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Growth (physiology) parameter

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1 Growth (physiology) parameter
Growing Media Optimization for High Biomass and Growth of Ficus deltoidea var. trengganuensis  Siti Sabariah Ahmad1, Abd Jamil Zakaria2 and Nashriyah Mat1 Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Besut Campus, Terengganu AGROPOLIS, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Besut Campus, Tembila, Terengganu2 Fig 1: Effect of media composition on the number of plant leaves, plant height (cm ) and stem diameter (mm) . Graphs indicate mean of total number (n=84) for every month within 5 month of experiment. A) Graph of mean of leaves number versus period. Media 6 and media 4 shown significantly different of leaves number compared to other treatments with total average different is 166 pieces of leaves. B) Graph of mean of leaves number versus period. Media 6 shows the highest result of plant height. C) Graph of mean of stem diameter versus month of experiment. The highest mean of stem diameter shown by media 2 and media 6. (M1= cocopeat, M2= cocopeat-rice husk, M3= cocopeat-sand, M4= cocopeatmineral soil, M5= cocopeat-BRIS soil, M6= cocopeat-POME, M7= cocopeat-organic matter *Cocopeat has been commonly applied as substitute media for epiphytic shrub and other plants. Plant grown in cocopeat showed slow growth rate due to the imbalance elements in the cocopeat itself. Cocopeat-rice husk and cocopeat-POME showed the highest effect for plant growth and biomass. Rice-husk or commoly known as bio-char contain high percent of carbon which is important as balancing component in N immobolization by microorganisms optimize plant growth. Palm Oil Mill Sludge Cake (POME) is a by- product of oil palm industry which contains ABSTRACT Ficus deltoidea is getting research attention for its natural herbs product. Ficus deltoidea is commonly found as an epiphytic shrub and yet it can survive well as terrestrial plant on BRIS and alluvial soil with high organic matter. For big scale production, farmers cultivated this plant in the field but after a few harvesting season it faced problems of damage by root nematode infestation. Thus, for getting quality and high biomass yield, this research was carried out by planting in container containing nematode free materials. A few types of locally available material includes coco peat, palm oil mill sludge cake (POMSC), rice husk biochar, sand and mineral soil were used either singly or in combination for the media modification. Seven treatments were tested; cocopeat as a main component, cocopeat-biochar, cocopeat-POMSC, cocopeat-mineral soil, cocopeat-BRIS soil and cocopeat-sand all in the ratios of 2:1(v/v). Biomass and growth parameter were measured every four weeks. After five months of transplanting, the height and leaves number of plants grown in cocopeat-biochar and cocopeat-POMSC were highly significant compared to other treatments with an average of 550 pieces per plant (economical yield) and 65cm, respectively. Moreover, cocopeat-POMSC showed highest chlorophyll content followed by cocopeat-biochar and and cocopeat. The media moisture content results were highly significant for cocopeat, biochar, mineral soil and POMSC mixture compared to others. The results suggest that the composite media of cocopeat-biochar and cocopeat-POMSC have high capability of producing high biomass yield and growth for commercial production of F. deltoidea var. trengganuensis. INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE Ficus deltoidea or locally known as Mas Cotek has been used in postpartum treatment, hypertension and diabetes. Seven varieties of F. deltoidea were recorded throughout Peninsular Malaysia (var. deltoidea, var. angustifolia, var. bilobata, var. kuntsleri, var. motleyana, var. trengganuensis and var. intermedia), and var. trengganuensis was found surviving well as terrestrial shrubs as well as ephiphytes on trees in the East Cost of Peninsular Malaysia . As a valuable resource of traditional medicine, F. deltoidea is heavily collected without control from the natural habitat with possible extinction if not propagated for future generations. For commercial production, optimization of standard cultivation (growing medium requirement) is one of abiotic factors that should be discovered for getting high economical yield in the field. To evaluate effects of different planting media on biomass and plant growth of F. deltiodea var. trengganuensis for optimizing yield production RESULTS Fig 1: Effects of media composition on the number of plant leaves, plant height and stem diameter. Graphs indicate mean of total number (n=84) for plant growth within 5 months. A) Graph shows mean of leaves number versus PAT. Media 6 and media 4 show significantly different leaves number compared to other treatments with total average different of 166 pieces of leaves. B) Graph shows mean of plant height versus PAT. Media 6 showed the highest result of plant height. C) Graph shows mean of stem diameter versus PAT. The highest mean of stem diameter was shown by media 2 and media 6. * M1= cocopeat, M2= cocopeat-biochar, M3= cocopeat-sand, M4= cocopeat-mineral soil, M5= cocopeat-BRIS soil, M6= cocopeat-POMSC, M7= cocopeat-organic matter * PAT (plant’s age after transplant) Fig 1: Effects of media composition on physiological changes in plant development. Graphs indicate mean of total number (n=84) for plant growth within 5 months. A) Graph shows mean of photosynthesis rate versus PAT. B) Graph shows mean of plant height versus PAT. * M1= cocopeat, M2= cocopeat-biochar, M3= cocopeat-sand, M4= cocopeat-mineral soil, M5= cocopeat-BRIS soil, M6= cocopeat-POMSC, M7= cocopeat-organic matter A B C Furthermore, cocopeat, bio-char and POMSC are significant and cost-effective alternative media and inorganic fertilizers as well as being environmentally safe Biochar is effective in significantly enhancing organic matter, high in cation exchange capacity (CEC), and nutrient retention. on a relatively short timescale. Moreover, it contains high carbon content which is important as balancing component in N immobolization by microorganisms for optimizing plant growth. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sampling plant material from in-situ area Propagation by cuttings (closed-capillary technique) Asai, H., Samson, B. K., Stephan, H. M., Songyikhangsuthor, K., Homma, K., Kiyono, Y.,Inoue, Y., Shiraiwa, T., and Horie, T Biochar amendment techniques for upland rice production in northern Laos. Field Crops Research 111:81-84. Plant hardening period Data collections (every 4 weeks) Agronomic parameter A) Plant height B) Leaves number C) Stem diameter Growth (physiology) parameter D) Chlorophyll content E) Photosynthesis rate Data Analysis (one way ANOVA) Posthoc Tukey Test M1 A B M2 1. M3 M5 M7 M6 M4 SELECTED REFERENCES Media treatments were applied after 4 weeks of hardening SUMMARY FINDINGS Results show the composite media of cocopeat-biochar and cocopeat-POME performed the highest effect for plant growth and biomass than other treatments. During plant development, the photosynthethic rate in cocopeat-biochar and cocopeat-POMSC was significant on the matured stage before harvesting and was parallel to the chlorophyll content in the leaves. Plant grown in cocopeat showed slowgrowth rate due to the imbalance of elements in the cocopeat itself. Cocopeat-biochar and cocopeat-POMSC showed the highest effect for plant growth and biomass. Cocopeat has been commonly used as alternative component in growing media as it’s characteristic; light media and high water holding capacity is important for containerized planting media. Biochar contains high carbon content which is important as balancing component in N immobilization by microorganisms for optimizing plant growth and nutrient retention. Palm Oil Mill Sludge Cake (POMSC) is a by- product of oil palm industry which contains high nutritional value, improved media structure and moisture conservation. Composite media of cocopeat-biochar and cocopeat-POMSC were two suitable media for enhancing growth of Ficus deltoidea var. trengganuensis. CONCLUSION The results suggest that the composite media of cocopeat-biochar and cocopeat-POMSC have high capability of producing high biomass yield and growth for commercial production of Ficus deltoidea. var. trengganuensis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project was supported by the Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry, and AGROPOLIS, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Tembila Campus, Besut. Table 1. Physical properties of media treatments MEDIA COMPOSITE ( 2:1 v/v) SOIL MOISTURE (%) pH EC M1 Coco peat 85.77 M2 Cocopeat-Bio char 80.64 M3 Cocopeat-Sand 26.43 M4 Cocopeat-Mineralsoil 41.27 M5 Cocopeat-BRIS soil 25.98 M6 Cocopeat-POME 60.51 M7 Cocopeat-Organic matter 26.03 D)

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