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Evaluating & Improving Self-Esteem

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating & Improving Self-Esteem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating & Improving Self-Esteem
Adapted from: McKay, M. & Fanning, P. Self-Esteem. Oakland, CA.: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.,

2 Step #1: Develop a self-concept inventory.
Make a list of as many words/ phrases as you can think of that describes yourself. Be sure to include the areas of physical appearance how you relate to others personality how you think others see you performance on the job/school mental functioning sexuality

3 Step #2: Determine how you feel about the attributes.
Read over your list. Mark those items you consider your strengths with a “+” Mark those items you consider a weakness with a “-” Those that are neither strengths or weaknesses can be ignored (eg, brown eyes)

4 Step #3: Rewrite the weaknesses.
For each weakness, write a full sentence that accurately describes the word/phrase you’ve identified as a weakness (use the following criteria) The language must be accurate. Put-downs are prohibited. The language must be specific. For each weakness, the sentence must contain either exceptions or corresponding strengths.

5 Step #4: Rewrite the strengths.
For each strength, write a complete sentence describing the strength. Don’t be afraid to “brag,” just be truthful.

6 Step #5: Write a letter to yourself.
Read through your revised list of strength & weakness statements. Now incorporate this information into a letter you write to yourself that highlights your real strengths and acknowledges your weaknesses from a more objective realistic perspective.

7 Does this letter either change or strengthen your view of how you feel about yourself?

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