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Reading Strategy Notes

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1 Reading Strategy Notes
January 19, 2009 Notes Section of R/W Notebook

2 Inference Making an educated guess or prediction about an element of a story based on information in the story Making a guess or prediction about a character or person in a piece of literature based on the character’s actions or feelings Information not plainly stated in the story

3 Synonyms for Inference
Draw a conclusion Make a generalization Infer Predict

4 Inference Practice Read Wilfrid Gordan McDonald Partridge
--story to be read in class 1/20/09

5 Inference Practice 1. Make an inference to explain how we know Wilfred trusts Ms. Nancy. 2. Make a generalization about what Mrs. Jordan means by saying a memory is “something warm”. 3. After reading the story, draw a conclusion about Wilfred’s personality.

6 Main Idea Main Idea - What the story, paragraph, or group of paragraphs is mostly about. Table top Details - support the main idea - Legs of the table

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