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ORIENTATION WORKSHOP Swipe in with campus ID card

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1 ORIENTATION WORKSHOP Swipe in with campus ID card
Welcome everyone and introduce yourself and the groups you work with. Presented by the Office of Student Life and Development

2 WORKSHOP GOALS Highlight the benefits that come from being an involved student leader Familiarize students with an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of Student Life & Development (SLD) and Faculty/Staff Advisors Orient students to the responsibilities as student leaders Orient students to campus policies Orient students to basic event planning processes Answer any questions student leaders may have

Social connections and sense of community Make positive differences Develop transferable skills Interact with faculty, staff, alumni, etc. Increase likelihood to succeed academically Enhance professional development Connecting classroom education and leadership development experiences Congratulate students for choosing to get involved. Acknowledge what an impact this will have on their lives. Transferable skills gained from leading the organization, i.e. event planning, running meetings, budgeting, etc.

Promote opportunities for campus and community involvement through student organizations, leadership training and experiences, and community service. Support and advise the many programs and events student organizations provide to the campus community.

Clarify program goals and objectives Plan your event and establish timelines Generate ideas to publicize your event Generate ideas to recruit and retain members With budgeting and ASI grants Understand the University regulations and policies Build your leadership and organizational skills Generate ideas to solve problems Recognize that because it may be difficult at times for them during their involvement, SLD Advisors and their Faculty/Staff Advisors are here to make it a more smooth and memorable experience. Thus, it is crucial for them to maintain a close working connection with their advisors. SLD Advisors are assigned to students organizations, while Faculty/Staff Advisors are selected and voted by organization members.

Get connected to referrals and resources Maintain your organization’s structure Understand and abide by your Constitution & Bylaws Plan your event and attend your events Generate ideas to recruit and retain members Train incoming officers for transition Generate ideas on how to maintain a record of your organization’s accomplishments

Responsibilities are mutually negotiated between advisors and students: Assist students to develop strategies and goals that provide for member ownership, feedback, and involvement Being aware of the student group’s constitution and bylaws and University policies Assisting the student organization in program development and planning

Meet regularly with officers or members at regularly scheduled meetings Attend planned programs and events sponsored by the student organization Assist in membership recruitment strategies Encourage officers and individual members to preserve continuity of the group by keeping records to document the group’s history and providing transition activities for new officers

Organization Registration via BeachSync Officer & Faculty/Staff Advisor Agreement Forms electronic Current (Post 2013) Constitution & Bylaws on file with SLD Eligibility Undergrads 6 units; Grads 3 units 2.0 GPA and no probation of any kind No more than 150 UG units/50 Grad units Orientation Workshop Org’s reg. must be updated & you must be listed as an officer Event planning ability expires August 2016 At least one officer must attend annually Constitution & Bylaws must be updated as of ARCA: Alcohol Regulation Compliance Agreement FAAR: Faculty/Staff Advisor Acceptance of Responsibility

10 OPEN MEMBERSHIP Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student officer positions shall not be limited on the basis or race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity/expression, marital status, veteran status, citizenship, sexual orientation or disability.

It is the policy of California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression in educational programs, services, or activities. CSULB is committed to maintaining a safe educational and working environment free of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on the basis of a protected category.

If you or any of your peers have a complaint pertaining to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, immediately contact: Dr. Jeane Caveness, Assistant Dean of Students , BH-377 For criminal acts, such as sexual assault, please contact University Police at

13 ANTI-HAZING All organizations shall prohibit all members and officers from engaging in hazing or committing any act that injures, degrades or disgraces any fellow student. As used in this section “hazing” or “haze” is conduct which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to another person in the course of the other person’s preinitiation into, initiation into, affiliation with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization. See Section of the Education Code, section 245.6 The term "hazing" does not include customary athletic events or school-sanctioned events. A violation of this section that does not result in serious bodily injury is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100), nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or both. Any person who personally engages in hazing that results in death or serious bodily injury as defined in paragraph (4) of subdivision (f) of Section 243 of the Penal Code, is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison. The person against whom the hazing is directed may commence a civil action for injury or damages. The action may be brought against any participants in the hazing, or any organization to which the student is seeking membership whose agents, directors, trustees, managers, or officers authorized, requested, commanded, participated in, or ratified the hazing.

14 RESERVING SPACE For Events and Programs General Meetings
Begin with your SLD Advisor Who, What, When, Where, Why? Reserve Space with Venue Operator General Meetings Go to USU Conference and Events Center (USU-221) Tables, Chairs, and Desks may not be moved for any reason. Info Tables/Pre-Packaged Food Sales Reserve via the SLD Office in person 7 locations, on a first-come, first-served basis $2.50 (1 table/2 chairs) Pre-packaged food must not require heating or refrigeration and must not be prepared at home. Info tables are cash only. Info tables are NOT events

15 SCHEDULING DEADLINES Filing forms, completion of program details and marketing must be met before the program can be approved by your SLD Advisor: Major programs, concerts, speakers, conferences – Approval 4 weeks prior to program Workshops, seminars, events being catered, hot food sales, student filming – Approval 2 weeks prior to program General Meeting Rooms – no music, no singing, no disruptions, tables/chairs/desks cannot be moved – no deadline Events may not be scheduled during final examination period Have students refer to the “Deadline” section of the Scheduling Brochure. Explain why this brochure is so useful, i.e. cancellation policies, maximum # of scheduled events, etc. Stress importance of NOT moving tables, chairs, desks, etc. in ANY meeting room – USU and classrooms.

Event must be approved by your SLD Advisor prior to the release of any program publicity. No posters, flyers, or social media marketing permitted prior to the final approval of your SLD Advisor.

All publicity must state the sponsoring organization, name of program, date, time, location, and contact for the event. TIME LIMITS All publicity material may be posted no more than seven school days prior to the event and must be removed no later than three days following the event. Have students refer to the Publicity Brochure. Point out Identification of Publicity and time limits policies. Mention very briefly the posting regulations. Tell them they can read it on their own. Explain why this brochure is so useful, i.e. posting violations, advertising resources, etc.

8.5x11 or smaller advertisement POSTERS, SPECIAL EVENT SIGNS & BANNERS 25 posters on stakes, OR 20 special event signs, and three (banners) per event maximum. SLD approval required. POSTING in the USU Besides any approvals needed from SLD, approval is also required from ASI Marketing, USU-312. Mention that posting locations are listed in the brochure and campus regs.

19 POSTING REGULATIONS Prohibited Locations Windows Walls
Flower beds / planters Trees Parking lots and/or cars Fixtures Signs Ground Mention that posting locations are listed in the brochure and campus regs.

ASI Agency Account – Activate Account at AS Business Office - USU-229 ASI Grant Account – Fiscal Certification Required No off campus accounts Contracts with Service Providers Signatures & Submission Deadline At least 2 weeks prior to event. Approved Vendor Policy AGENCY : Must complete ASI Fiscal Certification and submit new signature card every year. Account opened and maintained at the ASBO by student organizations for their fundraised monies. All revenues generated for the organization must be deposited in this agency account. SLD Advisor must sign off on forms to withdraw funds. GRANT: When ASI provides grants to support programs and activities produced by student organizations for the benefit of the student body the money is established at the ASBO. Must completed ASI Fiscal Certification. There are specific policies as to how and when you can access these funds. The Fiscal Certification requirement will cover all the details you need to access your ASI Grant funds. OFF CAMPUS ACCOUNT: Off campus accounts are not allowed except for student organizations affiliated and recognized with a national non-profit organization, i.e. fraternities and sororities. APPROVED VENDOR POLICY: All student organizations designing and producing t-shirts, pens, folders, etc. must purchase their goods from an approved vendor.

21 CASH HANDLING Students must follow university policies regarding cash handling procedures when selling tickets for events: All ticketed student programs held in the Pyramid or Carpenter Performing Arts Center must utilize the venue ticketing services. Tickets for student organization events can be sold through the USU Ticket and Information Booth. Tickets for student organization events (excluding the Pyramid and CPAC) can be sold online only using the university “Cash Net” system.

See your SLD Advisor if your student organization is planning on fundraising or offering a scholarship(s) to CSULB students: Cash Donation Process T.V. Show Taping Process Gift In Kind Donation Process Scholarship Process Contact your SLD Advisor if you are planning on having a fundraiser.

23 BEACHSYNC BeachSync is the CSULB version of OrgSync, a powerful Community Management Software (CMS)  All student organizations utilize BeachSync for their organization’s annual registration Allows student orgs. to manage membership rosters, list events, maintain calendar entries, upload photos/videos, communicate with members, and design a website Your advertising should also include a “Join us on BeachSync” statement.

24 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES The Office of Student Life and Development
Campus Regulations Your SLD Advisor

T3 – Leadership Institute September Make a Difference Day October Alternative Spring Break Applications available in October SLD Student Academic Travel Grants Applications due December and April Lois J. Swanson Leadership Resource Center Leadership Academy On Going Applications Men’s Success Initiative (MSI)

See your SLD Advisor early and often Your SLD Advisor is a valuable resource Your events may not to approved if you don’t abide by the university policies Keep your organization’s BeachSync information updated (BeachSync Demonstration)

27 QUESTIONS? Make sure you are listed as an “Officer” on your organization’s BeachSync registration page (under “Organization Settings”) Your name will be forwarded on to the Venue Operators within 5 business days, as a certified scheduler for your organization, after your eligibility has been cleared. Any Questions?

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