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Technician License Course Module Ten Operating Station Equipment

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1 Technician License Course Module Ten Operating Station Equipment
Repeater Operation and Data Modes

2 What is a Repeater? Specialized transmitter/receiver interconnected by computer controller Generally located at a high place Receives your signal and simultaneously re-transmits your signal on a different frequency Dramatically extends line-of-sight range If both users can see the repeater site



5 A Little Vocabulary First
Simplex Transmitting and receiving on the same frequency Each user takes turns to transmit Is the preferred method if it works

6 A Little Vocabulary First
Duplex Transmitting on one frequency while simultaneously listening on a different frequency Repeaters use duplex Output frequency – the frequency the repeater transmits on and you listen to Input frequency – the frequency the repeater listens to and you transmit on

7 Things to Know to Use a Repeater
Output frequency Frequency split and therefore the input frequency Repeater access tones (if any)

8 Repeater Output Frequency
Repeaters are frequently identified by their output frequency “Meet you on the machine.” Here the specific frequency is used Inform the students of various repeater directory source materials that are available either on-line or in hard copy form. 8

9 Repeater Output Frequency
Repeaters are frequently identified by their output frequency “Let’s go to 94.” Here an abbreviation for a standard repeater channel is used meaning MHz Inform the students of various repeater directory source materials that are available either on-line or in hard copy form. 9

10 Repeater Output Frequency
Repeaters are frequently identified by their output frequency “How about the KØKKV repeater?” Here the repeater is referenced by the sponsoring club name Inform the students of various repeater directory source materials that are available either on-line or in hard copy form. 10

11 Repeater Frequency Split
The split, shifts, or offset frequencies are standardized to help facilitate repeater use There are + and – shifts depending on the plan Different bands have different standardized amounts of shift The use of different terms for frequency offset might confuse students, let them know that all the terms refer to the same thing. Discuss with the students that most modern radios will automatically set the standardized offset frequency when programmed, that they must specifically program in a non-standard split for those repeaters requiring it. Finally, let them know that the offset plan is not law, just a plan that is used by convention. There are some repeaters that use non standardized splits in order to limit or control use. 11

12 Repeater Frequency Split
Band Receive Transmit Split (Offset) 2 Meters (VHF) (-600 kHz) The use of different terms for frequency offset might confuse students, let them know that all the terms refer to the same thing. Discuss with the students that most modern radios will automatically set the standardized offset frequency when programmed, that they must specifically program in a non-standard split for those repeaters requiring it. Finally, let them know that the offset plan is not law, just a plan that is used by convention. There are some repeaters that use non standardized splits in order to limit or control use. 12

13 Repeater Frequency Split
Band Receive Transmit Split (Offset) 2 Meters (VHF) (-600 kHz) 70 cm (UHF) (+5.0 MHz) The use of different terms for frequency offset might confuse students, let them know that all the terms refer to the same thing. Discuss with the students that most modern radios will automatically set the standardized offset frequency when programmed, that they must specifically program in a non-standard split for those repeaters requiring it. Finally, let them know that the offset plan is not law, just a plan that is used by convention. There are some repeaters that use non standardized splits in order to limit or control use. 13

14 Repeater Access Tones Sometimes multiple repeaters can be accessed at the same time unintentionally To preclude unintentional access, some repeaters require a sub-audible tone to be present before the repeater controller will recognize the signal as a valid signal and turn on the transmitter These tones are called by various names (depending on equipment manufacturer) CTCSS PL You will have to define what sub-audible means and give some examples of tone frequencies. 14

15 Repeater Access Tones Access tones are usually published along with repeater frequencies Could also be announced when the repeater identifies “PL is 123.0” Tones are generally programmed into the radio along with frequency and offset

16 Repeater Controller Computer that controls the repeater operation
Station identification (Morse code or synthesized voice) Same ID requirements as you have Time-out protection Sometimes called “the alligator” Protects against continuous transmission in the event of a stuck PTT or long-winded hams Courtesy tone – repeater time-out timer reset Here you should cover some of the characteristics of the local repeaters that the students will encounter. Include in the discussion the different ID’s used, what a courtesy tone is and what it means, the length of the time-out timers on some machines, and locally accepted uses of repeaters. 16

17 Data Modes Connecting computers via ham radio
Some systems use radio to connect to Internet gateways The bulk of the work is done by specialized modems or computer software/sound card Terminal Node Controller (TNC) Multiple Protocol Controller (MPC)

18 TNC – MPC Provide digital interface between computer and radio
Package the data into proper format Convert digital data into audio tones representing 1s and 0s of digital data Send/receive tones to transceiver Control the transceiver You can spend a lot of time discussion the digital modes, but use care that you don’t overwhelm the students that are not ready for a high level discussion. Most are already familiar with the basics because of and use of the Internet. Perhaps making the connection between radio and data transmissions will help them to grasp the basic concepts. 18

19 Data Station Setup

20 VEC Question Pool Module Ten

21 T1A08 Which of the following entities recommends transmit/receive channels and other parameters for auxiliary and repeater stations? A. Frequency Spectrum Manager B. Frequency Coordinator C. FCC Regional Field Office D. International Telecommunications Union

22 T1A08 (B) Which of the following entities recommends transmit/receive channels and other parameters for auxiliary and repeater stations? A. Frequency Spectrum Manager B. Frequency Coordinator C. FCC Regional Field Office D. International Telecommunications Union

23 T1A09 Who selects a Frequency Coordinator?
A. The FCC Office of Spectrum Management and Coordination Policy B. The local chapter of the Office of National Council of Independent Frequency Coordinators C. Amateur operators in a local or regional area whose stations are eligible to be auxiliary or repeater stations D. FCC Regional Field Office

24 T1A09 (C) Who selects a Frequency Coordinator?
A. The FCC Office of Spectrum Management and Coordination Policy B. The local chapter of the Office of National Council of Independent Frequency Coordinators C. Amateur operators in a local or regional area whose stations are eligible to be auxiliary or repeater stations D. FCC Regional Field Office

25 T2A01 What is the most common repeater frequency offset in the 2 meter band? A. Plus 500 kHz B. Plus or minus 600 kHz C. Minus 500 kHz D. Only plus 600 kHz

26 T2A01 (B) What is the most common repeater frequency offset in the 2 meter band? A. Plus 500 kHz B. Plus or minus 600 kHz C. Minus 500 kHz D. Only plus 600 kHz

27 T2A02 What is the national calling frequency for FM simplex operations in the 70 cm band? A MHz B MHz C MHz D MHz

28 T2A02 (D) What is the national calling frequency for FM simplex operations in the 70 cm band? A MHz B MHz C MHz D MHz

29 T2A03 What is a common repeater frequency offset in the 70 cm band?
A. Plus or minus 5 MHz B. Plus or minus 600 kHz C. Minus 600 kHz D. Plus 600 kHz

30 T2A03 (A) What is a common repeater frequency offset in the 70 cm band? A. Plus or minus 5 MHz B. Plus or minus 600 kHz C. Minus 600 kHz D. Plus 600 kHz

31 T2B01 What is the term used to describe an amateur station that is transmitting and receiving on the same frequency? A. Full duplex communication B. Diplex communication C. Simplex communication D. Multiplex communication

32 T2B01 (C) What is the term used to describe an amateur station that is transmitting and receiving on the same frequency? A. Full duplex communication B. Diplex communication C. Simplex communication D. Multiplex communication

33 T2B02 What is the term used to describe the use of a sub-audible tone transmitted with normal voice audio to open the squelch of a receiver? A. Carrier squelch B. Tone burst C. DTMF D. CTCSS

34 T2B02 (D) What is the term used to describe the use of a sub-audible tone transmitted with normal voice audio to open the squelch of a receiver? A. Carrier squelch B. Tone burst C. DTMF D. CTCSS

35 T2B04 Which of the following common problems might cause you to be able to hear but not access a repeater even when transmitting with the proper offset? A. The repeater receiver may require an audio tone burst for access B. The repeater receiver may require a CTCSS tone for access C. The repeater receiver may require a DCS tone sequence for access D. All of these choices are correct

36 T2B04 (D) Which of the following common problems might cause you to be able to hear but not access a repeater even when transmitting with the proper offset? A. The repeater receiver may require an audio tone burst for access B. The repeater receiver may require a CTCSS tone for access C. The repeater receiver may require a DCS tone sequence for access D. All of these choices are correct

37 T2B12 Under what circumstances should you consider communicating via simplex rather than a repeater? A. When the stations can communicate directly without using a repeater B. Only when you have an endorsement for simplex operation on your license C. Only when third party traffic is not being passed D. Only if you have simplex modulation capability

38 T2B12 (A) Under what circumstances should you consider communicating via simplex rather than a repeater? A. When the stations can communicate directly without using a repeater B. Only when you have an endorsement for simplex operation on your license C. Only when third party traffic is not being passed D. Only if you have simplex modulation capability

39 T2C12 What is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)?
A. Licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service B. Licensed amateurs who are members of the military and who voluntarily agreed to provide message handling services in the case of an emergency C. A training program that provides licensing courses for those interested in obtaining an amateur license to use during emergencies D. A training program that certifies amateur operators for membership in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service

40 T2C12 (A) What is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)?
A. Licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service B. Licensed amateurs who are members of the military and who voluntarily agreed to provide message handling services in the case of an emergency C. A training program that provides licensing courses for those interested in obtaining an amateur license to use during emergencies D. A training program that certifies amateur operators for membership in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service

41 T4A02 How might a computer be used as part of an amateur radio station? A. For logging contacts and contact information B. For sending and/or receiving CW C. For generating and decoding digital signals D. All of these choices are correct

42 T4A02 (D) How might a computer be used as part of an amateur radio station? A. For logging contacts and contact information B. For sending and/or receiving CW C. For generating and decoding digital signals D. All of these choices are correct

43 T4A06 Which of the following would be connected between a transceiver and computer in a packet radio station? A. Transmatch B. Mixer C. Terminal node controller D. Antenna

44 T4A06 (C) Which of the following would be connected between a transceiver and computer in a packet radio station? A. Transmatch B. Mixer C. Terminal node controller D. Antenna

45 T4A07 How is a computer's sound card used when conducting digital communications using a computer? A. The sound card communicates between the computer CPU and the video display B. The sound card records the audio frequency for video display C. The sound card provides audio to the microphone input and converts received audio to digital form D. All of these choices are correct

46 T4A07 (C) How is a computer's sound card used when conducting digital communications using a computer? A. The sound card communicates between the computer CPU and the video display B. The sound card records the audio frequency for video display C. The sound card provides audio to the microphone input and converts received audio to digital form D. All of these choices are correct

47 T4B11 Which of the following describes the common meaning of the term "repeater offset"? A. The distance between the repeater's transmit and receive antennas B. The time delay before the repeater timer resets C. The difference between the repeater's transmit and receive frequencies D. Matching the antenna impedance to the feed line impedance

48 T4B11 (C) Which of the following describes the common meaning of the term "repeater offset"? A. The distance between the repeater's transmit and receive antennas B. The time delay before the repeater timer resets C. The difference between the repeater's transmit and receive frequencies D. Matching the antenna impedance to the feed line impedance

49 T8C11 What name is given to an amateur radio station that is used to connect other amateur stations to the Internet? A. A gateway B. A repeater C. A digipeater D. A beacon

50 T8C11 (A) What name is given to an amateur radio station that is used to connect other amateur stations to the Internet? A. A gateway B. A repeater C. A digipeater D. A beacon

51 End Module Ten

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