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Leadership Seminars for Hospitals

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1 Leadership Seminars for Hospitals
Leadership Seminars to Iranian nurses, physicians, and executives of hospitals Leadership Seminars for Hospitals for Hamrah – Germany Medical Care Management Consultant/Trainer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Kohlert Copyright: Kohlert & Company GmbH Status: February 2017 Kohlert & Company GmbH  P.O.Box 1149  D Ostfildern  Tel.: 0711/  Fax: 0711/ Internet: 

2 Table of Contents Contents Page 1. Concept Requirements 3 Topics 4
Schedule Methods Terms Profile of the Trainer 9

3 1. Concept Requirements We conceptualize and realize a leadership seminar for Iranian nurses, physicians, and executives of hospitals. The target groups are: head physicians and physicians head nurses, and nurses executives and managers in the administration According to the composition of the group of participants, the focus during the seminar will be adjusted. The participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and to reflect the contents immediately in the light of their hospital. We believe that a solid seminar has to consider the existing know how of the employees and managers their experiences from the early beginning of the project to ensure immediate implementation.

4 2. Topics Hospital 2025 – Challenges and opportunities Visions, objectives, and strategies – necessary topics for hospitals Market and competition in the health industry – currently and in the future Services – Where to invest? Business Model Canvas to anticipate future developments Role of the head of a medical department in the future Build on our Core Competences for Future Success Core competences of our hospital today Advancement of our core competences within the next ten years Identification of strategic gaps Expectations and challenges in the internal collaboration nurses, physicians, and executives of hospitals – their expectations and what is expected by the other party

5 Job description Development of an implementable Master version of job description for nurses, physicians, and executives of hospitals Responsibilities of the different roles Impact on the leadership development process in the hospital The recruiting challenge Familiarization phase of new appointed nurses and physicians Key questions for appraisal interview Guidelines in the familiarization process of new personnel HR Management in hospitals – a study of Deloitte/Kohlert et al. Employer branding – Be attractive as employer Lessons learned for the hospital in the IR Iran Next steps

6 3. Structure of the Seminar
09:30 – 11:00 Hospital 2025 – challenges and opportunities Coffee break 11:15 – 12:00 Build on our core competences for future success 12:00 – 12:45 Expectations and challenges in the internal collaboration Lunch break 13:30 – 15:00 Job description 15:15 – 16:00 The recruiting challenge 16:00 – 16:30 Lessons learned for the hospital in the IR Iran

7 4. Methods The course is delivered in an interactive seminar style and comprises presentations of the lecturer, joint discussions and experience sharing as well as presentations by the participants.

8 6. Profile of the trainer Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Kohlert
Dr. Helmut Kohlert is Professor of Business Management at Esslingen University, Germany. Dr. Kohlert holds the diploma degree in economics and the doctor’s degree in economic and social sciences. He has been honored with a Dr. h.c. from Kiev National University of Technology and Design, Ukraine. He currently serves as Guest Professor at Amir Kabir University, Tehran/IR Iran and at the Academy of Public Administration of the President of Belarus, Minsk/Belarus. He is offering his services as consultant and trainer to numerous companies and organizations. Together with the worldwide consulting company Deloitte he conducted a nationwide study about the challenges hospitals face in the field of leadership and management. Dr. Kohlert was head of the Esslingen MBA program for nearly a decade, also head of the international Joint Ventures with other foreign universities and companies, such as Festo. He also develops training programs for leadership and management skills for participants with a non-commercial background and consulting projects, e.g. development of a business plan for medical departments, job descriptions for head physicians. Mobil:

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