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First Grade Curriculum Night First Quarter

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1 First Grade Curriculum Night First Quarter
Presented By: Ms. Bruce, Mrs. Carlile, MRs. Maret, Ms. Newman, Ms. Robian, Ms. Schain, Ms. Smith, Mrs. Workman First Grade Open House

2 Conferences Expect an soon from SignUpGenius to schedule a conference in October. Teachers will meet with all parents this fall to discuss first quarter work and goals for the year. We will schedule a second conference in the spring.

3 Cedar Fork Pacing Guides
At the beginning of each quarter, Cedar Fork will post the Common Core and Essential Standards that will be covered for each grade in English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Look for these on the Cedar Fork Website. Click on Parent Resources, and scroll down to Pacing Guides. You can also find this on the first grade website At the beginning of each quarter, CF will post the Common Core and Essential Standards that will be covered for each grade in English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Share with parents where they are located and what they look like.

4 Our Daily Schedule 8:45-9:15 Arrival, Morning Work
9:15-9:20 Morning Meeting 9:20-10:20 Math 10:20-10:40 Letterland 10:40-10:55 Snack and Calendar 10:55-11:40 Specials 11:40-12:50 Interactive Read Aloud, Mini-lesson, Reader’s Workshop 12:50-1:20 Lunch 1:20-2:00 Reader’s Workshop 2:00-2:30 Writing 2:30-3:00 Recess 3:00-3:35 Science/Social Studies 3:35-3:45 Dismissal (and additional practice)

5 Math Daily Routines and Quick Practice—Calendar
helps students build fluency allows students opportunities to share their thinking gives the teacher and students time to practice previously taught skills and how they are related to new skills Whole group modeling and discussion Independent practice or group work

6 Starting at any number they should be able to continue the sequence:
First Quarter: Math Read, Write, and Count to 120 (1.NBT.1) *120 is the goal by the end of the year* Starting at any number they should be able to continue the sequence: 3, 4, 5, __, __, __ 46, __, 48, __,__,__ **counting across a decade __, 108, 109, __, __, __ **numbers in the 100s tend to be the most tricky This skill really supports the concept of counting on to solve problems

7 Addition and Subtraction within 20
First Quarter: Math Addition and Subtraction within 20 (1.OA.1, 1.OA.4, 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6, 1.OA.8 ) Solve a variety of isolated equations: ** we like to see students draw pictures that MATCH the equation so we can see their thinking Addition Subtraction 5+ 3 = __ 8- 6 = __ 9+ __ = 12 13 - __ = 4 __ + 3 = 17 __ - 7= 2 10= 4+ __ 14= 10-__

8 First Quarter: Math Addition and Subtraction within 20 (1.OA.1, 1.OA.4, 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6, 1.OA.8 ) Use addition and subtraction within a number story: * The picture and equation should match the story * Students should use a symbol to show the unknown number Addition Subtraction I had 4 pencils and then bought 8 more. How many pencils do I have? 4+ 8 = __ I had 10 pencils and then 2 broke. How many pencils are left? 10-2= __ I have 5 green pencils and 2 yellow pencils. How many pencils do I have? 5 + 2 = __ I had 10 pencils and some broke. Now I only have 6. How many pencils broke? 10- __ = 6 I had 8 pencils and then I found some more. Now I have 14. How many pencils did I find? 8 + __ = 14 I had some pencils and 6 broke. Now I only have 1 pencil. How many did I have to start with? __ -6 = 1

9 10 8 First Quarter: Math Subtraction and Addition are Related (1.OA.4)
You can find the unknown by using addition 8+ __ = 10 You can find the unknown by using subtraction 10-8 = __

10 Counting On as Addition and Subtraction (1.OA.5)
First Quarter: Math adding 1 subtracting Counting On as Addition and Subtraction (1.OA.5)

11 Reading Phonics skills (Letterland): Comprehension skills:
word sorts, decodable stories, small group practice Comprehension skills: Interactive read alouds, mini-lessons, independent practice, small group discussions

12 First Quarter: Reading
Ask and Answer Questions About the Text (RL1.1, RI1.1) Ask questions before, during, and after reading. Before Reading During Reading After Reading What do I think will happen? What might happen next? Text Specific Questions I wonder why…? What am I confused about? Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? What do I already know? What did I learn? What do I want to know?

13 First Quarter: Reading
Retelling (RL1.2, RI1.2) Fiction Text Informational Text Sequence key events Identify the main topic Recall key details (Who? Where? When? What? Why? How?) Recall key details/facts Show understanding of the author’s lesson

14 First Quarter: Reading
Know and Apply Grade-level Phonics and Word Analysis Skills (RF1.3) Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words with these sounds: short vowels in one syllable words double consonants th, ch, wh Use the skills of ‘stretching out’ or ‘finger sounding’ to hear the sounds and then blend Unknown Words Make the sounds and write them down **The tri-weekly assessment is used as a grade. It assesses sounds from the last 3 weeks to look for mastery of current & previous sounds.

15 Writing Content and convention skills are introduced and modeled with books and written examples Small group and individual conferences to reinforce skills and discuss strengths/areas for improvement Whole group sharing of skills that were used

16 First Quarter: Writing
Narrative Writing (W1.3) Small moment, personal narrative Recount 2 or more sequenced events Include some key details Provide closure to the story Use some basic capitalization and punctuation Spell unknown words using learned sounds sounds from Kindergarten and First Grade Use previously learned sight words

17 First Quarter: Social Studies
I am a Citizen of My Community Discuss why rules are important in different settings Discuss the role of authority figures in different settings Discuss ways conflict can be resolved in different settings

18 First Quarter: Science
Balance and Motion Understand how forces affect the motion of an object Explain the important of a push or pull to changing the motion of an object Explain how some forces can be used to make thing move without touching them (ie. Magnets) Predict the effect of a given force on the motion of an object

19 Conduct and Work Habits
- Is cooperative - Shows respect for others - Observes rules and procedures Work Habits: - Uses time wisely - Is attentive and listens - Completes assignments - Works independently/seeks help when needed - Follows directions - Writes legibly - Completes homework **These skills are reflected on interims and report cards.

20 Homework The daily recommended time for first grade homework is 20-30minutes (in addition to their nightly 20 minutes of reading). A monthly homework sheet will be sent home at the beginning of the month describing each night’s assignment. A weekly homework packet will be sent home each Monday with the assignments. All assignments will be due on Friday. Homework is intended to be simple enough that your child could complete it independently, but parental guidance is encouraged! Use videos and resources posted on the first grade website to support you with homework and practice. Grade level newsletters will be sent home monthly to highlight the standards taught in the classroom.

21 Behavior We will use a variety of positive reinforcement techniques to guide children in making good behavior choices.   If a difficulty arises, our goal is to help students solve their own problems by meeting with children and giving them the opportunity to discuss what happened and to decide how to best resolve that problem.   We will guide children toward personal responsibility and decision-making skills they will need to be successful in life.

22 Interim Reports Interims come midway through the quarter. (Sent home on Tuesday.) The purpose of interims is to notify parents of their student’s understanding of 1st quarter expectations up to that point. The standards seen on the interims will be reassessed by the end of the quarter. Assessment folders will come home with interims and report cards. Please sign all assessments and the envelope and return to school.

23 Report Cards Report cards are sent home at the end of each quarter.
To determine a student’s grade in literacy and math, teachers collect data from work samples, assessments and classroom observations.

24 Lunch/Snack Reminders
Please send in needed utensils. Please keep your child’s lunch account current or send in lunch money when buying. You can send in money or add money to the account online. The school does not have the funds to loan money to students.

25 Thanks for coming! Please keep an eye out for the conference from SignUpGenius! Please visit the first grade website frequently for updates!


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