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Types of Business Ownership

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Business Ownership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Business Ownership
Advantages and Disadvantages

2 Sole Proprietorship A business owned by only one person.

3 Partnership Two or more persons sharing ownership
and operation of a business under a contractual agreement.

4 Corporation An organization owned by many people but
treated by the law as though it were a legal entity (“artificial being”, “thing”)

5 Franchise A legal agreement to begin and operate a new
business in the name of a recognized company in exchange for payment, and for the agreement to operate the business as required.

6 Sole Proprietorship Advantages
Ease of Organizing Control over Profits Control over Operations Pride of Ownership Lower Taxes Ease to dissolve

7 Sole Proprietorship Disadvantages
Unlimited Liability Difficulty in Raising Capital Responsible for all Losses Long Hours Working with Insufficient Capital Management Knowledge

8 Partnership Advantages
More Capital Combined Managerial Skills Established Legal Status Tax Advantages Personal Satisfaction

9 Partnership Disadvantages
Unlimited Liability Shared Profits Possible Conflicts Possible Instability Difficulty withdrawing Investment

10 Corporation Advantages
Limited Liability Greater Capital Unlimited Life Specialized and Professional Management

11 Corporation Disadvantages
Increased Taxation Difficulty in Starting Management Problems Increased Government Control

12 Franchise Advantages Business is already created
Parent Company Expertise and Help National Advertising

13 Franchise Disadvantages
Owner Pays the Parent Company a % of Gross Sales No Independence Large Investment

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