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Magna Carta.

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1 Magna Carta

2 During the Middle Ages, kings and popes battled for power
During the Middle Ages, kings and popes battled for power. Often times, the pope won by excommunicating the king! However, after the Crusades, kings became the main authority again in their kingdoms. Gradually, their kingdoms began to be real nations, communities that share a government, language, and culture.

3 Which 2 groups were involved
Notes Set Up Cause Which 2 groups were involved What was the outcome? Effect(s)

4 What do you notice in each picture?

5 Feudalism in England (initiated by William the Conqueror) weakened the power of nobles and strengthened the power of the monarchy. Over time, the nobles rejected this growing monarchial power, eventually rebelling against the King.

6 The Magna Carta On June 15, 1215, about 2,000 English nobles gathered at Runnymeade to meet with King John. The king had not called for this meeting- he had been forced to attend!

7 The Magna Carta When John had become king in 1199, he taxed people heavily. He jailed enemies unjustly and without trial. He seized Church property (which got him excommunicated)… The character of King John can be seen as the villain in the infamous stories and movies of Robin Hood.

8 The nobles and clergy presented their demands to King John .
There he put his royal mark on their document, which was called the Magna Carta, or “Great Charter.” Once his mark was on the paper, it became law. The Magna Carta limited the king’s power. He could no longer jail people without cause, nor raise taxes without their agreement. This document paved the way for Parliament and the Constitution in England, trial by jury , and eventually our Declaration of Independence…

9 The nobles and clergy presented their demands to King John .
There he put his royal mark on their document, which was called the Magna Carta, or “Great Charter.” Once his mark was on the paper, it became law. The Magna Carta limited the king’s power. He could no longer jail people without cause, nor raise taxes without their agreement. This document paved the way for Parliament and the Constitution in England, trial by jury , and eventually our Declaration of Independence…

10 The Magna Carta weakened feudalism
The Magna Carta weakened feudalism. The rebellious actions of the nobles led the way for limiting government . The continued legislative/executive conflict over the centuries expanded representative government and individual rights. These rights, originally granted to the nobility, were eventually extended to the common people as well.


12 Monarchs abusing power Kings power was limited
Notes Set Up Monarchs abusing power Nobles King John Kings power was limited Couldn’t jail w/o cause Couldn’t tax w/o nobles permission Weakened feudalism Developed 1st legislative body in Europe/world

13 The Effects of the Magna Carta Who did the charter help?
Church Lords Knights Peasants The King must not interfere with the church. When a lord inherits land he should pay the king no more than $100 The king cannot collect new taxes unless the barons and bishops agree No freeman can be put in prison without a proper trial with a jury The king’s men must not take anyone’s goods without paying for them. Justice will be given without delays or bribes Traders must be able to travel freely without having to pay tolls.

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