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Welcome to Terra! Ms. Frances Castañeda-Hidalgo

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Terra! Ms. Frances Castañeda-Hidalgo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Terra! Ms. Frances Castañeda-Hidalgo
TERRA Environmental Research Institute OPEN HOUSE - September 14th, Geometry Mrs. Carrasco Welcome to Terra! 5/7/2018 Ms. Frances Castañeda-Hidalgo Algebra II HONORS/GIFTED Terra Environmental Research Institute Open House: September 27th, 2016

2 “Old EOC” vs “New EOC-FSA”
ALG 1 & GEOM EOC ALG 2 EOC Multiple Choice Gridded Responses Short responses Extended Responses (working out a problem and explaining its solution, kind of a “math essay”) Limited Reference Sheet!!! NO calculators!! (scientific calculators permitted only in one section) Probability & Statistics and Basic Trigonometry Multiple Choice Gridded Responses Calculators allowed for all problems Reference Sheet with many formulas

LEVEL 5 ( approx. 78% – 100% ) LEVEL 4 ( approx. 60% – 77% ) Level 3 ( can go as low as 39%)

Good SCORES on my Alg 1 Basic Skills Test, Arithmetic Skills Quiz and Solving Literal Equation Test, given during the first three weeks of school. A detailed report was sent home with your child and was signed by you ( pink sheet) STRONG ALGEBRA 1 SKILLS ( from 2 years ago…, Alg 1 EOC level 5-4+) Strong critical thinking skills ( Geometry EOC score level 5-4+)

5 If your child performed poorly on the first 3 assessments, then what?
Your child is gifted and even if he/she forgot many of the skills they were taught in Algebra 1, there is hope…. But you must act quickly before he/she falls further behind… If they are willing to work hard, gifted students can bridge the gap faster than non-gifted students… Algebra 1 Basic Skills retake is next week. Oct 4-6 from 2:30-3:30 pm.

6 Assignment Package Grades
If absent from class, they should see my website or call a classmate they trust. Math is a comprehensive and sequential subject, keeping up with the course work is essential. The Algebra 2 pace is insane!!! BONUS: If there are no Z’s in the gradebook (all make-ups were done on time), and all the Assignment Package’s grades are 70% or higher, then they will be allowed to drop the two lowest scores ( 2 quizzes or one 2-grade test) before the final grade is computed. Assignment Package’s Grades will affect EFFORT GRADE All scores from 80% or higher = 1 in effort scores between 60%-100% = 2 in effort At least one score below 60% = 3 in effort

7 Assignment Package Grades (5 assignments @ 20 points each = 100)
Currently working on 3rd Assignment Package Assignments are graded based on being on time, completion, effort, following directions, and checking answers! If they are doing them conscientiously, they should have at least an 80% and nothing less!! Also, the workbook’s answers are on the web, many include the full solution to problems…..

8 MATERIALS Algebra II Textbook: Algebra 2 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
TERRA Environmental Research Institute OPEN HOUSE - September 14th, Geometry Mrs. Carrasco MATERIALS 5/7/2018 See Class Rules and Procedures for a detailed list, this document can be found on my website. Each student was issued two volumes, textbook/workbook, all in one. If they misplace it, they can print a copy online, they can access the textbook/workbook via the student portal. Algebra II Textbook: Algebra 2 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Scientific Calculator

9 Grading Criteria 75 % - In-class individual Assessments (Tests and Quizzes) 25% - Assignments/ small projects

10 Make-up Policy A “Z” will be recorded in my grade book when a student misses a Test/Quiz and it will remain a “Z” until it is made up and graded. This will temporarily affect their average. Assessments (Tests/Quizzes) must be made up afterschool, the “school” day following the absence(s). If the assessment is not made up “on-time” then it becomes the lowest score(s) and this will be the grade(s) they may drop, if they qualify to drop grade(s).

11 Gradebook Upcoming tests/quizzes are announced in class and written in the Assignment Package Page on my website, with a brief description of its content. Quizzes may be unannounced 

12 TERRA Environmental Research Institute OPEN HOUSE - September 14th, 2010 Geometry Mrs. Carrasco
5/7/2018 My classroom style… Extensive class time is spent engaging students in the learning process, through the use of thought provoking questions, investigations and discovery. They are encouraged to actively participate in the “note” taking process. I will not allow them to sit there like a “bump on a log”. Students are encouraged to “investigate, discover, question” mathematics through: hands-on activities using manipulative graphing calculators investigations using GSP or other math software Working out “selected” problems with me or in groups monitored by me.

13 My classroom style… I encourage debate and participation from all, a “correct” response is just as welcome as an “incorrect” one. Both provide a “ great teaching” moment. This helps me clarify a misconception, and help not only the one that responded but all others that were thinking along the same “erroneous” line. These students who actively participate, help me become a better teacher each year.

14 Help Is Available FREE “Homework Help” daily afterschool in my classroom Rm 3327 until 3 pm. Peer tutoring Mu Alpha Theta (Monday and Wednesday 2:20-3:20pm, Media Center) Dial-A-Teacher Online websites

15 Thank you for coming to our Open House!
TERRA Environmental Research Institute OPEN HOUSE - September 14th, Geometry Mrs. Carrasco 5/7/2018 Together we can help your child reach his/her full potential, is going to be a great year! Thank you for coming to our Open House!

16 Final Notes My e-mail:
TERRA Environmental Research Institute OPEN HOUSE - September 14th, Geometry Mrs. Carrasco 5/7/2018 Final Notes My Please include your child’s name, and Period in your s. My Web-site: Terra Website, staff directory and click below my picture. End of 1st grading period: October 27th, 2014.

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