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A. Scordo on behalf of the AMADEUS collaboration

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1 Understanding the low-energy kaon-nuclei interactions: the AMADEUS program
A. Scordo on behalf of the AMADEUS collaboration 52° International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics Bormio, January 2014

2 The key role of L(1405) in low energy QCD
K-p threshold = 1432 MeV

3 The unexplained nature of L(1405)
1) three quark state: expected mass ~ 1700 MeV 2) penta quark: more unobserved excited baryons 3) KN bound state Only at rest events (cut at mass limit)

4 The 2 poles picture of L(1405)
Is there any evidence?

5 The 2 poles picture of L(1405)
Line-shape also depends on the decay channel : S*(1385) Pure I=0 (free from S(1385) background)

6 Latest results: CLAS & HADES
No direct Kp production to enhance the higher mass pole First parallel measurement of L(1405) lineshape in all 3 Sp channels Measurement of the Isospin interference contribution via the S+p- / S-p+ ratio and of the S*/L* ratio

7 Testing the higher mass pole: K- absorption on light nuclei
(H, 4He, 8Be, 12C) Reactions: K- 'p' → S0p0 (non resonant) OR K- 'p' → L(1405) → S0p0 (resonant) K- 'p' → S+p- (non resonant) OR K- 'p' → L(1405)/S(1385) → S+p- (resonant) K- ‘p' → Lp0 (non resonant) OR K- 'p' → S(1385) → Lp0 (resonant) K- ‘n' → Lp- (non resonant) OR K- ‘n' → S(1385) → Lp- (resonant) 'p' , 'n' BOUND nucleons AT-REST (K- absorbed from atomic orbit) or IN-FLIGHT

8 The AMADEUS experiment
Target: A gaseous He target for a first phase of study First 4p fully dedicated setup! Monochromatic beam of low momentum K- (pk = 127 MeV/c)

9 Meanwhile….KLOE 2005 data MC simulations show that :
~ 0.1 of K- stopped in the DC gas (90% He, 10% C4H10) ~ 2% of K- stopped in the DC wall (750 mm c. f. , 150 mm Al foil). Possibility to use KLOE materials as an active target Advantage: unprecedent resolution : sp/p ~ 0.4 MeV/c 4p-geometry with ~ 96% acceptance Calorimeter optimized for g : sm ~ 18 MeV/c2 Vertex position resolution ~ 1 mm (in DC) Disadvantage: Non dedicated target → different nuclei contamination → complex interpretation .. but → new features .. K- in flight absorption. K- K+

10 KLOE 2005 data The reaction can be studied on several different materials: H, 4He, 8Be, 12C DC entrance wall (C+H) DC wall (C+H) Beam Pipe inner part (Be) Beam Sphere (Be+Al) Very different kinematics between the different materials; MC is needed for understanding !!! DC gas (C+H+4He)

11 Pure Carbon target inside KLOE (2012)
AMADEUS step-0: Pure Carbon target inside KLOE (2012) Dedicated run in november/december 2012 with a Carbon target 4/6 mm thickness Advantages: gain in statistics (~90 pb-1; analyzed 37 pb-1, x1.5 statistics) K- absorptions occur in Carbon absorptions at-rest. BP (Be+Al) DC wall (C+H) DC gas (C+H+4He) 2005 data: at-rest + in-flight events Carbon target (C) 2012 data: ONLY at-rest events

12 The neutral channel in 12C: S0p0
N.U. 2005 data 2012 data A higher invariant mass region is opened!!! First evidence of an in-flight component !!! N.U. 2005 data 2012 data Momentum (MeV/c) Mass limit on 12C at rest The hydrogen contribution can not be separated and MC is needed to include it into a fit Invariant Mass (MeV/c2)

13 Which model could we use for MC input?
Lack of collaboration with the theoreticians We developed our model for the simplest case (4He)

14 Lp- ; the pure S* channel
Only charged particles => excellent resolution



17 The charged channel: S+p-

18 Reactions in DC gas (4He): at rest / in flight
Total H IF 4He AR 4He Removing the H component is fundamental since it behaves like a high mass pole!!! Total H IF 4He AR 4He The ratio between IF and AR can be calculated Rif/ar = 2.9 ± 0.3 (stat. + contam.) Total H IF 4He AR 4He Carbon is still there….

19 2005 VS 2012 data 2005 Data hydrogen Carbon Target 2012 hydrogen ‘’not at rest’’ ‘’carbon at rest’’ 2005 data 2012 data Excluding the H component, 2005 and 2012 data can be compared The final mS+p-, pS+p- and qS+p-spectra, confirms the presence of an in-flight component in the 2005 data

20 Reactions in DC wall : at rest / in flight
Total IF H IF 12C AR 12C Total IF H IF 12C AR 12C Total IF H IF 12C AR 12C The ratio between IF and AR can be calculated Rif/ar = 1.16 ± 0.05 (statistic)

21 Future perspectives: neutrons!
The possibility to detect neutron is fundamental for the S-p+ --> np-p+ but is also very useful to increase the statistics in the S+p- --> np+p-

22 …waiting for the AMADEUS experiment!!!
Final messages… AMADEUS provides a unique opportunity for L(1405) investigation Very promising results have been already obtained with the KLOE 2005 data Possibility to study in-flight and at-rest reactions individually New perspectives with the new MC simulations …coming soon (hopefully with some help with the models)… MC simulations for all the possible materials and acceptance correction MC simulations for (all possible) background evaluation (undergoing…) MC simulations for the carbon target data Global fit of the data with all the possible components …to extract… L(1405) lineshape on light atoms for all possible channels (second pole?) Resonant and Non-Resonant formation Branching Ratios for different materials S* / L* branching ratios for different materials Cross sections for KN interactions for different materials Precise measurement of L(1116) mass (to publish in PDG) …waiting for the AMADEUS experiment!!!

23 (really) concluding… The war is not over……
Follow the spirit of this (wonderful) conference

24 Thanks for your attention

25 Spare slides

26 S0 p0 channel L(1405) signal searched by K- interaction with a bound proton in Carbon K- p → S0p0 detected via: (Lg)(gg) Strategy : K- absorption in the DC entrance wall, mainly 12C with H contamination (epoxy) N.U. N.U. 2005 data 2012 data 2005 data 2012 data Mass limit on 12C at rest Invariant Mass (MeV/c2) Momentum (MeV/c)

27 S0 p0 channel Invariant mass spectra with mass hypotesis on S0 and p0 non resonant misidentification background subtracted (left) sm ≈ 17 MeV/c2 (12C) sm ≈ 15 MeV/c2 (4He) Similar m(S0p0) shapes due to the similar kinematical thresholds for 4He and 12C. 2005 data 12C 4He n.r.m. 12C n.r.m. 4He 12C 4He

28 Reactions in DC wall and Carbon target data : at rest / in flight
hydrogen Carbon Target 2012 2005 Data 2005 Data hydrogen hydrogen ‘’not at rest’’ ‘’carbon at rest’’ No hydrogen and in-flight events in Carbon Target data !!! Carbon target data can be used, untill new MC simulations, to disentangle between ‘’Not at rest’’ data and ‘’at rest data’’

29 S0 p0 channel : the p0 momentum
P(p0) resolution: sp ≈ 12 MeV/c mlim 12C at-rest mlim 12C in-flight At-rest In-flight Counts/(10MeV/c) Counts/(10MeV/c) In-flight component M(S0p0) (MeV/c2) M(S0p0) (MeV/c2) P(p0) (MeV/c) P(p0) could be used for in-flight/at-rest separation P(p0) (MeV/c)

30 Reactions in DC gas (4He): at rest / in flight
From the scatterplot of the reconstructed mS+ and mp0, the 2 particles can be identified with a resolution of : dm(p0 ) ~11.9 MeV/c2 , dm(S+)~13.4 MeV/c2 Using the kinetic energy information, a smaller contamination between in-flight and at-rest events is left. The measured contaminations are 3.0 % ± 0.2 % (AR in IF MC) 5.3 % ± 0.2 % (IF in AR MC) MC IF MC AR Superposition zone

31 2005 VS 2012 data 2005 data 2012 data 2005 data 2012 data Excluding the H component, 2005 and 2012 data can be compared The final mS+p-, pS+p- and qS+p-spectra, confirms the presence of an in-flight component in the 2005 data 2005 data 2012 data

32 Lp- : the best resolution channel

33 Hydrogen contamination
In the DC gas and DC wall, there is also a non-negligible component related to events occuring on hydrogen. DC gas is a mixture of helium and isobuthane, while in the DC wall the hydrogen comes from the carbon fiber Hydrogen in DC gas The hydrogen contamination (after selection) in DC gas is 22 ± 7 % The hydrogen contamination (after selection) in DC wall is 21 ± 1 % Hydrogen in DC wall

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