YZ Addition Property of Equality 5. UV + VW = UW, XY + YZ = XZ Segment Addition Postulate 6. UW = XZ Substitution Property of Equality 7. UW = XZ ~ Definition of Congruent Segments

4 Homework Page 105 – 107 6 – 18, 21, 22, 28 – 40 (even)
(You can work on this in class on Friday along with the assignment given to the substitute. We will answer questions on Monday, and grade on Tuesday.)

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