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Curvy Stuff The BREP & You

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1 Curvy Stuff 102 2-The BREP & You
Edward Eaton Product Design Services Aurora, Illinois Curvy Stuff 102 2-The BREP & You

2 BREP=Boundary Representation
Models are made of oversized (even infinite) surfaces

3 BREP=Boundary Representation
Closed boundaries on surfaces create faces

4 BREP=Boundary Representation
Many ways to create boundaries Cut Boss Fillet Surface cut Split line They make boundaries… not holes!

5 BREP=Boundary Representation
All of our model faces are ‘chopped’ out of these larger surfaces

6 BREP=Boundary Representation
Two types of surfaces Torus Cone Sphere Plane (prismatic) Cylinder Analytical NURBS (spline based) Algorithmic

7 Why should I care? Knowing the underlying surface types explains seemingly odd behavior The more you know, the more tricks you can develop and employ

8 BREP=Boundary Representation
Explore the different surface types on a simple model

9 Bosses change perimeter of boundary
Planar faces Planar face Extrusion recognizes the underlying, untrimmed surface! Test - extrude oversized profile ‘up to surface’ Actually just a boundary on an infinite surface Bosses change perimeter of boundary

10 Torus faces Torus face Actually just a boundary on a larger surface
Reverse direction… Extrusion recognizes the underlying, untrimmed surface! Actually just a boundary on a larger surface Test - extrude oversized profile ‘up to surface’

11 BREP=Boundary Representation
Analytical surfaces Assets: Simple Fast Flexible Mathematically Exact Faces extend Bodies (almost) always merge Plane (prismatic) Cylinder Torus Sphere Cone

12 BREP=Boundary Representation
Analytical surfaces Liabilities: Boring Constant curvature Sometimes surprising Plane (prismatic) Cylinder Torus Sphere Cone

13 BREP=Boundary Representation
Tip: There are a lot of advantages to defaulting to Analytical surfaces

14 Algorithmic face Algorithmic face
Test - extrude barely oversized profile ‘up to surface’ Does not extend past the loft sections

15 Algorithmic face Cut back
Extrusion recognizes the underlying, untrimmed surface! Test - extrude oversized profile ‘up to surface’

16 Special case Algorithmic profile Extruded
Behaves analytically in direction of extrusion Behaves algorithmically in direction of spline Extruded

17 BREP=Boundary Representation
Algorithmic surfaces Assets: Flexible Superior aesthetics Curvature continuous NURBS (spline based)

18 BREP=Boundary Representation
Algorithmic surfaces Liabilities: Slow Round off errors Require exacting input Offsetting trouble Bad when 3-sided No extension past original borders NURBS (spline based)

19 Why should I care? Build algorithmic surfaces oversized to provide runoff for features that interact with it

20 BREP and Algorithmic Surfaces

21 1. Fillet (and draft) capping
SW needs to guess Intent is buried in BREP Another way to build exact same model

22 2. Mirroring Algorithmic
Model symmetrical items in half then mirror, right? Analytical Algorithmic Visible ridge Sides aren’t tangent Faces don’t merge

23 2. Mirroring, cont… Whole Why is this? Half
Cutting model in half just adds boundary to surface Mirroring removes boundary Add features…

24 TIP: copy and paste the sketch to avoid tedious construction
2. Mirroring, cont… RULE: Algorithmic faces that cross the plane of symmetry need to be modeled whole. ? Section needs to be a single closed spline We need to insure it is symmetrical TIP: copy and paste the sketch to avoid tedious construction

25 3. BREP & Shelling SW knows to use 4-sided surfaces
Shells don’t like 3-sided surfaces NURB surface is 3-sided Surface is still 4-sided

26 BREP=Boundary Representation
SW gives unprecedented access to the BREP Pattern Face ‘Delete and repair’ face Replace Face

27 Delete and repair face Didn’t want these areas Add revolved boss
Delete face just sidestepped at least 3 cut features! Didn’t want these areas Add revolved boss Just extra boundaries on the revolved surface I want the boundary to look like this

28 Delete and repair face - cut
Cut-Sweep goes too far

29 Replace Face Sample everybody shows Can extrude up to surface Can’t
Revolve to surface Sweep to surface Existing lofts,etc Use to patch up little spots

30 Replace Face Model Surface-Fill to create a subtle bulge
Now – replace face! In the past we would have had to use big workarounds…

31 Why should I care? The BREP doesn’t care how you make faces
Use Solid and Surface features interchangeably

32 Surfaces vs. Solids Surface features make faces directly, at price

33 Surfaces vs. Solids Solid features are Macros for creating surface bodies There are 12 faces that don’t directly contribute to the actual model .

34 So, what's the big difference between surface and solid modeling?
The difference… So, what's the big difference between surface and solid modeling?

35 The difference… Surface bodies may have microscopic gaps between edges
Knitting forces two edges to become one

36 The difference… Surfaces have direction
If all of the surface point outward, you have a void If all of the surface point inward, you have a solid

37 Why should I care? Dirty little ‘secret’ – Solid models are surface models! a) They are knitted surfaces that completely enclose a volume b) …and all of the surfaces point in the same direction

38 Solids’ Achilles heel So why all the talk about surface modelers vs Solid modelers? Solid features have to be complete volumes that boolean into the work piece

39 Solids’ Achilles heel What is Zero-Thickness geometry?

40 Solids’ Achilles heel This kind of blend is virtually impossible in solids with algorithmic faces

41 create only the patch we need
Surfaces vs Solids “On the tough stuff, surfaces models have an edge” create a hole create only the patch we need merge

42 Face Modeling The BREP doesn’t care how you make faces
Use Solid and Surface features interchangeably

43 Face Modeling The faces for the blend are best modeled using surfaces features… … while the base is more efficiently modeled as a solid

44 Face Modeling - a a1. Go ahead and model the base as a solid
a2. Tell SW where the solid faces should end and the surface faces begin

45 Face Modeling - b b1. Create the surface tangent to the base

46 Face Modeling - c c1. Check that everything is ok
c2. Swap the solid faces with the surface faces

47 Face Modeling - c c3. Cut in the crescent
c3. Angle the front of the crescent Done!

48 Now, onto Evaluating model quality
End of BREP Now, onto Evaluating model quality

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