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Sole Proprietorship FUN FACT: about ¾ of all businesses are sole proprietorships FUN FACT: many are family-owned businesses that have been passed on.

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Presentation on theme: "Sole Proprietorship FUN FACT: about ¾ of all businesses are sole proprietorships FUN FACT: many are family-owned businesses that have been passed on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Business Ownership - Sole Proprietorship - Partnership - Corporation

2 Sole Proprietorship FUN FACT: about ¾ of all businesses are sole proprietorships FUN FACT: many are family-owned businesses that have been passed on from generation to generation

3 Sole Proprietorship Ownership – one person
Start-up Costs – very hard to get financing from a bank, usually comes from owner, family & friends Taxes – The business profits all go to the Owner who pays income taxes

4 Sole Proprietorship Liability – unlimited liability; owner is personally responsible for any company debts or losses; if it loses money you have to make up the difference! Responsibility for Decisions - totally up to the owner; no one else has a say! Pros & Cons - life of the business is limited to the interest & participation of the owner

5 Partnership

6 Partnership Ownership – 2 or more people
Start-up Costs – hard to get financing but some banks are more willing to lend to partnerships, usually all the partners contribute which spreads the costs Taxes – Profits get divided up to each or the partners & partners pays income taxes

7 Partnership Liability – unlimited liability; owners are personally responsible for any of the company’s debts or losses; if one partner makes a bad decision like buying stolen equipment you could end up in jail with him. Responsibility for Decisions - Each partner can make decisions for all the partners (whether they agree or not!) Pros & Cons - partnership agreement to spell out the rights & responsibilities of the partners; partners bring different skills & resources to the business

8 Corporation

9 Corporation Ownership – many people known as stockholders
Start-up Costs – easy to get financing, can acquire funds by selling stock Taxes – Corporation is taxed and owners are taxed on income

10 Corporation Liability – limited liability; stockholders (owners) are NOT personally responsible for any of the company’s debts or losses; can only lose how much they invested in the company Responsibility for Decisions - Board of Directors voted in by stockholders. Company officers carry out their decisions. Pros & Cons - Legal paperwork & financial reporting is greater; long life of business is possible

11 Alternative Ways to Do Business
Franchise Agreement to sell a company’s products/services in a designated geographic area you pay franchisor an annual fee or % profits Can be sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation Pros: easy to start; proven business model ; good choice if you lack “business know how” Cons : Strict rules about how business is run, if unprofitable you still must pay the franchisor

12 Alternative Ways to Do Business
Nonprofit Organization Business focused on providing a service instead of making a profit. Examples: American Red Cross, YMCA, Meals on Wheels, Churchs Registers with government (501c Corporation) and often run by a Board of Directors Does NOT pay taxes

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