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Project Name, presenter and project role and review date

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1 Project Name, presenter and project role and review date
1 1 PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT 12 October 2011 Adv. Menzi Simelane National Director of Public Prosecutions Project Name, presenter and project role and review date 11

2 2 2 Scope of Presentation Performance Information Audit Findings
Budgeting Challenges 22

3 NPA Budget vs. Exp as at 31/3/2011 per Sub-Programme
3 3 NPA Budget vs. Exp as at 31/3/2011 per Sub-Programme 2010/11 Adjusted Appropriation Shifting of Funds Virement Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance % Spend R'000 % Public Prosecutions 1,972,671 979 (100,493) 1,873,157 1,861,392 11,765 99.4% Witness Protection Programme 130,745 (2,768) - 127,977 100% Asset Forfeiture Unit 106,589 50,367 156,956 Support Services 474,258 (48,578) (75,236) 350,444 348,947 1,497 99.6% Total 2,684,263 (175,729) 2,508,534 2,495,272 13,262 99.5% 33

4 4 4 Establishment Number of Posts Number of Posts Filled Number of Vacant Posts Overall Vacancy Rate Contracts 08/09 5920 4367 1553 26.2% 323 09/10 5164 4245 919 17.8% 398 10/11 5185 4314 871 16.8% 503 Sept 11 5176 4344 846 16.3% 472 44

5 5 5 Establishment (cont) 126 prosecutors for the backlog courts
260 aspirants prosecutors SOCA contracts Rest are administrative staff (relief etc.) Prosecutorial vacancy rate 11.89% 55

6 6 6 Sub-Programme 1: Public Prosecutions
Public Prosecutions is responsible for achieving the following key measurable objectives: Increase the number of cases finalised Increase the number of cases finalised through ADRM Increase the number of cases finalised by the SCCU Maintain the high conviction rates in all courts Increase the number of TCCs 66

7 Achievement of ENE Targets and Indicators
7 7 Achievement of ENE Targets and Indicators Sub-Programme Indicator  Target  Actual Deviation Notes 2010/11 Public Prosecutions Number of cases finalised including ADRM 482,491 460, 891 -4.5% Public Service Strike in second quarter Number of cases finalised excluding ADRM 357,928 331,045 -7.5% Number of complex commercial crime cases finalised 1 465 742 -49.4% Re-focus on complex commercial cases that take longer to complete Conviction rate: High courts 87.0% 87.8% 0.8%  Achieved Regional courts 74.0% 73.4% -0.6%  Not achieved District courts 90.7% 3.7% Achieved Sexual offences courts 66.0% 68.6% 2.6% (Only dedicated courts) Number of TCCs 25 27 8% Target exceeded 7

8 Progress on TCC cases 2009/10 2010/11 Number of TCCs 20 27
Number of cases reported 13 756 20 496 Number of cases referred to court from TCCs 6 410 9 716 Conviction rate at courts attached to TCC’s 64.5% 63% 88

9 Overview of Performance
9 9 Overview of Performance Reduction of 7.1% in the withdrawal rate of cases through the implementation of proper screening mechanisms. Total of cases withdrawn in 2010/11 compared to the during previous year. High conviction rates were maintained Focused approach followed on the implementation of the Child Justice Act and the diversion of children in conflict with the law. 1.8% increase in number of children diverted – from diverted during previous year to a total of during 2010/11. 5.1% reduction in the outstanding court roll at end of financial year ( compared to during 2009/10) 9

10 Overview of Performance
f o r m a l b a i l a p p l i c a t i o n s d e a l t w i t h R e d u c t i o n i n t h e l e v e l s o f t r i o c r i m e s i s o n e o f t h e J C P S o b j e c t i v e s f o r / 1 1 a n d t h e N P A c o n t r i b u t e d t o t h e a c h i e v e m e n t o f t h i s o u t p u t b y o b t a i n i n g % c o n v i c t i o n r a t e . c o m p r i s i n g o f c o u n t s ( g e t t h e a n n e x u r e t o g i v e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n ) Overview of Performance Decision dockets dealt with in before enrolment which is 9.1% more than the dockets dealt with in the during previous year A total of 604 section 105A plea and sentence agreements were successfully concluded. In 184 (36%) of the cases, the sentences imposed comprised of direct imprisonment. 10

11 Plea Agreements: Serious Offences
Custodial Non-Custodial % Imprisonment Direct Imprisonment less than 5 years Direct Imprisonment years Direct Imprisonment years Direct Imprisonment 15 years or longer Robbery - Aggravating 28 5 85% 3 20 2 Rape 21 4 84% 11 7 Murder 24 1 96% 8 Fraud 32 26% 9 Theft 13 50 21% Sexual Offences (Other) 6 15 29% 1111

12 Additional Indicators
Additional Indicators In addition to the ENE indicators and targets several other key indicators were determined and monitored. The NPA has also defined key indicators which enables the reader to better understand how the reported figures are calculated. These are included in the annual report on page 1212

13 Additional Indicators
Additional Indicators DIVISION INDICATOR MEASUREMENT FORUM ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL TOTAL Deviation from Target PUBLIC PROSECU TIONS Finalisation Rate Number of cases finalised including ADRM District Court 3 cases pc pd 2.3 -23.8% Regional Court 0.7 cases pc pd 0.5 -21.8% High Court 0.2 cases pc pd 0.11 -43.2% ADRM Number of cases diverted per month with children in conflict with the law All Courts 16 173 16 462 1.9% % Backlog Cases Reduction in the number of cases older than indicated period 36 672 37 034 1.0% 90% not older 6months 88% no older than 6 months -2.0% 75% not older 9months 68% not older than 9 months -7.0% 75% not older 12months 68.8% not older than 12 months -6.2% Decision Dockets Positive Clearance Ratio on Decision dockets received within a month 100% 98.50% -1.5% 98.30% -1.7% 87.00% -13.0% LEGAL SERVICES Representations % of Formal Representations dealt with DPP Offices 85% 65.90% -19.1% ONDPP 100.00% 15.0%

14 14 14 14 14 Backlog Figures Outstanding Cases Backlog Cases
Outstanding Cases Backlog Cases % Backlog Cases 2009/10 2010/11 District Courts 22 238 19 792 12.5% 12.0% Regional Courts 50 708 52 756 16 054 16 875 31.7% 32.0% High Courts 1308 1175 271 367 20.7% 31.2% Total 230477 218660 38563 37034 16.7% 16.9% 1414

15 Diversion of Children: Scheduled Offences
The crimes related to the cases that were subject to preliminary inquires comprised (52.2%) Schedule 1 offence’s, (33.2%) Schedule 2 offences and (14.5%) serious offences in term of Schedule 3. The Schedules referred to are in respect of the Child Justice Act and not the Criminal Procedure Act. FORUM SCHEDULE 1 OFFENCES SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 DISTRICT COURT 7237 4505 1750 REGIONAL COURT 72 142 284 NATIONAL TOTAL 7309 4647 2034 1515

16 Performance Overview of Public Prosecutions
Performance Overview of Public Prosecutions New Cases Cases Removed Total Finalised Finalised Verdict ADRM 2009/10 2010/11 16 1616


18 18 18 18 18 Cases removed from the roll: FORUM 2009/10 % of National
2010/11 Progress HIGH COURT 128 0.0% 175 36.7% REGIONAL COURT 46 427 7.8% 46 550 8.7% 0.3% DISTRICT COURT 92.2% 91.3% -11.0% ALL 100.0% -10.1% 18

19 Cases removed from the roll: High Courts HIGH COURT BY REGION
DIVISION 2009/2010 2010/2011 Eastern Cape Division 11 13 Eastern Cape Division – Mthatha 18 42 Free State Division 1 4 Kwazulu-Natal Division 24 50 North Gauteng Division 3 5 North West Division 33 40 Northern Cape Division 2 South Gauteng Division 34 16 Western Cape Division National Total 128 175 1919

20 Cases Removed from the Court roll: Regional Courts
DIVISION 2009/2010 2010/2011 Eastern Cape Division 3066 3238 ECD Mthatha 1376 1572 Free State Division 3185 3168 Kwazulu-Natal Division 7476 7193 Northern Cape Division 1641 1942 North Gauteng Division 13618 13589 North West Division 2617 2389 South Gauteng Division 8061 8040 Western Cape Division 5387 5419 National Total 46427 46550 2020

21 Cases Removed from the Court Roll: District Courts
DIVISION 2009/2010 2010/2011 Eastern Cape Division 58 187 53 219 ECD Mthatha 20 603 18 742 Free State Division 31 639 30 414 Kwazulu-Natal Division 94 150 73 093 Northern Cape Division 25 813 20 955 North Gauteng Division 95 536 North West Division 23 130 20 163 South Gauteng Division 45 401 45 793 Western Cape Division National Total 2121

22 Cases Finalised: All Criminal Courts
 FORUM 2009/10 % of National 2010/11 Progress HIGH COURT 1 235 0.3% 1 087 0.2% -12.2% REGIONAL COURT 40 962 8.7% 39 197 8.5% -4.3% DISTRICT COURT 91.0% 91.3% -1.6% ALL 100.0% -1.8%

23 Finalisation of Cases: District Courts
T h e D i s t r i c t C o u r t s f i n a l i s e d c a s e s c o m p r i s i n g v e r d i c t c a s e s ( % ) a n d A D R M c a s e s ( % ) . T h i s r e p r e s e n t s a f i n a l i s a t i o n r a t e o f c a s e s p e r c o u r t p e r d a y . C o m p a r e d t o t h e p r e v i o u s f i n a n c i a l y e a r t h e D i s t r i c t C o u r t s h a v e f i n a l i s e d m o r e c a s e s ( % i m p r o v e m e n t ) W h a t k i n d o f c a s e s a r e d i v e r t e d f o r a d u l t s Finalisation of Cases: District Courts Sec 57A - AG Guilty Not Guilty Informal Mediation Diversion Adult Children 42 207 27 300 81 834 29 980 16 145 23

24 Finalisation of Cases: Regional Courts
W h a t c r i m e s f o r t h e d i v e r s i o n o f a d u l t s S c h e d u l e s f o r c h i l d r e n Finalisation of Cases: Regional Courts Sec 57A - AG Guilty Not Guilty Informal Mediation Diversion Adult Children 152 27 219 9 939 1 474 96 317 24

25 Finalisation of Cases: High Courts
Finalisation of Cases: High Courts Guilty & Sentenced Not Guilty Minimum Sentences Confirmed Minimum Sentences Acquitted 931 119 23 14 25

26 Performance Overview of Specialised Commercial Crime Unit (SCCU) Measurable Objectives Increase the number of cases finalised by the specialised commercial crime unit by 2% Highlights of Achievement 10 Dedicated courts finalised 742 cases compared to 1026 finalised in 2009/10 92.5% conviction rate was achieved compared to 93.6% finalised in 2009/10 23 Plea agreements concluded during 2010/11 26 2626

27 Performance Overview of Sexual Offences and Community Affairs (SOCA) Increased the number of TCCs from 20 to 27 against a target of 5 349 prosecutors trained on Child Justice Act 178 prosecutors trained on sexual offences legislation 102 prosecutors trained on domestic violence 79 prosecutors trained on human trafficking 27 2727

28 Sub-programme 2: OWP Performance against ENE Targets
Sub-programme 2: OWP Performance against ENE Targets Sub-Programme Indicator Target Actual Deviation  Notes 2010/11 Witness Protection Number of witnesses harmed or threatened 0.0% Percentage of walk-offs 32.0% 5.0% 27% The amended definitions as previously reported contributed to this factor. The definition has been amended and submitted for approval 2828

29 OWP: Service Delivery Achievements
Number of witnesses increased from 300 to 468 Number of related persons increased from 500 to 906 180 witnesses discharged, 5 died, 52 signed off and 10 walked off the programme during the year The number of grievances by witnesses reduced from 10% to 3% The average duration on the programme was reduced from 24 months to 18 2929

30 Sub-programme 3:AFU Performance Overview
Sub-programme 3:AFU Performance Overview Sub-Programme Indicator Target Actual Deviation  Comment 2010/11 Asset Forfeiture Number of new completed forfeiture cases 300 320 6.7% Highest ever achieved Number of new freezing orders 310 333 7.4% Highest ever achieved Value of new freezing orders (Rm) R450m R549.2m 22% 2nd highest ever achieved Success rate 90% 95.7% 5.7% 3030

31 31 31 31 31 Sub-programme 3:AFU Performance Overview 3131
H i g h l i g h t s o f A c h i e v e m e n t I n t e r m s o f i t s q u a n t i t a t i v e o u t p u t s , t h e A F U p r o b a b l y h a d t h e b e s t y e a r o f i t s e x i s t e n c e a n d m a n a g e d t o a c h i e v e e x c e l l e n t p e r f o r m a n c e i n t h e / 1 0 f i n a n c i a l y e a r , d e s p i t e t h e f a c t t h a t t h e r e w a s c o n s i d e r a b l e u n c e r t a i n t y i n t h e N P A . N u m b e r o f c a s e s n e w r e s t r a i n t s w e r e o b t a i n e d ( i n / 0 9 ) , 1 3 % a b o v e t a r g e t a n d t h e h i g h e s t e v e r a c h i e v e d . c o n f i s c a t i o n o r f o r f e i t u r e o r d e r s w e r e o b t a i n e d ( i n / 0 9 ) , % b e l o w t a r g e t b u t t h e s e c o n d h i g h e s t e v e r a c h i e v e d . o r d e r s i n t o t a l w e r e o b t a i n e d ( i n / 0 9 ) , 1 1 % a b o v e t a r g e t a n d t h e h i g h e s t e v e r a c h i e v e d . V a l u e o f c a s e s T h e v a l u e o f n e w r e s t r a i n t s w a s R m i l l i o n ( R m i l l i o n i n / 0 9 ) , 3 6 % a b o v e t h e t a r g e t a n d t h e s e c o n d h i g h e s t e v e r a c h i e v e d . T h e v a l u e o f c o n f i s c a t i o n o r f o r f e i t u r e o r d e r s w a s R m i l l i o n ( R m i l l i o n i n / 0 9 ) , 2 3 % a b o v e t a r g e t a n d t h e s e c o n d h i g h e s t e v e r a c h i e v e d . T h e v a l u e o f d e p o s i t s i n t o t h e C r i m i n a l A s s e t s R e c o v e r y A c c o u n t ( C A R A ) w a s R m i l l i o n ( R m i l l i o n i n / 0 9 ) , 4 8 % a b o v e t a r g e t a n d t h e s e c o n d h i g h e s t e v e r a c h i e v e d . T h e v a l u e o f o r d e r s i n f a v o u r o f t h e v i c t i m s o f c r i m e s w a s R m i l l i o n ( R m i l l i o n i n / 0 9 ) . T h i s i s 5 0 % a b o v e t a r g e t a n d t h e s e c o n d h i g h e s t e v e r a c h i e v e d . I n t e r m s o f i t s q u a l i t a t i v e o u t p u t s , t h e A F U a l s o h a d a v e r y g o o d y e a r , a n d m a i n t a i n e d a v e r y h i g h o v e r a l l s u c c e s s r a t e o f o v e r 9 2 % . H o w e v e r , t h e l o w j u d g m e n t s u c c e s s r a t e r e m a i n s a s e r i o u s c o n c e r n . Sub-programme 3:AFU Performance Overview Indicator Target Actual Deviation  Comments 2010/11 Value of assets forfeited (Rm) R 175m R 211.6m +22% 2nd highest ever achieved Money paid to CARA (Rm) R 45m R 50.4m +12% 3rd highest ever achieved – but less than previous 2 years Payments to victims (Rm) R 15.8m -65% Poor performance but few victim cases during year JCPS output 5 Cases Corruption restraints >R5m 5 16 +220% New indicator Success rate in judgments 65% 69.2% +4.2% Reversed decline in previous 2 years when it was less than 60% 31 3131

32 Use of Chapter 6 – non-conviction based forfeiture
Use of Chapter 6 – non-conviction based forfeiture Comparing total use (1999 to March 2011) with current use (2010/11) Number of orders Freezing: = 69% of cases (now 82%) Forfeiture: = 64% of cases (now 72%) Value of orders Freezing: R852m = 19% of cases (now 28%) Forfeiture: R501m = 37% of cases (now 56%) Using chapter 6 more in big cases due to delays in criminal matters 3232

33 Sub-programme 4: Support Services for NPA
Sub-programme 4: Support Services for NPA Training Programme Number of beneficiaries Project Management Programme 37 Secretarial Training Programme 102 Self Defence Programme (SHIDO). Asset Management and Disposal Training Programme 19 Customer Management 8 Office Management Professional Development Programme 100 Public Administration Learnership Programme 80 Performance Management 95 Mentoring Programme 35 3333

34 Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development ITEM DESCRIPTION 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Interns 33 30 20 Bursaries 312 194 158 3434

35 Grievances & Other Disciplinary Action
Grievances & Other Disciplinary Action 2009/10 2010/11 Number of disciplinary hearings conducted for the period 72 48 Pending disciplinary hearings 23 Levels (main) of employees charges C5 , D1 and D2 prosecutors C5, D1 and D2 prosecutors and SMS members Employees suspended 21 8 Employees precautionary transferred External disputes 105 30 Pending external disputes 28 18 Number of grievances 175 257 Number of grievances pending 69 36 Number of appeals 12 15 Number of appeals pending 6 2 Number of labour court/high court matters 26 Number of labour court/high court matters pending 20 3535

36 36 36 36 36 Audit Findings 2007/08 – disclaimer
2008/09 – qualified audit opinion (tangible assets; intangible assets; employee benefits; prepayments and advances; finance leases; cash and cash equivalents; irregular expenditure) 2009/10 – qualified audit opinion (tangible assets; irregular expenditure; prepayments and advances; fruitless and wasteful expenditure, employee benefits) 2010/11-unqualified audit opinion 3636

37 Preliminary Expenditure Outcome as at the end of September 2011
The expenditure on CoE is 51% due to the late implementation of OSD Phase II. R30m paid in current financial year. No addition funding was allocated to the NPA for the higher than anticipated Cost of Living Adjustment.  A request was submitted to NT to virement R 30m from Goods and Services to CoE. 3737

38 Preliminary Expenditure Outcome as at the end of September 2011
The high spending on Interest and Rent on Land is due to insufficient budget allocation for the capital interest split i.r.o Finance leases.  A request to virement R10m to this item was submitted to NT as part of the AENE. 3838

39 2012 MTEF Submission Unfunded MTEF Options submitted to NT  2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Total R'000 AFU –Curator fees and increase in Capacity 39,000 44,000 50,000 133,000 Roll out of TCC and institutionlisation of Donor funded positions 23,591 25,271 26,504 75,366 SOCA – Training on the latest Sexual Offences Act, Child Justice, Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence and Maintenance 4,500 3,500 4,000 12,000 Job Creations – Aspirant Prosecutor programme 44,658 47,113 49,704 141,475 111,749 119,884 130,208 361,841 3939

40 2012 MTEF – Budget Reprioritisation
2012 MTEF – Budget Reprioritisation Sub-programme 1 : Public Prosecution R allocated to Entertainment was reprioritised to Training and Staff Development. R26m allocated to Consultants and Professional Services was ring fenced within the Office of the NDPP and funds are only utilised if prior approval was obtained from the NDPP. DPP offices are facing severe budget constraints and no area for reprioritisation was identified. 4040

41 Sub-programme 2 : Office for Witness Protection
Sub-programme 2 : Office for Witness Protection R allocated to Entertainment was reprioritised to Training and Staff Development. The operation increase in respect of witness protection fees (incl. Rate and Taxes relating to witness houses) exceeds the baseline increase and reprioritisation had to be done within the sub-programme in order to fund this projected over spend. No further areas for reprioritisation were identified. Sub-programme 2 : Office for Witness Protection R allocated to Entertainment was reprioritised to Training and Staff Development. The operation increase in respect of witness protection fees (incl. Rate and Taxes relating to witness houses) exceeds the baseline increase and reprioritisation had to be done within the sub-programme in order to fund this projected over spend. No further areas for reprioritisation were identified. 4141

42 Sub-programme 2 : Office for Witness Protection
Sub-programme 2 : Office for Witness Protection R 3m originally allocated to computer services for the procurement of secure networking was funded by Support Services and this allocation was reprioritised to Operating expenditure within the unit. Sub-programme 2 : Office for Witness Protection R 3m originally allocated to computer services for the procurement of secure networking was funded by Support Services and this allocation was reprioritised to Operating expenditure within the unit. 4242

43 Sub-programme 3 : Asset Forfeiture Unit
Sub-programme 3 : Asset Forfeiture Unit R allocated to Entertainment was reprioritised to Training and Staff Development. The operational increase within this unit exceeds the 5% baseline increase. Reprioritisation was done within the unit to ensure that sufficient funds are available to fund the essential operational costs. Sub-programme 3 : Asset Forfeiture Unit R allocated to Entertainment was reprioritised to Training and Staff Development. The operational increase within this unit exceeds the 5% baseline increase. Reprioritisation was done within the unit to ensure that sufficient funds are available to fund the essential operational costs. 4343

44 Sub-programme 4 : Support Services
Sub-programme 4 : Support Services R allocated to Entertainment was reprioritised to Training and Staff Development. R12,1m allocated to Consultants and Professional Services was ring fenced within the Office of the CEO and funds are only utilised if prior approval was obtained from the CEO. This arrangement was implemented to ensure that all related expenditure is properly managed. Sub-programme 4 : Support Services R allocated to Entertainment was reprioritised to Training and Staff Development. R12,1m allocated to Consultants and Professional Services was ring fenced within the Office of the CEO and funds are only utilised if prior approval was obtained from the CEO. This arrangement was implemented to ensure that all related expenditure is properly managed. 4444

45 Sub-programme 4 : Support Services
Sub-programme 4 : Support Services R14m was reallocated from the baseline of the IMSC to fund subscriptions, loose leafs, intranet and CD ROMS previously paid by the DoJ&CD. It is anticipated that a settlement amount of R94m will be paid re Imperial Car Rental. Various cost saving measures will be implemented that might result in certain services being suspended. Sub-programme 4 : Support Services R14m was reallocated from the baseline of the IMSC to fund subscriptions, loose leafs, intranet and CD ROMS previously paid by the DoJ&CD. It is anticipated that a settlement amount of R94m will be paid re Imperial Car Rental. Various cost saving measures will be implemented that might result in certain services being suspended. 4545

46 Sub-programme 4 : Support Services NPA has taken a principal decision to procure a new voice services which will include Voice conferencing. This will constitute an estimated saving of R3m per annum which will be reprioritise to other areas within the NPA. Sub-programme 4 : Support Services NPA has taken a principal decision to procure a new voice services which will include Voice conferencing. This will constitute an estimated saving of R3m per annum which will be reprioritise to other areas within the NPA. 4646

47 47 47 47 47 Challenges Vacancy rate within the prosecutorial component
Case flow related problems and absence of key role players Ineffective court utilization Shortage of critical resources Lack of alignment in objectives and targets across the criminal justice value chain 47

48 Thank you 4848 48

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