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Bombs, battles, blackout and bravery
Science National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye Explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to objects and then to our eyes Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them. Make a periscope and explain how it works Make shadow puppets and report findings from scientific enquiry DT Draw a labelled diagram of how a periscope works Shadow puppet assessment activity Stunning Start Simulation of a WII air raid PSHE Relationships Books The London Eye Mystery Goodnight Mr Tom Bombs, battles, blackout and bravery The Battle of Britain RE Buddhism Christianity (Christmas) Trips/Visitors Canterbury Museum World War II activity Visit from an Evacuee Trip to church or visit from vicar Marvellous Middle Visit to Canterbury Museum for a World War II activity Literacy National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Plan their writing, considering audience and purpose Draft and write their own compositions Proofread and edit Evacuee diaries based on Goodnight Mr Tom War stories with the theme ‘The night the bomb fell’ Letters to Father Christmas His Writing Activities: Narrative Writing Diary Writing Persuasive Writing Fantastic Finish Christmas celebrations Shadow puppet show at Y6 parent assembly (13 January)
History DT Computing Maths Geography Spanish
National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Study a significant turning point in British history Study an aspect of history that is significant in the locality Simulate an air raid Talk to an evacuee Create a 1940s style comic about WWII (using Comic Life 3 on iPads) about what it was like to be a child during WWII Research the Battle of Britain and create an app Lit Com Ongoing, class based assessment Literacy writing See Computing DT National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through cross-sectional diagrams Select from and use a wider range of materials and components Evaluate ideas and products against design criteria Design, build, test and evaluate a periscope Design and create shadow puppets Sci Self-evaluation of the periscope, using specified success criteria Computing National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals. Plan, design, create and evaluate an app using Blippit (with links to videos, photos, maps, social media etc.) His Peer-evaluation of the app, using the specified success criteria Maths National Curriculum Suggested Activities Assessment Calculations using all four operations Place value in numbers up to 8 digits. Practising speed times tables Interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs 2D shapes and angles Using formal written methods to support division and multiplication Using protractors to draw shapes and construct pie charts Investigate properties of 2D shapes Times tables tests (weekly) Ongoing class based assessment Practise SATS papers Geography National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Locate the world’s countries using maps Name and locate counties and cities of the UK Locate the countries involved in WWII and discuss key characteristics and cities Study the UK counties and cities impacted most by WWII His Spanish National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Listen attentively to spoken language Engage in conversations Speak in sentences Broaden vocabulary Spanish lessons with Mr Moore (together with Y5). TBC
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