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Introduction to Physical Education Grades 6, 7, 8

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1 Introduction to Physical Education Grades 6, 7, 8
Mrs. Adams Mr. Byer Mr. Flora

2 Rules and Expectations Locker Room
Keep hands and feet to oneself Use inside voices- level one Absolutely no horse play Dress quickly Put your gear in your locker Go into gym, walk and talk until whistle into squads for role call. BRING A LOCK!

3 Rules and Expectations in class
Respect Teachers, Classmates and Equipment. Dress and participate 100%. Try your very best. Positive attitudes and have fun. Listen to directions while not talking. Play safe- NO horse play. Bathroom use only during changing time. ( Locker rooms will be locked)!

4 Proper Dress Out Clothing
School appropriate clothing only Athletic shorts Sweat pants Sweatshirt Socks and athletic shoes.

5 What not to wear Jewelry Watches Sandals, flops, slippers, Crocs Boots
Shorty shorts No tanks Jeans

6 Grading 10 point grading system 5 pts. Dressing properly
3 pts. Participation and cooperation 2 pts. Safety 5 days of non-dress is an automatic failing grade each semester. 90-100=A =B =C =D

7 1.Adams, 2. Byer, 3. Flora Your Name Teacher # Day1 Day 2 Day3 Day 4
Ave. John Doe 1 10 5 7 8 30\4=75

8 Consequences for Failure to Follow Rules and Expectations
Verbal Warning Phone call home Detention Office Referral After 3rd zero, deficiency will be sent home. It has to be signed and returned. Fighting will lead to automatic OSS Obviously behavior affects your grade

9 Fitnessgram All students participate Implemented by Wicomico County
Measure 5 components of fitness Pacer- Cardio respiratory endurance Sit and Reach- flexibility Curl-ups- Core muscular strength and endurance Push-ups- Upper body strength and endurance Height and Weight – Body Composition. Scores are ranked- Needs Improvement, Healthy Zone Exceeds Zone.

10 Fit Program F= Fitness I= Individual and Dual T= Team
Usually you get to pick 2 out of 3 choices. First come first serve first unit, After first unit, “A”s go first.

11 Incentives Bowling T-shirts And some surprises!

12 Questions, Comments, Concerns

13 Parent’s Signature______________
Student’s Signature_______________

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