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My Favorites By: Heaven Chance.

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1 My Favorites By: Heaven Chance

2 My Favorite Band Blood On The Dance Floor Members: Songs They sing
Dahvie Vanity (David Jesus Torres) Jayy Von Monroe ( Jayy Griffis) Songs They sing Yo Ho! Don’t Want to be like you Believe in me Dahvie Vanity is my role model and the person who inspired Me  This is my favorite band Blood on the Dance Floor. The One with green hair is Dahive and the one in the Back is Jayy. They are not really a rock band they are a electronic band. My favorite song they sing is called Don’t want to be like you, the songs meaning is for all the outcast who get made fun of for being different and you should no change for anyone but your self. The you don’t need to be like anyone else but your self. And Dahive Vanity is my hero, role model and some one who inspired me to be my self and not care what anyone thinks of me. Picture came from Names came from Picture came from

3 Favorite Book Series Heaven Leigh Casteel By V.C Andrews 5 books to the whole Series Same initials as her Her father sells her for cash Her mother dies My mom got my name from these books and she made me read one over the summer and it was really boring in the beginning but then as I kept reading it I got hooked on it on how one girl could go through so much and not break down. Picture came from

4 My Favorite Food Mac and Cheese I eat it all the time I could eat it for the rest of my life if I could My sisters know that I love mac and cheese so sometimes they buy it for me or I get it for my birthday. Picture came from

5 My Favorite TV. Show Adventure Time I like Marceline Jake the Human and Finn the Dog fight evil Has A LOT of princesses I don’t really watch TV. but when I do and it is on I watch this all the time. I think it is really funny and it reminds me of all of me and my friends. Picture came from

6 My Favorite Movie Michael Myers Halloween II breaking out of a mental hospital Phsyco Cereal Killer He likes masks I love Horror Movies I watch these a lot with my mom and youngest sister all the time. Me and a friend went out on Halloween with my family and we saw someone dressed up like Michael Myers and we saw him and fan girl screamed and asked if we could have a hug. He nodded so we ran and my mom had no idea what so going on. We did realize we had no idea who he was and we did see the knife he was holding and we took some pictures. It was the best Halloween ever Picture came from

7 My Favorite Website Youtube 10 hours a day Lush <3 Music videos Vines I don’t really talk to anyone when I home I kinda stay in my room on my laptop on You Tube all the time and I watch a lot of things like Lush Vines and Music Videos. Picture of youtube came from Picture of lush came from

8 My Favorite Place Hot Topic Band Shirts Really Expensive Hair Dye Gauges Pictures came from When I was really young I thought if you go in hot topic you would die I thought it was really scary. But now every time I get a chance I am in there. I go in there with like $150 and spend it there I love buying bracelets and shirts.

9 Favorite Type of Clothing
Skinny Jeans Where them everyday Love colors Rainbow Goes with everything I love skinny jeans I want to get all the colors of the rain bow  but mostly red since it was one of my two favorite colors. Picture came from

10 My Favorite Thing to Do I like to listen to songs like
Fallen Angels by Black Veil Prides King for a Day by Pierce the Veil Don’t Want to be like you by Blood on the Dance Floor Tainted Love by Marilyn Manson Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie I love you 5 by never shout never And Many More I am always listing to music. I never listen to pop, country or anything like that until it gets on Punk goes Pop. I love listing to Heavy Metal and Rock and things like that. And I love going to concerts I am hoping that my mom lets me go to Vans Warped Tour. All my Favorite bands will be playing and a bunch of my friends will be their too. And This is another song I like talking about how you need to be you and not change for anyone Picture came from


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