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Process Automation The Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Process Automation The Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Process Automation The Technology
Stefano Grazioli

2 Critical Thinking Questions on h1 Early impressions
Class, grades, teams?

3 What is Ahead Starting easy / ramping up quickly
Save the tournament date! Easy Meter 

4 Workload by Discipline
Intense! Finance Technology Now Tournament

5 Keep Your Eyes On The Goal!

6 What Is New In Technology?
WINIT What Is New In Technology?

7 “There should be an app for that...”
Part I: process automation

8 Talk the talk A program is a named series of computer instructions.
Computer instructions need to be written in specific computer languages.

9 VB, VBA, and Macros Visual Basic is a programming language
Visual Basic for Applications is an extension of the VB language to work with MS apps. Macros are small VBA programs written in Excel using the built-in editor

10 Demo using the recorder
Creating a VBA macro Demo using the recorder

11 Automation examples Insert boilerplate text. If you need to enter standard text into a range of cells, you can create a macro to do the typing for you. Automate a task that you perform frequently. For example, you may need to prepare a month-end summary. If the task is straightforward, you can develop a macro to do it for you. Create a custom command. For example, you can combine several Excel commands so that they’re executed from a single keystroke or from a single mouse click. Create a simplified “front end” for users who don’t know much about Excel. For example, you can set up a foolproof data-entry template. Develop a new worksheet function. Although Excel includes a wide assortment of built-in functions, you can create custom functions that greatly simplify your formulas. Create complete macro-driven applications. Excel macros can display custom dialog boxes and respond to new commands added to the Ribbon. Source: John Walkenbach, Excel® 2010 Bible

12 Homework #2 Excel macros

13 Suggestions Give yourself plenty of time to do the homework.
or come and see me if you get stuck.

14 VB & VBA vs. SQL General purpose language
Does not work directly with Databases Basic unit of work is the procedure (‘sub’) Can include SQL queries Not general purpose Works with databases Basic unit of work is the query Cannot include VB subs


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