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Unit #2 EAST ASIA Lesson #4 Early Japanese History

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1 Unit #2 EAST ASIA Lesson #4 Early Japanese History

2 THE EMPEROR OF JAPAN click Shinto Amaterasu

3 Shinto Kami are formless spirits (in the forces of nature)
What is a Kami? What is the purpose of the “tori” (the gate)? Kami are formless spirits (in the forces of nature) Separates sacred space from everyday space

established way after the Chinese (~500AD) Emperor was considered a God

5 The first Samurai The emperor’s army was led by knights
The knights were called Samurai. Highest ranking Samurai were called Daimyo The Daimyo were led by the Shogun. The shogun had all military power (nobility) (but he would want the emperor’s power, too) … and by the 1400s, he took it…

6 Medieval Japan Top Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants Bottom
___________ supreme military leader _________ powerful, land-owning landlord ____________ professional warriors ____________low, non-ruling class Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants Bottom

7 Shogunate Powerful Daimyo and the Shogun seized all power from the emperor The Emperor was still a god, but… …All power was now in the hands of the military … run by the Shogun. So, society would be completely controlled by the samurai Japan became a military state… OBEDIENCE WAS MANDATORY

8 Tokugawa Shogunate By 1400s, Japanese Daimyo Closed all trade & travel with the Western World Led to… _______________ Isolationism

9 Japanese isolation For 400 years, Japan existed with NO contact with outside world. 1500s – European ships got bigger Japan remained the same 1600s – European cannon got stronger 1700s – European technology advanced 1800s – Europeans had become modern.

10 JAPAN MODERNIZED in mid-1800s to become a WORLD POWER

11 Japan Changed Direction During the Meiji Era: 1868 - 1912
Commodore Matthew Perry United States modernized like Europe Started trading with China Saw Japan as a good place to “refuel” on way to China USA convinced Japan to open up for trade.

12 The Treaty of Kanagawa - 1854
What Did the U. S. Want?? Fueling stations. More trading partners. A haven for ship-wrecked sailors. The Treaty of Kanagawa

13 Japan Learns a Lesson! In 1862, just before the start of the Meiji period, Tokugawa sent officials and scholars to China to study the situation there. A Japanese recorded in his diary from Shanghai… The Chinese have become servants to the foreigners. Sovereignty may belong to China but in fact it's no more than a colony of Great Britain and France.

14 China’s “Unequal Treaties”
After the Opium War of , Japan was convinced that it had to Open Up to the West.

15 The Emperor was “Restored” to Power MEIJI  “Enlightened Rule”
Japan then tried to become “like” the West They dressed like Americans They modernized their military

16 Time to think… Why would Japan change so quickly?
How is this reflective of the modern Japan of today?

17 Newspaper Cartoon, 1870s? Enlightened Half-Enlightened Un-Enlightened

18 Modernization by “Selective Borrowing”
Popular board game. Start by leaving Japan & studying in various Western capitals. End by returning to Japan and becoming a prominent government official.

19 European Goods Europe began to “loom large” in the thinking of many Japanese. New slogan: Japanese Spirit; Western Technology!

20 The Japanese Became Obsessed with Western Styles
Civilization and Enlightenment!

21 Everything Western Was Fashionable!

22 Everything Western Was Fashionable!
Japanese soldiers with their wives.

23 The Rulers Set the Tone with Western Dress
Emperor Meiji Empress Haruko ( )

24 Changing Women’s Fashions The First “Miss Japan” (1908)
1900 Styles

25 By the end of the 1800s JAPAN HAD MODERNIZED and had become a WORLD POWER Proof: wars they fought and won

26 Sino-Japanese War: 1894-1895 Japan went to war against Chinese
– the regional Asian power Japan won! This proved that Japan had surpassed all Asian nations

27 Soldiers on the Battlefield During the Sino-Japanese War
The Treaty of Shimonoseki ended the war.

28 Still today—Tensions Between China & Japan
Offshore gas field in the East China Sea reveals recently strained relations between China & Japan. Tension over disputed gas field on the rise, exacerbating mutual mistrust dating back to the Sino-Japanese War. EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone.

29 The Russo-Japanese War: 1904-1905
Japan went to war against Russia – the regional European power Japan won! This proved that Japan had become one of the most powerful nations in the world!

30 President Teddy Roosevelt Mediates the Peace
The Treaty of Portsmouth, NH ended the Russo-Japanese War.

31 What happened in Japan after mid-1800s?

32 By the early 1900s JAPAN STARTED TAKING OVER OTHER NATIONS in the Pacific ring

33 And, Japanese Power Would Grow . . .

34 Japan Annexed Korea

35 Japan Is a Player in China

36 Competition from Another “Pacific” Power Is on the Horizon
Where will USA and Japan be in conflict?

37 The U. S. “Great White Fleet”

38 Japan invaded China 1937 USA demanded Japan stop expanding influence
Japan hungry for more control in region USA refused to allow Japan to expand Japan demanded USA back off Japan needed more cheap resources Japan invaded China USA cut off trade

39 PEARL HARBOR Japan feared USA would get serious
USA had huge fleet at Pearl Harbor Japan needed to neutralize USA Goal: eliminate American fleet, while continuing to expand Plan: attack and destroy American fleet at Pearl Harbor

40 Why did Japan want to eliminate the US fleet in 1941?

41 They attacked We responded Four years later: we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan


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