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Presentation on theme: "INITIAL CONFIGURATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 Console Connectivity RJ-45 Connector Console Port Rollover
Cable RJ-45 to DB-9 Converter Computer

3 Console Connectivity Connect a rollover cable to the router console port (RJ-45 connector). Connect the other end of the rollover cable to the RJ-45 to DB-9 converter Attach the female DB-9 converter to a PC Serial Port. Open emulation software on the PC.

4 Emulation Software WINDOWS Start  Programs  Accessories  Communications  HyperTerminal  HyperTerminal. Give the Connection Name & Select Any Icon Select Serial (Com) Port where Router is Connected. In Port Settings  Click on Restore Defaults LINUX # minicom -s

5 Console Connectivity Con 0 E0 LAN /24








13 abc






19 Restricted Rights Legend
System Bootstrap, Version 11.0(10c), SOFTWARE Copyright (c) by cisco Systems 2500 processor with 2048 Kbytes of main memory Notice: NVRAM invalid, possibly due to write erase. F3: at 0x Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California

20 Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS(tm) 2500 Software(C2500-P-L),Version 12.1(24),RELEASE SOFTWARE(fc1 Copyright (c) by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 30-Sep-02 20:43 by srani Image text-base: 0x0302EA54, data-base: 0x Cisco 2500(68030)processor(revision N) with 2048K/2048K bytes of memory Processor board ID , with hardware revision X.25 software, Version Basic Rate ISDN software, Version Ethernet/IEEE interface(s) 2 Serial network interface(s) 1 ISDN Basic Rate interface(s) 32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY) --- System Configuration Dialog --- Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: n

21 Press RETURN to get started
Press RETURN to get started! 00:00:20: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet0, changed state to up 00:00:20: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to down 00:00:20: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial1, changed state to down 00:00:21: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0, changed state to up 00:00:21: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to down 00:00:21: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial1, changed state to down 00:12:43: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Ethernet0, changed state to administratively down 00:12:43: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial0, changed state to administratively down 00:12:43: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial1, changed state to administratively down 00:12:44: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0, changed state to down 00:12:46: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted

22 Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS(tm) 2500 Software(C2500-P-L),Version 12.1(24),RELEASE SOFTWARE(fc1 Copyright (c) by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 30-Sep-02 20:43 by srani Router> User Mode : Commands : ping, telnet, traceroute, enable enable Privileged Mode : Commands : show, copy, write, reload, configure terminal Router# show running-config Building configuration ..... Current configuration: ! version 12.1 no service password-encryption no service udp-small-servers no service tcp-small-servers hostname Router interface Ethernet0 no ip address shutdown --More--

23 Router# show startup-config Router# interface Serial0 no ip address
shutdown ! interface Serial1 no ip classless line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 login end Router# show startup-config % Non-volatile configuration memory has not been set up or bad checksum Router#

24 Router# show flash Router# show version System flash directory:
File Length Name/status /c2500-ipx-ip.bin [ bytes used, available, total] 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY) Router# show version Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-JS-L),Version 12.1(17),RELEASE SOFTWARE Copyright (c) by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 04-Jan-99 17:27 by ashah Image text-base: 0x , data-base: 0x ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.0(10c), SOFTWARE BOOTFLASH: 3000 Bootstrap Software (IGS-BOOT-R), Version 11.0(10c), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) --More--

25 Global Configuration Mode enable password, enable secret
Router uptime is 1 hour, 28 minutes System restarted by power-on System image file is "flash:/c2500-ipx-ip.bin", booted via flash Cisco 2500(68030)processor(revision N) with 2048K/2048K bytes of memo Processor board ID , with hardware revision X.25 software, Version Basic Rate ISDN software, Version Ethernet/IEEE interface(s) 2 Serial network interface(s) 1 ISDN Basic Rate interface(s) 32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY) Configuration register is 0x2102 Router# Global Configuration Mode : Commands : hostname, interface, enable password, enable secret configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# hostname Hyderabad Hyderabad(config)#

26 Hyderabad(config-if)# ip address
interface ethernet 0 Interface Mode : Commands : ip address, no shutdown Hyderabad(config-if)# ip address Hyderabad(config-if)# Configuring Ethernet interface Router(config)# interface ethernet <no.> Router(config-if)# ip address <address><mask> Router(config-if)# no shutdown no shutdown Hyderabad(config-if)# exit Hyderabad(config)# line vty 0 4 Hyderabad(config-line)# login Hyderabad(config-line)# Setting Telnet password Router(config)# line vty 0 4 Router(config-line)# login Router(config-line)# password <password> password zoom Hyderabad(config-line)# exit Hyderabad(config)# line con 0 Hyderabad(config-line)# login Hyderabad(config-line)# Setting the Enable password Router(config)#enable password <password> Router(config)#enable secret <password> Setting Console password Router(config)# line con 0 Router(config-line)# login Router(config-line)# password <password> password ccna Hyderabad(config-line)# exit Hyderabad(config)# line aux 0 Hyderabad(config-line)# login Hyderabad(config-line)# Setting Auxilary password Router(config)# line aux 0 Router(config-line)# login Router(config-line)# password <password> password cisco Hyderabad(config-line)# exit Hyderabad(config)# enable password cisco Hyderabad(config)# enable secret zoom Hyderabad(config)# ^Z

27 Hyderabad# show running-config Building configuration .....
Current configuration: ! version 12.1 no service password-encryption no service udp-small-servers no service tcp-small-servers hostname Hyderabad enable secret 5 $1$60nw$8XzAJ445GBzx1mgYJTUjo1 enable password cisco interface Ethernet0 ip address interface Serial0 no ip address shutdown --More--

28 Hyderabad# show startup-config Hyderabad# interface Serial1
no ip address shutdown ! no ip classless line con 0 login password ccna line aux 0 password cisco line vty 0 4 password zoom end Hyderabad# show startup-config % Non-volatile configuration memory has not been set up or bad checksum Hyderabad#

29 Saving Router Configuration
Hyderabad# copy running-config startup-config Building configuration ..... [OK] Saving Router Configuration Router#copy running-config startup-config Hyderabad# show startup-config Building configuration ..... Current configuration: ! version 12.1 no service password-encryption no service udp-small-servers no service tcp-small-servers hostname Hyderabad enable secret 5 $1$60nw$8XzAJ445GBzx1mgYJTUjo1 enable password cisco interface Ethernet0 ip address --More--

30 Hyderabad# interface Serial0 no ip address shutdown !
no ip classless line con 0 login password ccna line aux 0 password cisco line vty 0 4 password zoom end Hyderabad#

31 Console Connectivity Con 0 E0 LAN /24


33 ================================
Welcome to Hyderabad Router User Access Verification password : **** Hyderabad> enable password : **** Hyderabad#

34 Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. C:\> telnet Connecting ..... ================================ Welcome to Hyderabad Router User Access Verification password : **** Hyderabad> enable password : **** Hyderabad#


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