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6th Grade Parent & Student Transition Meeting July 18th

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1 6th Grade Parent & Student Transition Meeting July 18th
Together Educating And Motivating: T.E.A.M. Maumelle Charter High School 6th Grade Parent & Student Transition Meeting July 18th

2 Mission Statement The mission of Academics Plus Charter School is to provide an academically rigorous college preparatory program for all students regardless of race, ethnic origins, national background or socioeconomic level. All children can learn when challenged by high expectations. We believe that attitude, behavior, effort and attendance , as well as ability, determine academic success.

Mrs. Kimberly Willis, Principal Mrs. Donna Broyles, Assistant Principal

4 Ashley Redic, MS Kristi Tucker, M.S. High School Guidance Counselor
ext. 336 Kristi Tucker, M.S. Middle School Guidance Counselor ext. 336

5 Counselor’s Team Role at Maumelle Charter High School
As students progress from one grade to the next, their counselor moves with them, providing continuity and time to really get to know students and their parents. Counselors take the holistic approach to making sure each student has a positive experience at MCHS and that they are well-prepared for successfully meeting the challenges of the future. The school counselor will focus on helping students transition, and balance the demands of school, family, and friends. Counselors are available resources to parents and caregivers as students navigate their way through the middle years of their education.

6 Together Coffee with the Counselor -7 a.m.
· Friday, September 30th, 2016~ & · Friday, April 14th, 2017~

7 Tips for Team Parents/Caregivers
Review the handbook Communication Dress – no tights or jeggings Cell Phone Policy – NO Cell Phones Drop off and Pick up Documentation for absences in order to be exempt Required Volunteer Hours HAC School Messenger Newsletter Facebook E-notes

8 Home Access Center (H.A.C.) -
With our Home Access Center (HAC) you have the ability to access your student(s)’ school information over the Internet. Through HAC, you can view a weekly summary of your student’s attendance, schedule, and classwork, along with interim progress, report card, and discipline. You should also be able to update personal data and contact information. To use HAC, go to the following URL: Set up alerts for things such as… 1. attendance 2. discipline 3. grades This is a form of on-going teacher communication with every parent. Students in grades 6-12 will have their own HAC account, with less functionality. It is important that the parent accounts remain used by the parents only!

9 School Messenger Newsletter
"School Messenger" is our system for sending out communications such as our newsletter and other important items.  To receive text notifications, parents are REQUIRED to opt in. To opt in, please text "YES" to and you will be set for our new system.  It's that easy! Newsletter Please check out our newsletter at which has important information such as uniforms, summer reading (required for 6th -12th graders), school supplies, open house, the first day of school, and orientation information for 6th and 9th graders. Questions:

10 Facebook FB page for updates from counseling office:   Maumelle charter-high school FB page for PTO:  Academics Plus PTO FB page for lady falcons:  MCHS Lady Falcon Basketball FB page for athletic booster:  Maumelle Charter School Athletic Booster Club E-Notes

11 Tips for Students Organization Time Management

12 Educating 8 total classes plus Homeroom (Students will be switching classes every class period)
Requirements Electives – Pick 3 Language Arts 6 Social Studies 6 Science 6 Math 6 PE/Health - Art 6 Beginning Band Beginning Choir 6th Athletics (Girls or Boys) B-ball – Must play on team & attend games Math & Science Foundations 6 Language Arts Foundations 6 Intro to Engineering Interventions

13 Frequently Asked Questions
What is Homeroom? Answer: Counselors will periodically come to homeroom to provide motivation and practical skills that students need throughout the year. In addition, teachers will have the opportunity to provide additional information that is important to your student during these times. Your child’s homeroom teacher is a great point of contact for you this year.

14 Frequently Asked Questions
Where is my locker located? Answer: Student lockers will be in the Middle School building. They are allowed 1 locker. There is a $5 fee. Locks are provided by the school. You may not use your own lock. Teachers will teach you how to use your lock during your homeroom class.

15 Frequently Asked Questions
Do I dress out for P.E.? Answer Students are required to dress out during their 9 weeks of P.E.

16 Frequently Asked Questions
Will my child be taught study skills/success skills this year? Answer Students will learn how to be successful in school as a part of each of their classes during 6th grade. Teachers include essential study and organizational skills that are needed as a part of their curriculum and grading process. Students needing additional help are encouraged to talk with the counselor.

17 Frequently Asked Questions
Who will I eat lunch with every day? Answer 6th-8th grade have the same lunch period. You will be able to eat lunch with your friends.

18 Frequently Asked Questions
Will I have volunteer hours to complete? Each student is required to participate in a total of 10 hours of volunteer service a year. (5 each semester) Students are required to complete all 10 hours and document them in order to pass their English class. Students having trouble thinking of where to volunteer should talk with their counselor.

19 And Winning in and out of the Class
Clubs Sports Destination Imagination Jr. Quiz Bowl Jr. Beta Club Jr. National Honor Society Girls Basketball Boys Basketball

20 Resources for High School Parents
WEBSITES FOR PARENTS Parenting a Preteen- Surprising Secrets to School Success- to-school/ Moving Up to Middle School- articles/article/817-moving-up-to-middle-school

21 Is it Bullying? When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s RUDE. When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s MEAN. When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it even when you tell them to stop or show them you’re upset-that’s BULLYING. *See page 14 in the handbook for consequences of bullying.

22 Let’s make the most out of HIGH SCHOOL! GO FALCONS!
Get Organized! Try NEW things! Meet New People! AVOID Trouble! SAY NO TO BULLYING & PEER PRESSURE!

23 It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings. --Ann Landers

24 Questions???

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