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Creating Value: The Bottom Line

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1 Creating Value: The Bottom Line
Mamurjon Rahimov


3 Kema qurish uchun, odamlarni, yog’och va mixlarni, bolta-arra kabi asboblarni bir joyga yig’ib, odamlarga nima qilishni aytish, ularning ustida doim baqirib nazorat qilish kerak emas. Siz ularning qalbida cheksiz dengizlar tomon intilishni paydo qilsangiz bo’lgani. Antuan-de-Sent-Ekzuperi

4 Олий Бизнес Мактаби битирувчилари –
"Ўзавтосаноат« “УзФармСаноат” "Ўзбекистон почтаси» "Ўзбек Кўмир» "Ўзпахтасаноат" уюшмаси "Ўзбекистон" нашриёти "Ўзбекистон темир йўллари» "Ўзбекистон металлургия комбинати" ОАЖ "Ўздонмаҳсулот" АК "Ўзбектелеком" АК "Ўзбекнефтегаз", "Олмалиқ кон-металургиякомбинати" ОАЖ

5 Баъзи раҳбарлар- иш бошқа, ўқиш бошқа
Баъзи раҳбарлар- иш бошқа, ўқиш бошқа. Баъзилари эса – иш ўқишнинг давоми, ўқиш ишнинг давоми.

Dramatic (profound) increase of the effectiveness of publicly traded companies Implementation of modern corporate management approaches ПФ-4720

7 Dramatic (profound) increase of the effectiveness of publicly traded companies
“The task of marketing is to measure value, create value, and to deliver value.” Philip Kotler


9 You can’t manage what can’t be measured.
- Edwards Deming

10 Ways to measure profit Total Revenue – Total Cost = Accounting Profit – Opportunity Cost Economic Profit

11 Economic Profit = $40 - $160 = -$120
Opportunity Cost $5 x 8 hrs = $40 $20 x 8 hrs= $160 Accounting Profit= $40 Opportunity Cost = $160 Economic Profit = $40 - $160 = -$120

Нью-Йорк Акциялар Биржасида инвесторлар айнан Иқтисодий Фойдаси юқори бўлган фирмаларнинг акцияларини сотиб оладилар.

13 12 Standard Forms of Value
Product - Create a single tangible item or entity, then sell and deliver it for more than what it cost to make. Service - Provide help or assistance then charge a fee for the benefits rendered. Shared Resource - Create a durable asset that can be used by many people, then charge for access.

14 12 Standard Forms of Value (continued)
4. Subscription - Offer a benefit on an ongoing basis, and charge a recurring fee. 5. Resale - Acquire an asset from a wholesaler, then sell that asset to a retail buyer at a higher price. 6.Lease - Acquire an asset, then allow another person to use that asset for a pre-defined amount of time in exchange for a fee.

15 12 Standard Forms of Value (continued)
7. Agency - Market and sell an asset or service you don’t own on behalf of a third-party, then collect a percentage of the transaction price as a fee. 8. Audience Aggregation - focuses on capturing the attention of a group of a people with similar characteristics, and then selling access to that audience to a third party. 9. Loan - Lend a certain amount of money, then collect payments over a pre-defined period of time equal to the original loan plus a pre-defined interest rate.

16 12 Standard Forms of Value (continued)
10. Option - Offer the ability to take a pre-defined action for a fixed period of time in exchange for a fee. 11. Insurance - Take on the risk of some specific bad thing happening to the policy holder in exchange for a pre-defined series of payments, then pay out claims only when the bad thing actually happens. 12. Capital - Purchase an ownership stake in a business, then collect a corresponding portion of the profit as a one-time payout or ongoing dividend.

17 How does APPLE create value?
Product - iPhone 6 priced $649 costs to $200 make (

18 How does APPLE create value?
2. Service.

19 How does APPLE create value?
3. Shared resource

20 How does APPLE create value?
4. Subscription Рекламасиз радио

21 How does APPLE create value?
5. Resale

22 How does APPLE create value?
7. Agency

23 How does APPLE create value?
8. Audience Aggregation Бепул, реклама эвазига ишлайдиган радио

24 How does APPLE create value?
9. Loan

25 How does APPLE create value?
11. Insurance AppleCare+ for iPhone provides up to two years of expert telephone technical support and additional hardware coverage from Apple

26 How does APPLE create value?

1997 : $2 BILLION $0.5 2015 йил: $623 BILLION $110

ROI= Profit Investment

29 Case: New Car Sales in Russia

30 For comparison… USA – 750 cars/1000 people.

31 For comparison… Europe – 500 cars/1000 people.

32 For comparison… Russia – 250 cars/1000 people.

33 A Market With Great Opportunities
USA – 750 cars/1000 people. Europe – 500 cars/1000 people. Russia – 250 cars/1000 people.

34 A Market With Great Opportunities
2020 – !!!

35 New Car Sales 2011 2,653,803 2012 2,935,111 2013 2,777,447 2014 2,491,404 2015 (1-3) 516135

36 New Car Sales of DAEWOO 2011 92,778 2012 88,232 2013 60,829 2014 37,695 2015 (1-3) 7,064

37 New Car Sales of DAEWOO

38 Market Share of DAEWOO in Russia(%)
2011 3.5% 2012 3% 2013 2.2% 2014 1.5% 2015 ?

39 Today’s central problem facing business is
not a shortage of goods but a shortage of customers. - Philip Kotler

40 Marketing is the company’s customer manufacturing department
Marketing is the company’s customer manufacturing department. - Philip Kotler

41 Marketing’s job Defining value Segmentation Targeting Positioning
Creating Value Product Price Place Promotion Delivering Value Advertising Sales Special events



44 CONCLUSIONS Every company’s main function – creating value.
Value creation process is managed by marketing department. Maximization of Return on Investment is achieved by taking into account Opportunity Cost all resources. Every company’s strategy has to include risk management.


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