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"CRIME Investigations" Henk Klein Baltink (RDWD, KNMI)

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Presentation on theme: ""CRIME Investigations" Henk Klein Baltink (RDWD, KNMI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 "CRIME Investigations" Henk Klein Baltink (RDWD, KNMI)

2 and Evaluation in the HARMONIE model
CRIME = Cloud Representation, IMprovement and Evaluation in the HARMONIE model MSO project (KNMI Meerjaren Strategisch Onderzoek) Wim de Rooy, Pier Siebesma (TUD/KNMI), Eric van Meijgaard, Bert van Ulft, Hylke de Vries, Jan Fokke Meirink, Stephan de Roode (TUD), Henk Klein Baltink Objectives: develop an improved cloud parameterization in HARMONIE test and evaluate this on the European scale with MSG and Cloudnet observational products for a period of at least one year. 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

3 Cloudnet observational products
Outline the Cloudnet and ACTRIS projects Cloudnet processing chain preliminary results CRIME for april 2017 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

4 the Cloudnet project (EU FP5 funded, 2001-2005)
Main objective: Continuous evaluation of cloud profiles in operational models using ground-based observations to quantify and improve the model performance Remote Sensing Systems: cloudradar, lidar/ceilometer, and microwave radiometer Derived Parameters: profiles of cloud fraction, liquid and ice water content (overview article: BAMS, A.J. Illingworth et al, June 2007) 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

5 Cloudnet started with 3 stations: Cabauw, Chilbolton and Palaiseau…
… but expanded in time to many more e.g. Lindenberg and ARM sites seven operational weather models were evaluated (including RACMO) In 2011 EUSAAR, Cloudnet and EARLINET joined in the ACTRIS project (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research infraStructure) 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

6 Towards an European Infrastructure:
2001 – 2005: Cloudnet (EU FP5) 2006 – 2010: cloudnet continued on voluntary base (no EU funding) 2010 – 2015: ACTRIS (EU FP7) 2015 – 2019: ACTRIS-2 (EU H2020) 2016: ACTRIS on ESFRI Roadmap 2016 – 2019: ACTRIS-Preparatory Phase Project (EU H2020) 2020 – 2040: ACTRIS ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) Central Facilities: Head Office, Data Centre, Centres of Expertise National Facilities 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

7 Cloudnet observational products
Outline: the Cloudnet and ACTRIS projects Cloudnet processing chain preliminary results CRIME for april 2017 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

8 Cloudnet processing chain – data sources
model output ceilometer µwave radiometer cloudradar 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

9 end user experienced user 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

10 Example Cloudnet classification products for Cabauw
Example classification output Cabauw Target classification Detection status 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

11 Model vs. Observed Clouds, diurnal cycle, 6 months, Chilbolton
Example of model evaluation with Cloudnet data Model vs. Observed Clouds, diurnal cycle, 6 months, Chilbolton (Barrett et al, 2003) 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

12 Cloudnet observational products
Outline: the Cloudnet and ACTRIS projects Cloudnet processing chain preliminary results CRIME for april 2017 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

13 Harmonie operational (cy36) Harmonie cy38
CRIME preliminary results april 2017: Cloud Cover evaluation (CCadv by volume) Harmonie operational (cy36) Harmonie cy38 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

14 CRIME preliminary results april 2017: Cloud Cover evaluation (CCadv by volume)
RACMO Harmonie cy38 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

15 LWC as function of height LWC as function of temperature
CRIME preliminary results april 2017: Liquid Water Content evaluation CY38 LWC as function of height LWC as function of temperature 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

16 Conclusion Cloudnet processing chain is a versatile tool for
evaluation of model performance with respect to clouds (both water & ice) Outlook for CRIME: assess sensitivity of results for - ceilometer selection (LD40 vs. CHM15K) - system calibration (cloudradar, radiometer) - time averaging and processing thresholds process 2 years of archived HARMONIE model data (cy36, cy38) to gain experience with evaluation with Cloudnet processing chain 9-June-2017 CESAR Science Day, KNMI

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